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the best way to build and ship software The MySQL Ecosystem @ GitHub

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the best way to build and ship software Sam Lambert Director of Technology ! " # 2 !

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the best way to build and ship software GitHub Code hosting and collaboration 4 $

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" the best way to build and ship software 3.333 M 6.667 M 10 M 13.333 M 16.667 M 20 M 2015 What is GitHub? 5 DEVELOPERS ARE WORKING TOGETHER ON PROJECTS ON GITHUB RIGHT NOW 8 MILLION 21 MILLION

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" the best way to build and ship software % & ' 6 What is GitHub? 130+ TB Git data 239 GitHubbers 100 Engineers

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the best way to build and ship software Slave 7 (

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the best way to build and ship software Replica/Secondary 8 )

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the best way to build and ship software What is MySQL’s role at GitHub? 9 ?

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" the best way to build and ship software What is MySQL’s role at GitHub? 10 janky mysql redis elasticsearch jenkins memcached pages nginx github-fs git-daemon ernicorn gitmon slumlord SVN analytics-app unicorn nginx github-babel babeld gitauth github-fe nginx unicorn github-api nginx unicorn gpanel unicorn resqued timerd alambic-fe alambic

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the best way to build and ship software What is the Ecosystem? 11 ?

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the best way to build and ship software What is the Ecosystem? 12 " mysqld everything else

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the best way to build and ship software Why is the Ecosystem so important? 13 ?

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the best way to build and ship software MySQL is fine on its own 14 *

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the best way to build and ship software We can (mostly) trust MySQL 15 +

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the best way to build and ship software The GitHub Stack 16 ,

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" the best way to build and ship software 17 The GitHub Stack WEB BACKEND DATABASES Ruby on Rails Powerful application framework. Rapid development. - Javascript UI goodness . C Powers a number of backend applications . Puppet Provisioning . MySQL Main source of truth Elasticsearch Indexes all the code, as well as issues and pull requests. / Redis Resque, cache data. / Git Obviously % /

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the best way to build and ship software SELECT DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR); 18 0

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the best way to build and ship software Small number of MySQL hosts 19 ,

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the best way to build and ship software Majority of queries served from one host 20 1

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the best way to build and ship software Replicas only used for backups and failover 21 1

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the best way to build and ship software Old hardware 22 1

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the best way to build and ship software Unscalable 23 2

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the best way to build and ship software Contention everywhere 24 2

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the best way to build and ship software Traffic spikes caused query response times to go up 25 2

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the best way to build and ship software Time for a change! 26 3

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the best way to build and ship software Need to move data centers 27 4

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the best way to build and ship software A chance to update hardware 28 4

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" the best way to build and ship software 29 5 , HARDWARE NETWORKING • More hosts • Faster CPUs • SSDs • 10gb New Datacenter

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the best way to build and ship software A chance to tune config 30 4

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the best way to build and ship software Time to functionally shard 31 6

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" the best way to build and ship software 32 7 • Partition by function • Split features out • Isolate tables as a whole • App specific • Milage may vary Functional Sharding

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the best way to build and ship software Large volume single table 33 8

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the best way to build and ship software Constantly growing 34 8

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the best way to build and ship software No joins - app refactor 35 9

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the best way to build and ship software Regression testing is essential 36 :

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the best way to build and ship software Replaying queries from live 37 ;

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the best way to build and ship software Long benchmarks +4 hours 38 5

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the best way to build and ship software Go Live 39 <

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the best way to build and ship software Maintenance window 40 '

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the best way to build and ship software 13 minutes 41 3

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" the best way to build and ship software Results! 42 MySQL app mean time

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the best way to build and ship software Tooling 43 '

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the best way to build and ship software Lots to mention 44 '

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 45 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 46 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 47 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 48 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 49 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 50 =

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the best way to build and ship software Slow queries 51 9

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the best way to build and ship software Slow queries 52 9

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 53 =

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack is awesome 54 =

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the best way to build and ship software Failbotd 55 >

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" the best way to build and ship software 56 > • C daemon • Takes exceptions from the app • Queues them • Posts to Haystack Failbotd

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the best way to build and ship software Staff toolbar 57 ?

