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Pharyngeal (Branchial) Apparatus

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Cleft Pouch Cartilage Nerve supply of the arch Aortic arch Pretrematic nerve

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Cranial Nerve Related to Pharyngeal Arches

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Processes of the 1st arch First arch has 2 processes: 1- Maxillary process. 2- Mandibular process.

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Mandibular process Maxillary process

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Maxillary processes Mandibular processes

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Maxillary process Mandibular process 2nd arch

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Maxillary process Mandibular process Stomodeum Forebrain bulge Frontonasal process

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Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arches

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Skeletal derivatives of pharyngeal arches

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ARCH Skeletal Derivatives Muscular derivatives Nerve 1st (mandibular): consists of maxillary and mandibular processes 2nd arch (hyoid) 3rd arch 4th arch 6th arch Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arches Maxillary process: forms maxilla, zygomatic and squamous part of temporal bone). Mandibular process: forms Meckel’s cartilage which give rise to malleus, incus, sphenomandibular and anterior lig. of malleus, part of mandible. N.B. rest of mandible formed by membranous ossification. Muscles supplied by mandibular nerve: Mastication muscles, myelohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani and tensor palati. • Mandibular • Maxillary • Chorda tympani (pretrematic nerve) Chorda tympani supplies anterior 2/3 of mucosa of tongue which is developed opposite the fist arch Reichert’s cartilage that forms stapes, stylohoid ligament, lesser horn and upper ½ of body of hyoid. Muscles supplied by facial nerve: Muscles of face and scalp, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, platysma and stapedius Facial nerve Greater horn of hyoid and lower ½ of the body of hyoid Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal Laryngeal cartilages Muscles of larynx, pharynx and soft palate Superior laryngeal Recurrent laryngeal

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Fate of Pharyngeal Pouches Arch Ventral part Dorsal part First pouch Second pouch Third pouch Fourth pouch Dr. Sherif Fahmy Occupied by developing tongue. Tubo-tympanic recess that gives rise to middle ear & Eustachian tube Occupied by developing tongue Palatine tonsile Thymus gland Inferior parathyroid gland Ultimo-branchial body which form parafollicular cells in thyroid gland Superior parathyroid gland

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Buccopharyngeal membrane Pharynx of Foregut Forebrain bulge Pericardial bulge Stomodeum L.S. in folded embryo Mesenchyme Forebrain

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Development of Face (Page 9)

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Maxillary process Mandibular process 2nd arch Stomodeum Forebrain bulge Fronto-nasal process

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Maxillary process Mandibular process Stomodeum Pericardial bulge Fronto- nasal process

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Differentiation & Fusion

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Fronto-nasal process Maxillary process Mandibular process Pericardial bulge Stomodeum

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Fronto-nasal process Maxillary process Mandibular process Stomodeum Pericardial bulge

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Nasal placod Stomodeum Fronto-nasal process

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Cleft Medial nasal prominence Lateral nasal prominence Nasal pit Developing eye Fronto-nasal process Mandibular process Maxillary process

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Nasal pits Cleft Medial nasal prominence Lateral nasal prominence Maxillary process

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Cleft Medial nasal prominence Lateral nasal prominence Maxillary process

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Intermaxillary segment Fronto-nasal prominence Maxillary prominence Mandibular prominence

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Development of palate (Page 11)

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Development of palate 1- Primary palate: from intermaxillary segment of fronto-nasal process. 2- Secondary palate: from palatine shelves of maxillary processes that form most of hard palate and soft palate. Hard palate receives downward growth of nasal septum.

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Preimitive (primary) palate Secondary palate

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Palatine shelves Nasal septum Coronal Section

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Primitive palate Palatine shelves

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Primary palate Secondary palate

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Congenital Anomalies of Face & Palate 1- Dermoid cyst: cystic swelling at line of fusions between processes of the face. 2- Oblique facial cleft: failure of fusion between maxillary prominence and lateral nasal fold (prominence). 3- Macrostomia or Microstomia : defective or marked fusion between maxillary and mandibular processes. 4- Cleft (hare) lip: cleft lip due to failure of fusion between maxillary process and intermaxillary segment. (lateral, bilateral or median) 5- Cleft palate: failure of fusion between different parts that form palate. It could be: A- Unilateral complete cleft palate. B- Bilateral complete cleft palate. C- Partial cleft palate. D- Cleft uvula.

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Anomalies of Face

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Dermoid cyst

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Oblique facial celft Bilateral cleft lip

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Microstomia Median single anterior nasal opening

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Unilateral cleft lip

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Anomalies of Palate

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Unilateral complete cleft palate

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Bilateral complete cleft palate

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Nasal septum Partial (median) cleft palate

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Unilateral partial cleft palate Hare lip