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AST Meta-Programming Writing a Swift tool using AST

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Agenda • What's AST? • Tools using AST • Kind of Swift AST • Let's write a tool yourself

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What's AST? • Abstract Syntax Tree • Semantic structures form a hierarchical tree • Internal representation of a source code for compiler • Handling source code programmatically FunctionDecl func greet ( person : String ) FunctionSignature FunctionParameterList

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Handling source code programmatically • Code Analysis

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor • Lint/Format

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor • Lint/Format SwiftLint

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor • Lint/Format SwiftLint • Code generation

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor • Lint/Format SwiftLint • Code generation Sourcery

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Tools using AST • Code Analysis Taylor • Lint/Format SwiftLint • Code generation Sourcery DIKit

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Tools using SourceKit's AST • SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions. • Jazzy Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C • Sourcery Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code. • DIKit A statically typed dependency injector for Swift. • Taylor Measure Swift code metrics and get reports in Xcode, Jenkins and other CI platforms.

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Various Swift's AST • SourceKit • swiftc -dump-parse • swiftc -dump-ast • swiftc -emit-syntax • (swiftc -print-ast)

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SourceKit 1 [ 2 { 3 "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.keyword", 4 "offset" : 0, 5 "length" : 4 6 }, 7 { 8 "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.identifier", 9 "offset" : 5, 10 "length" : 5 11 }, 12 { 13 "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.identifier", 14 "offset" : 11, 15 "length" : 6 16 }, 17 { 18 "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.typeidentifier", 19 "offset" : 19, 20 "length" : 6 21 }, 22 ... ... 62 ] 1 func greet(person: String) -> String { 2 let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" 3 return greeting 4 }

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SourceKitten An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.

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swiftc -dump-parse 1 func greet(person: String) -> String { 2 let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" 3 return greeting 4 } (source_file (func_decl "greet(person:)" (parameter_list (parameter "person" apiName=person)) (result (type_ident (component id='String' bind=none))) (brace_stmt (pattern_binding_decl (pattern_named 'greeting') (sequence_expr type='' (string_literal_expr type='' encoding=utf8 value (unresolved_decl_ref_expr type='' name=+ functio (declref_expr type='' decl=test.(file).greet(per (unresolved_decl_ref_expr type='' name=+ functio (string_literal_expr type='' encoding=utf8 value (var_decl "greeting" type='' let storage_kind=s (return_stmt (declref_expr type='' decl=test.(file).greet(perso

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swiftc -dump-ast 1 func greet(person: String) -> String { 2 let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" 3 return greeting 4 } (source_file (func_decl "greet(person:)" interface type='(String) -> String' a (parameter_list (parameter "person" apiName=person type='String' interface ty (result (type_ident (component id='String' bind=Swift.(file).String))) (brace_stmt (pattern_binding_decl (pattern_named type='String' 'greeting') (binary_expr type='String' location=test.swift:2:39 range=[ (dot_syntax_call_expr implicit type='(String, String) -> (declref_expr type='(String.Type) -> (String, String) - (type_expr implicit type='String.Type' location=test.sw (tuple_expr implicit type='(String, String)' location=tes (binary_expr type='String' location=test.swift:2:30 ran (dot_syntax_call_expr implicit type='(String, String) (declref_expr type='(String.Type) -> (String, Strin (type_expr implicit type='String.Type' location=tes (tuple_expr implicit type='(String, String)' location (string_literal_expr type='String' location=test.sw (declref_expr type='String' location=test.swift:2:3 (string_literal_expr type='String' location=test.swift: (var_decl "greeting" type='String' interface type='String' ac (return_stmt (declref_expr type='String' location=test.swift:3:12 range=

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swiftc -emit-syntax 1 func greet(person: String) -> String { 2 let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" 3 return greeting 4 } 7 { "kind": "FunctionDecl", 8 "layout": [ 9 null, 10 null, 11 { "tokenKind": { 12 "kind": "kw_func" 13 }, 14 "leadingTrivia": [], 15 "trailingTrivia": [ 16 { "kind": "Space", 17 "value": 1 18 } 19 ], 20 "presence": "Present" 21 }, 22 { "tokenKind": { 23 "kind": "identifier", 24 "text": "greet" 25 }, 26 "leadingTrivia": [], 27 "trailingTrivia": [], 28 "presence": "Present" 29 }, 30 null, 31 { "kind": "FunctionSignature", 32 "layout": [ 33 { "kind": "ParameterClause", 34 "layout": [ 35 { "tokenKind": { 36 "kind": "l_paren" 37 }, 38 "leadingTrivia": [], 39 "trailingTrivia": [], 40 "presence": "Present" 41 }, 42 { "kind": "FunctionParameterList",