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" the best way to build and ship software Staff toolbar 58

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the best way to build and ship software 59

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the best way to build and ship software Chat 60 @

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the best way to build and ship software ~137 remote employees 61 A

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the best way to build and ship software 100+ chat rooms 62 A

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the best way to build and ship software Hubot 63 "

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the best way to build and ship software Who is Hubot? 64 "

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the best way to build and ship software 66

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the best way to build and ship software Open Source 67 "

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the best way to build and ship software CoffeeScript 68 "

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the best way to build and ship software 69 "

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the best way to build and ship software 70 "

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the best way to build and ship software Super easy to set up 71 "

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" the best way to build and ship software Deploy to Heroku 72

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the best way to build and ship software 73 "

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the best way to build and ship software What can hubot do? 74 "

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the best way to build and ship software 850+ commands 75 "

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the best way to build and ship software Nearly everything 76 "

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the best way to build and ship software Part of shipping is adding ChatOps 77 "

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" the best way to build and ship software /hq me 78

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the best way to build and ship software ChatOps is core to our culture 79 "

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" the best way to build and ship software You are on your own 80 ➜    ~    mysql   Welcome  to  the  MySQL  monitor.    Commands  end  with  ;  or  \g.   Your  MySQL  connection  id  is  1   Server  version:  5.6.23  Homebrew   Copyright  (c)  2000,  2015,  Oracle  and/or  its  affiliates.  All  rights  reserved.   Oracle  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Oracle  Corporation  and/or  its   affiliates.  Other  names  may  be  trademarks  of  their  respective   owners.   Type  'help;'  or  '\h'  for  help.  Type  '\c'  to  clear  the  current  input  statement.   mysql>

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" the best way to build and ship software Invite your friends 81

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the best way to build and ship software It’s all about context 82 "

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the best way to build and ship software Context is implicit 83 "

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the best way to build and ship software Incident responce 84 "

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the best way to build and ship software DDoS 85 "

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the best way to build and ship software /mitigation enable 86 "

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the best way to build and ship software /mysql 87 "

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" the best way to build and ship software /mysql 88              /mysql  analyze                                analyze  a  table                /mysql  archive                                start  or  stop  archiving  on  a  MySQL  cluster                /mysql  backup                                  backup  a  table                /mysql  backup-­‐list                        list  backups  for  a  table                /mysql  clone                                    clone  a  table  to  the  MySQL  staging  environment                /mysql  cluster                                show  cluster  topology                /mysql  drop                                      safely  drops  a  mysql  table                /mysql  drop-­‐all                              drops  all  eligible  tables                /mysql  drop-­‐check                          checks  if  a  table  is  safe  to  drop                /mysql  drop-­‐list                            lists  the  tables  that  are  ready  to  be  dropped                /mysql  drop-­‐pending                      lists  the  tables  that  are  pending  dropping                /mysql  dummy-­‐drop                          drops  a  table  from  production  by  renaming  it                /mysql  engine                                  shows  output  of  show  engine  innodb  status  on  a  given  host                /mysql  explain                                explain  a  query                /mysql  gather                                  gathers  MySQL  diagnostic  information                /mysql  log-­‐migration-­‐version    insert  the  version  of  a  migration  into  production                /mysql  inno                                      list  queries                /mysql  index-­‐stats                        Prints  out  index  stats  for  the  specified  table                /mysql  kill                                      kills  queries  matching  supplied  criteria                /mysql  kills                                    shows  victims  of  pt-­‐kill  on  given  date                /mysql  maintenance                        begin  and  end  the  maintenance  of  a  mysql  node                /mysql  master-­‐swap                        returns  the  binlog  position  to  start  replication  from  on  a  new  master                /mysql  mutexes                                prints  a  list  of  mutex  events  for  a  MySQL  host                /mysql  nibble                                  deletes  all  rows  in  a  table                /mysql  nibble-­‐all                          nibble  all  non  nibbled  migration  tables                /mysql  panic                                    stops  the  delayed  replica  to  prevent  propagation  of  data  loss                /mysql  pk-­‐pct                                  shows  the  %  of  the  primary  key  range  that  is  used                /mysql  pool                                      saves  or  restores  the  innodb  buffer  pool  of  a  host   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67

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" the best way to build and ship software /mysql explain 89

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the best way to build and ship software Learn together 90 "

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the best way to build and ship software 91

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the best way to build and ship software Collaborative workspace 92 "

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" the best way to build and ship software /mysql backup 93

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" the best way to build and ship software /mysql clone 94

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the best way to build and ship software Killed queries 95 "

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" the best way to build and ship software Killed queries 96

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the best way to build and ship software User access 97 "

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" the best way to build and ship software User access 98

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the best way to build and ship software Graphme 99 B

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" the best way to build and ship software Graphme 100

