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Considerations in Cloud DevOps. Ben Whaley @iAmTheWhaley

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Mobile Scale

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0 900000000 1800000000 2700000000 3600000000 PCs Mobile Phones Connected Clients 3.5 billion 1.8 billion Source: Andreessen Horowitz

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Growth in Connected Client Devices Units (millions) 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 Jun 07 Jun 08 Jun 09 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Tablets iPhone & Android PCs Source: Andreessen Horowitz

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0 400000000000 800000000000 1200000000000 1600000000000 Photos Taken 2014 1999 1.5 trillion 80 billion Source: Andreessen Horowitz

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~1.3 Million Apps

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Revisions measured in days or weeks.

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Mobile is powered by APIs.

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Mature Mobile • Use the cloud to enable rich native apps • Blur the line between apps and the web • Hyperlocal via iBeacons & NFC • Mobile != Smartphone

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Business Benefits • APIs engage customers, partners • Data pipelines for business analytics • Improved availability • Elasticity for • Cost savings • Capacity on demand • Focus on core competencies

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Systems • n+2 redundancy n n+1 n+2 Load Balancer

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Systems • n+2 redundancy • Compute is ephemeral n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5 Load Balancer

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Systems • n+2 redundancy • Compute is ephemeral • Infrastructure is code resource "digitalocean_droplet" "www-1" {! image = "ubuntu-14-04-x64"! name = "www-1"! region = "nyc2"! size = "512mb"! private_networking = true! ssh_keys = [! "${var.ssh_fingerprint}"! ]! }!

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Systems • n+2 redundancy • Compute is ephemeral • Infrastructure is code • Less is more

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Systems • n+2 redundancy • Compute is ephemeral • Infrastructure is code • Less is more • Ubiquitous monitoring

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Systems • n+2 redundancy • Compute is ephemeral • Infrastructure is code • Less is more • Ubiquitous monitoring • Service discovery

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Applications • Loosely coupled

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented • Lean

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented • Lean • Built to be disabled

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented • Lean • Built to be disabled • Stateless

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented • Lean • Built to be disabled • Stateless • Robustly implemented “Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept”

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Applications • Loosely coupled • Deeply instrumented • Lean • Built to be disabled • Stateless • Robustly implemented • Continuously integrated

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Delivery Commit Test Build Deploy

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Delivery Build server Commit Site Deploy

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Delivery Challenges

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Delivery Challenges 1. Zero downtime

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Zero Downtime Green/Blue Old Code

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Zero Downtime Green/Blue Old Code New Code

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Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade Old Old Old

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Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade New Old Old

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Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade New New Old

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Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade New New New

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Zero Downtime Replacement Old Old Old

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Zero Downtime Replacement New New New

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Delivery Challenges 1. Zero downtime 2. Distributing credentials

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Distributing Credentials 1. Seed credentials in the OS image Pros Cons Simpler bootstrap process Must load credential to image initially May be more difficult to modify Credentials in plain text in stored image

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Distributing Credentials 1. Seed credentials in the OS image! 2. Commit encrypted config data to DVCS repository Pros Cons Data stored alongside code in version control Distributing decryption key to nodes varies by tool Easily updated Key distribution

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Distributing Credentials 1. Seed credentials in the OS image! 2. Commit encrypted config data to DVCS repository! 3. Asymmetric encryption Pros Cons Public/Private key pair may already exist Requires mature, possibly automated cert infrastructure Easy rotation and revocation Limited implementations No shared secret

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Delivery Challenges 1. Zero downtime 2. Distributing credentials 3. Database migrations

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Database Migrations 1. NoSQL vs Relational!

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Database Migrations 1. NoSQL vs Relational! 2. Multi-stage! a. Make backward compatible DB changes ! b. Run new code that is both backward and forward compatible! c. Migrate old data to new schema! d. Remove code that understands old schema! e. Clean up old schema

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Delivery Challenges 1. Zero downtime! 2. Distributing credentials! 3. Database migrations! 4. Distributing the code! 5. Updating the config! 6. Rollbacks

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Thanks! ! Ben Whaley ! @iAmTheWhaley