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Notes CAPTION: National Security Council Meeting, June 1951
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Dialog TRUMAN: So what have we got?
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Dialog GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY: It's a mine field, Mr. President,
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Dialog GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY: plain and simple.
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Dialog GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY: For Iran, for Britain, possibly for the whole free world.
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Dialog TRUMAN: McGhee?
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Dialog MCGHEE: Agreed.
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Dialog MCGHEE: The Iranians want the heads of all Brits.
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Dialog MCGHEE: The Iranians want the heads of all Brits.
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Dialog MCGHEE (OS): And anyone perceived as a friend of the Brits.
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Dialog MCGHEE (OS): Including us.
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Dialog MCGHEE: Grady in Tehran calls the situation, and I quote
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Dialog MCGHEE: "most explosive."
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Dialog TRUMAN: And Britain?
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Dialog ACHESON: They're seriously poised to invade.
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Dialog ACHESON: That oil company is their country's single biggest income source.
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Dialog ACHESON: Lose it and their whole economy starts teetering.
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Dialog ACHESON: They'll stop at nothing to get it back.
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Dialog TRUMAN: We've got to jump in now
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Dialog TRUMAN: or it's all going to explode.
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Dialog MCGHEE: Beg pardon, Mr. President,
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Dialog MCGHEE: jump in and do what?
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Dialog MCGHEE: If we tell Britain to back off, we'll just get into a fight with them.
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: Which, if it spirals out of control,
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: could split the whole Western Alliance.
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Dialog TRUMAN: Leaving the Soviets unopposed in Europe.
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY (OS): Exactly, sir.
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Dialog TRUMAN: Hoo boy.
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Dialog TRUMAN: And if we were to just let Britain invade? Then what?
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Dialog BRADLEY: Among other things, the Soviets would be highly motivated to step in on Iran's side.
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Dialog ACHESON: The Soviets vs. the West. God knows how many countries would get sucked into that fight.
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Dialog GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY: World War Thr--
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Dialog ACHESON: Tst! Omar, let's not--
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Dialog TRUMAN (OS): The point is
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Dialog TRUMAN: we're screwed no matter which we do.
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Dialog ACHESON: I see one slim option, sir
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Dialog ACHESON: -- very slim.
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Dialog ACHESON (CONT'D) First,: we press Britain to stand down just for now.
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Dialog ACHESON: Draft a letter to Atlee personally.
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Dialog ACHESON: Hope to God we can stall him.
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Dialog TRUMAN: And?
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Dialog ACHESON: Then we work quickly:
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Dialog ACHESON: pry open even a small window for dialogue.
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Dialog ACHESON: We then step up as mediators and hammer out a deal for everyone.
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Dialog MCGHEE (OS): A window for dialogue?
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Dialog MCGHEE: Meaning get Mossadegh to agree to
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Dialog MCGHEE: talk to the Fraser gang?
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Dialog ACHESON: Yes.
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: Are you dreaming, Dean?
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: Even if we could get a diplomat safely into Tehran right now --
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: which is doubtful --
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Dialog GENERAL BRADLEY: who in the world's good enough to cajole Mossadegh into that?
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Dialog ACHESON: Harriman.
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Dialog TRUMAN: Harriman.
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Dialog NARRATOR: W. Averill Harriman.
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Dialog NARRATOR: Yale Skull and Bones,
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Dialog NARRATOR: racer of Thoroughbreds,
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Dialog NARRATOR: director of the Marshall Plan in Europe --
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Dialog NARRATOR: Called "infallible" in diplomatic circles,
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Dialog NARRATOR: Harriman could talk the talons off a hawk
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Dialog NARRATOR: without disturbing a feather.