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A Quick look at ANCS (Apple Notification Center Service) Johnny Sung

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How about ?

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不只 AndroidWear 其他 BLE 開發版也可以做

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其實不只AndroidWear 其他BLE開發版也可以做

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ANCS = Apple Notification Center Service ANCS is to give Bluetooth accessories (that connect to iOS devices through a Bluetooth low-energy link) a simple and convenient way to access many kinds of notifications that are generated on iOS devices.

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矦㋲闍♧♴ BLE 㛇劥嚌䙂

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BLE 的⾓角⾊色

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以 ANCS 為例 AndroidWear iPhone Notification Consumer (NC) Notification Provider (NP)

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⟃"/$4捀⢿ ANCS Service 7905F431-B5CE-4E99-A40F-4B1E122D00D0 Notification Source Control Point Data Source 9FBF120D-6301-42D9-8C58-25E699A21DBD 69D1D8F3-45E1-49A8-9821-9BBDFDAAD9D9 22EAC6E9-24D6-4BB5-BE44-B36ACE7C7BFB (writeable) (notifiable) (notifiable)

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Register Flow

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Notification Source 回傳封包

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• Notification Added = 0 • Notification Modified = 1 • Notification Removed = 2 EventID Notification Source

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• Other = 0 • IncomingCall = 1 • MissedCall = 2 • Voicemail = 3 • Social = 4 • Schedule = 5 • Email = 6 • News = 7 • HealthAndFitness = 8 • BusinessAndFinance = 9 • Location = 10 • Entertainment = 11 CategoryID Notification Source

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⡹䊺竤〳⟃荈䊹⨞♧⦐ ✫ ⵌ鸏酭

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傳送 接收 叆鑉䲀久鎝䜂 0 0

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傳送 AttributeID • AppIdentifier = 0 • Title = 1 • Subtitle = 2 • Message = 3 • MessageSize = 4 • Date = 5 0 叆鑉䲀久鎝䜂

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接收 • AppIdentifier = 0 • Title = 1 • Subtitle = 2 • Message = 3 • MessageSize = 4 • Date = 5 "" "已更新「Adobe Photoshop Mix」和其他 6 個應⽤用程式" "App Store" "20150324T225555" nil 36 AttributeID 0 叆鑉䲀久鎝䜂

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範例 Request AttributeID • AppIdentifier = 0 • Title = 1 • Subtitle = 2 • Message = 3 • MessageSize = 4 • Date = 5 "com.JohnnyWorks.SHRS-Radio" "⺟母親像⽉月亮⼀一樣~古典逍遙遊祝全天下的媽媽,⺟母親節快樂!" "世新廣播電臺" "20150510T100002" nil 28 Response 叆鑉䲀久鎝䜂

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App Identifier = "" 叆鑉"QQそ珖 傳送 接收 AttributeID • DisplayName = 0 1 1 Attribute Value = "App Store" App Identifier = 
 "" 0 0 Attribute Length = 9 AttributeID = 0 AttributeID = 0

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ANCS 注意事項 • 字串資料都會以 UTF-8 的編碼傳遞 • 數值資料都會以 Little-endian 的⽅方式傳遞

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References • Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) Specification • AppleNotificationCenterServiceSpecification/Introduction/Introduction.html • Core Bluetooth Programming Guide • Conceptual/CoreBluetooth_concepts/AboutCoreBluetooth/Introduction.html • INDANCSClient •

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Slide 34 text 穿戴式裝置開發者社群 歡迎您的加⼊入