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Angular Revisited Tree-shakable Components and Optional NgModules

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I think NgModule is something that if we didn’t have to, we wouldn’t introduce. Back in the day, there was a real need for it. With Ivy and other changes to Angular over the years, we are working towards making those optional. — Igor Minar at AngularConnect 2018

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The way NgModule works tends to be confusing to new Angular developers. Even if we weren’t to rip it out completely, we would change how it works and simplify things. — Alex Rickabaugh at AngularConnect 2018

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Ivy out-of-the-box • Faster builds • Better debugging • Smaller bundle size • Instruction set similar to Incremental DOM

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Ivy is well-suited for • Micro front-ends • Angular Elements • Web apps where Angular is not in control of the entire document

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Zoneless change detection with Ivy 1. Change local UI state. 2. Mark component for check. 3. Schedule change detection cycle. @Component({ selector: 'zippy', template: `{{title}}
`, }) export class ZippyComponent { @Input() title: string; isExpanded = false; onToggle() { this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded; markDirty(this); } } ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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We use Angular modules to • Configure injectors for runtime resolving of dependencies • Link declarables when compiling component templates • Bootstrap components as entry points to our applications • Lazy-load application features

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Tree-shakable components are • Entry components but tree-shakable by the build process • Self-contained and independent from Angular modules • The smallest compilation and code splitting unit for Angular

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import { Component, Input, ɵmarkDirty as markDirty } from '@angular/core'; import { ButtonDirective } from './button.directive'; @Component({ deps: [ ButtonDirective, ], selector: 'zippy', template: `{{title}}
`, }) export class ZippyComponent { @Input() title: string; isExpanded = false; onToggle() { this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded; markDirty(this); } } Tree-shakable components with proposed component API ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { CapitalizePipe } from './capitalize.pipe'; import { ZippyComponent } from './zippy.component'; @Component({ deps: [ CapitalizePipe, ZippyComponent, ], template: `{{title | capitalize}}`, }) export class AppComponent { title = 'proposed component API'; } Tree-shakable components with proposed component API ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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Single component Angular modules • Declare and export only one component • Import only the declarables used by their specific component • Are useful for isolated component tests • Can be placed in the same file as their component • The abbreviated form is SCAM ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, Input, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { ButtonModule } from './button.directive'; @Component({ selector: 'zippy', template: `{{title}}
`, }) export class ZippyComponent { @Input() title: string; isExpanded = false; onToggle() { this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded; } } @NgModule({ declarations: [ZippyComponent], exports: [ZippyComponent], imports: [ButtonModule], }) export class ZippyModule {} Faux tree-shakable components with SCAMs ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CapitalizeModule } from './capitalize.pipe'; import { ZippyModule } from './zippy.component'; @Component({ template: `{{title | capitalize}}`, }) export class AppComponent { title = 'single component angular modules’; } @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [ CapitalizeModule, ZippyModule, ], }) export class AppModule {} Faux tree-shakable components with SCAMs ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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Component render modules • Exclusively declare dependencies, no Angular module imports • Declare all the declarables used by their specific component and additionally the component itself • Can have duplicate declarations between Angular modules • Only work because of a timing issue ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, Input, NgModule, ɵmarkDirty as markDirty } from '@angular/core'; import { ButtonDirective } from './button.directive'; @Component({ selector: 'zippy', template: `{{title}}
`, }) export class ZippyComponent { @Input() title: string; isExpanded = false; onToggle() { this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded; markDirty(this); } } @NgModule({ declarations: [ ZippyComponent, ButtonDirective, ] }) export class ZippyRenderModule {} Component render modules (Ivy preview with JIT) ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CapitalizePipe } from './capitalize.pipe'; import { ZippyComponent } from './zippy.component'; @Component({ template: `{{title | capitalize}}`, }) export class AppComponent { title = 'component render modules’; } @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, CapitalizePipe, ZippyComponent, ], }) export class AppRenderModule {} Component render modules (Ivy preview with JIT) ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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Feature render modules • Every component exports a nested declarable array • A single feature render module per bundle • Angular will flatten the declarable arrays and remove duplicates ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, Input, ɵmarkDirty as markDirty } from '@angular/core'; import { ButtonDirective } from './button.directive'; @Component({ selector: 'zippy', template: `{{title}}
`, }) export class ZippyComponent { @Input() title: string; isExpanded = false; onToggle() { this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded; markDirty(this); } } export const zippyDeps = [ ZippyComponent, ButtonDirective, ]; Feature render modules (Ivy preview with AOT) ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CapitalizePipe } from './capitalize.pipe'; import { zippyDeps } from './zippy.component'; @Component({ template: `{{title | capitalize}}`, }) export class AppComponent { title = 'feature render modules’; } @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, CapitalizePipe, zippyDeps, ], }) export class AppRenderModule {} Feature render modules (Ivy preview with AOT) ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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We use Angular modules to • Configure injectors for runtime resolving of dependencies • Link declarables when compiling component templates • Bootstrap components as entry points to our applications • Lazy-load application features

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Bootstrapping tree-shakable components Unlike View Engine: • No NgZone • No default change detection • No application initialisers • No application initialisation status • No application bootstrap hook import { ɵrenderComponent as renderComponent } from '@angular/core'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; renderComponent(AppComponent); ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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We use Angular modules to • Configure injectors for runtime resolving of dependencies • Link declarables when compiling component templates • Bootstrap components as entry points to our applications • Lazy-load application features

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Lazy-loading tree-shakable components 1. Dynamically import the component file 2. Extract the component from the file 3. Bootstrap the component import { ɵrenderComponent as renderComponent } from '@angular/core'; import('./my-ivy.component').then(({ MyIvyComponent }) => renderComponent(MyIvyComponent); ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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This talk is possible thanks to ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES Alexey Zuev Joost Koehoorn Max Koretskyi Morten Kirstein Wassim Chegham Zejiang Yu

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Tree-shakable components with Ivy • Get rid of all Angular modules • Bootstrap using renderComponent • Schedule change detection using markDirty when local UI state changes • Lazy-load application features using dynamic import and renderComponent ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES

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Techniques for getting started today ANGULAR REVISITED: TREE-SHAKABLE COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL NGMODULES View Engine Ivy preview with JIT Ivy preview with AOT SCAMs ✓ ✓ ✓ Component render modules ✓ Feature render modules ✓ ✓ Proposed component API

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