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" the best way to build and ship software /graph me 101

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the best way to build and ship software Amen 102 C

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" the best way to build and ship software 103 C • Monitoring app • Set up backends • Easily gather metrics • Pushed to Graphme Amen

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the best way to build and ship software We have these tools. Let’s use them 104 '

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the best way to build and ship software It’s about the app 105 -

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the best way to build and ship software Let’s talk strategy 106 D

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the best way to build and ship software All the hardware 107 ,

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" the best way to build and ship software Single host 108

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the best way to build and ship software 109 primary replica replica replica nginx unicorn

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the best way to build and ship software Doesn’t scale 110 1

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the best way to build and ship software 111 primary nginx unicorn haproxy Read Proxy replica replica replica

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the best way to build and ship software Use existing patterns 112 1

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the best way to build and ship software Tuning Haproxy 113 5

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the best way to build and ship software App failover logic 114 5

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the best way to build and ship software /mysqlproxy 115 "

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" the best way to build and ship software /mysqlproxy status 116

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the best way to build and ship software /mysqlproxy weight 117 "

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the best way to build and ship software /mysqlproxy disable 118 "

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the best way to build and ship software /mysqlproxy enable 119 "

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the best way to build and ship software App refactor 120 -

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the best way to build and ship software Send all GET requests to a replica 121 -

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the best way to build and ship software Stick to master for a second after POST 122 -

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the best way to build and ship software How do you refactor these changes? 123 .

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the best way to build and ship software Some GETs make writes 124 .

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the best way to build and ship software Set up write alert connection 125 -

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the best way to build and ship software Write alerts go to Haystack 126 -

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the best way to build and ship software Get the stack trace 127 -

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the best way to build and ship software Gradual iteration over the codebase 128 -

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" the best way to build and ship software Change 129

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the best way to build and ship software Gitauth 130 -

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" the best way to build and ship software Single host 131

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" the best way to build and ship software Master 132

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the best way to build and ship software Now we are sensitive to delay 133 E

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" the best way to build and ship software Delay!! 134

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the best way to build and ship software What is happening? 135 ?

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" the best way to build and ship software Delay!! 136

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the best way to build and ship software Ok, so deletes are happening 137 F

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the best way to build and ship software Attack on two fronts 138 G

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the best way to build and ship software Performance schema 139 5

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" the best way to build and ship software Amen - IO waits by index 140      @client.query  "SELECT  object_name  AS  table_name,\            LOWER(index_name)  as  index_name,\            count_fetch  AS  select_count,\            count_insert  AS  insert_count,\            count_update  AS  update_count,\            count_delete  AS  delete_count\            FROM  performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage\            WHERE  object_schema  =  'github_production'\            AND  object_name  NOT  REGEXP  '^_.'",  (err,  results)  =>              if  err                  log  'error',  err              else                  prefix  =  "#{metric}.table_stats.waits"                  for  row  in  results                      @gauge  "#{prefix}.#{row.table_name}.#{row.index_name}.select.count",  parseInt(row.select_count)                      @gauge  "#{prefix}.#{row.table_name}.#{row.index_name}.insert.count",  parseInt(row.insert_count)                      @gauge  "#{prefix}.#{row.table_name}.#{row.index_name}.update.count",  parseInt(row.update_count)                      @gauge  "#{prefix}.#{row.table_name}.#{row.index_name}.delete.count",  parseInt(row.delete_count)   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67

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" the best way to build and ship software Graphme 141

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 142 =

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the best way to build and ship software Affected rows bucket 143 H

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the best way to build and ship software Haystack 144 =

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" the best way to build and ship software Haystack 145

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" the best way to build and ship software Graphme 146

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the best way to build and ship software Too many affected rows 147 9

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" the best way to build and ship software Contributions 148

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the best way to build and ship software Dependent destroy 149 F

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the best way to build and ship software Problem found 150 I

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the best way to build and ship software Throttler 151 J

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" the best way to build and ship software Github::Throttler 152 51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67

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" the best way to build and ship software Github::Throttler 153 51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67

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the best way to build and ship software Problem solved 154 )

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the best way to build and ship software We are hiring!! 155 &

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the best way to build and ship software 156 &

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" the best way to build and ship software 157 K • GTIDs • MySQL 5.7 • Cluster aware monitoring • Failover improvements • So much more Roadmap

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the best way to build and ship software Questions? 158 ?

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the best way to build and ship software Sam Lambert Director of Technology ! " # 159 !