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SwiftSyntax • Swift wrapper of libSyntax • Parses libSyntax's AST • Offers AST builder API 8 import Foundation 9 import SwiftSyntax 10 11 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { 12 var tokens = [Token]() 13 private var line = [Token]() 14 private var contexts = [Context]() 15 16 override func visit(_ node: ImportDeclSy 17 processNode(node) 18 } 19 20 override func visit(_ node: ClassDeclSyn 21 processNode(node) 22 } 23 24 override func visit(_ node: StructDeclSy 25 processNode(node)

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Comparison Tables Tool Difficulty Type check Source mapping SourceKit SourceKitten Easy No Partial -emit-syntax SwiftSyntax Medium No Loss-less -dump-ast - Hard Yes Partial

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Practice makes perfect Let's write a tool

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Convert Swift Source code to HTML 1 func greet(person: String) -> String { 2 let greeting = "Hello, " + person + "!" 3 return greeting 4 } 1 2 ... 10 11
func  15      16 } 17
19 20 21

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Convert Swift Source code to HTML Swift 4.1 1 import SwiftSyntax 2 3 var html = "" 4 5 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { 6 override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) { 7 let kind = "\(token.tokenKind)" 8 html += "" + token.text + "" 9 } 10 } 11 12 let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: CommandLine.arguments[0]) 13 14 let sourceFile = try! SourceFileSyntax.parse(filePath) 15 let visitor = TokenVisitor() 16 visitor.visit(sourceFile) 17 18 print("\(html)")

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1 import SwiftSyntax 2 3 var html = "" 4 5 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { 6 override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) { 7 let kind = "\(token.tokenKind)" 8 html += "" + token.text + "" 9 } 10 } 11 12 let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: CommandLine.arguments[0]) 13 14 let sourceFile = try! SourceFileSyntax.parse(filePath) 15 let visitor = TokenVisitor() 16 visitor.visit(sourceFile) 17 18 print("\(html)") 19 Convert Swift Source code to HTML

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1 import SwiftSyntax 2 3 var html = "" 4 5 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { 6 override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) { 7 let kind = "\(token.tokenKind)" 8 html += "" + token.text + "" 9 } 10 } 11 12 let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: CommandLine.arguments[0]) 13 14 let sourceFile = try! SourceFileSyntax.parse(filePath) 15 let visitor = TokenVisitor() 16 visitor.visit(sourceFile) 17 18 print("\(html)") 19 Convert Swift Source code to HTML

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1 2 3 4 func 5 greet 6 ( 7 person 8 : 9 String 10 ) 11 -> 12 String 13 { 14 let 15 greeting 16 = 17 "Hello, " 18 + 19 person 20 + 21 "!" 22 return 23 greeting 24 } 25 26 27

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1 2 3 4 5 func 6 greet 7 ( 8 person 9 : 10 String 11 ) 12 -> 13 String 14 { 15 let 16 greeting 17 = 18 "Hello, " 19 + 20 person 21 + 22 "!" 23 return 24 greeting 25 } 26 27 28

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5 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { ... 7 var types = [ImportDeclSyntax.self, StructDeclSyntax.self, ClassDeclSyntax.self, UnknownDeclSyntax.self 8 IfStmtSyntax.self, SwitchStmtSyntax.self, ForInStmtSyntax.self, WhileStmtSyntax.self, Repe 9 DoStmtSyntax.self, CatchClauseSyntax.self, FunctionCallExprSyntax.self] as [Any.Type] 10 11 override func visitPre(_ node: Syntax) { 12 for t in types { 13 if type(of: node) == t { 14 list.append("
") 15 } 16 } 17 } 18 19 override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) { ... ... 27 } 28 29 override func visitPost(_ node: Syntax) { 30 for t in types { 31 if type(of: node) == t { 32 list.append("
") 33 } 34 } 35 } 36

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5 class TokenVisitor : SyntaxVisitor { ... 7 var types = [ImportDeclSyntax.self, StructDeclSyntax.self, ClassDeclSyntax.self, UnknownDeclSyntax.self 8 IfStmtSyntax.self, SwitchStmtSyntax.self, ForInStmtSyntax.self, WhileStmtSyntax.self, Repe 9 DoStmtSyntax.self, CatchClauseSyntax.self, FunctionCallExprSyntax.self] as [Any.Type] 10 11 override func visitPre(_ node: Syntax) { 12 for t in types { 13 if type(of: node) == t { 14 list.append("
") 15 } 16 } 17 } 18 19 override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) { ... ... 27 } 28 29 override func visitPost(_ node: Syntax) { 30 for t in types { 31 if type(of: node) == t { 32 list.append("
") 33 } 34 } 35 } 36

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Swift AST Explorer

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Aspect Oriented Programming in Swift • Aspect Oriented Programming in Swift ‣ Insert logging or tracking code automatically 9 import UIKit 10 import PDFKit 11 12 class BookmarkViewController: ... ... 34 35 override func viewDidLoad( 36 super.viewDidLoad() ... ... 46 } 47 48 override func viewWillAppe super.viewWillAppear(a ... ... 49 50 } print(#function) print(#function)

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Hook method invocation ... 23 class FunctionVisitor : SyntaxRewriter { 24 override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockSyntax) -> Syntax { 25 if let parent = node.parent as? FunctionDeclSyntax { 26 let signature = "\(parent.identifier)\(parent.signature)" 27 let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^view.+", options: []) 28 if let _ = regex.firstMatch(in: signature, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 29 var node = node 30 for item in adviceVisitor.items.reversed() { 31 node = node.withStatements(node.statements.inserting(item, at: 0)) 32 } 33 return node 34 } 35 } 36 return node 37 } 38 } ...

