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How to Test Server-side Kotlin 2018-09-11 長澤太郎

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長澤太郎 ● @ngsw_taro ● Ubie株式会社 ソフトウェアエンジニア ● 日本Kotlinユーザグループ代表

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Redesign Medical Care

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Kontributer しらじさん JOIN!!!!

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お疲れ様でした! HNFVTFodHlpN1BiaC1laXpqQXJkN1Z3 より引用

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How to Test Server-side Kotlin エムスリー 前原さん、鈴木さん HNFVTFodHlpN1BiaC1laXpqQXJkN1Z3 より引用

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How to Test Server-side Kotlin 編

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UbieではKotlin x SpringでAPI開発してます

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テスト関係のフレームワークやライブラリ ● JUnit5 - Jupiter ● Spring Test - WebTestClient ● AssertJ ● MockK ● DbSetup-kotlin

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JUnit5 class FooTest { @Nested inner class fooMethod { @Test fun `should throw exception`() { assertThrows() { Foo().foo() } } } }

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class FooTest { @Nested inner class fooMethod { @Test fun `should throw exception`() { assertThrows() { Foo().foo() } } } } JUnit5

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JUnit5 class FooTest { @Nested inner class fooMethod { @Test fun `should throw exception`() { assertThrows() { Foo().foo() } } } }

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AssertJ val got = sut.findUser(id) assertThat(got).isNotNull assertThat(got?.name).isEqualTo("ほげ")

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AssertJ val got = sut.findUser(id) assertThat(got).isNotNull assertThat(got?.name).isEqualTo("ほげ") Kotlin 1.3 Contractsで実現か!?

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MockK interface UserRepository { suspend fun findUser(id: Long): User? } val userRepo = mockk() every { userRepo.findUser(1) } returns user

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MockK interface UserRepository { suspend fun findUser(id: Long): User? } val userRepo = mockk() every { userRepo.findUser(1) } returns user coEvery { userRepo.findUser(1) } returns user

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WebTestClient - expectBodyメソッド webTestClient.get() .exchange() .expectBody( .isEqualTo(expectedBody) NullPointerException が出る!

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WebTestClient - expectBody拡張関数 webTestClient.get() .exchange() .expectBody() .isEqualTo(expectedBody) import org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.expectBody いける!

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WebTestClient - expectBody拡張関数 webTestClient.get() .exchange() .expectBody() .isEqualTo(expectedBody) import org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.expectBody いける! が、サジェストされない

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リリースされるのは 1.3.20 乞うご期待