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Hook method invocation ... 23 class FunctionVisitor : SyntaxRewriter { 24 override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockSyntax) -> Syntax { 25 if let parent = node.parent as? FunctionDeclSyntax { 26 let signature = "\(parent.identifier)\(parent.signature)" 27 let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^view.+", options: []) 28 if let _ = regex.firstMatch(in: signature, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 29 var node = node 30 for item in adviceVisitor.items.reversed() { 31 node = node.withStatements(node.statements.inserting(item, at: 0)) 32 } 33 return node 34 } 35 } 36 return node 37 } 38 } ...

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Hook method invocation ... 23 class FunctionVisitor : SyntaxRewriter { 24 override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockSyntax) -> Syntax { 25 if let parent = node.parent as? FunctionDeclSyntax { 26 let signature = "\(parent.identifier)\(parent.signature)" 27 let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^view.+", options: []) 28 if let _ = regex.firstMatch(in: signature, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 29 var node = node 30 for item in adviceVisitor.items.reversed() { 31 node = node.withStatements(node.statements.inserting(item, at: 0)) 32 } 33 return node 34 } 35 } 36 return node 37 } 38 } ...

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Hook method invocation ... 23 class FunctionVisitor : SyntaxRewriter { 24 override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockSyntax) -> Syntax { 25 if let parent = node.parent as? FunctionDeclSyntax { 26 let signature = "\(parent.identifier)\(parent.signature)" 27 let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^view.+", options: []) 28 if let _ = regex.firstMatch(in: signature, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 29 var node = node 30 for item in adviceVisitor.items.reversed() { 31 node = node.withStatements(node.statements.inserting(item, at: 0)) 32 } 33 return node 34 } 35 } 36 return node 37 } 38 } ...

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Hook method invocation ... 23 class FunctionVisitor : SyntaxRewriter { 24 override func visit(_ node: CodeBlockSyntax) -> Syntax { 25 if let parent = node.parent as? FunctionDeclSyntax { 26 let signature = "\(parent.identifier)\(parent.signature)" 27 let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^view.+", options: []) 28 if let _ = regex.firstMatch(in: signature, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 29 var node = node 30 for item in adviceVisitor.items.reversed() { 31 node = node.withStatements(node.statements.inserting(item, at: 0)) 32 } 33 return node 34 } 35 } 36 return node 37 } 38 } ...

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Intercept build process Parser TypeChecker IRGen AST SIL IR Source

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My Tool Intercept build process SILGen IRGen AST SIL IR Parser Source AST

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My Tool Intercept build process SILGen IRGen SIL IR Parser Source AST

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Demo $ ./swiftaop --pattern "^view.+" --advice advice.swift -Xxcodebuild -target BookReader \ -sdk iphonesimulator build

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SwiftPowerAssert Provide describe assertion message

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SwiftPowerAssert XCTAssert(bar.val == | | | | | | | 3 | | | 2 | | | Foo(val: 2) | | Bar(foo: main.Foo(val: 2), val: 3) | false Bar(foo: main.Foo(val: 2), val: 3)

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... 12 class Tests: XCTestCase { 13 func testMethod() { 14 let bar = Bar(foo: Foo(val: 2), val: 3) 15 __ValueRecorder(assertion: "XCTAssert(bar.val ==") .assertBoolean(bar.val ==, op: ==) .record(expression: bar, column: 11).record(expression: bar.val, column: 15) .record(expression: (bar.val == as (Bool), column: 19) .record(expression: bar, column: 22).record(expression:, column: 26) .record(expression:, column: 30).render() 18 } 19 } 1 class Tests: XCTestCase { 2 func testMethod() { 3 let bar = Bar(foo: Foo(val: 2), val: 3) 4 XCTAssert(bar.val == 5 } 6 }

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SwiftPowerAssert Playground

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swiftfmt Code formatter for Swift

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Swiftfmt Playground

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Wrap up • With AST, we can write code using source code information. • Meta-programming with AST can eliminate boilerplate code and give dynamic behaviors to Swift. • Swift has several kinds of AST. • Some ASTs can be used easily with tools like SourceKitten and SwiftSyntax.

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Resources • Improving Swift Tools with libSyntax by Harlan Haskins • SourceKit and You by JP Simard

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Resources • SwiftPowerAssert • Swiftfmt • Swift AST Explorer