Slide 13
Slide 13 text
ARCH Skeletal Derivatives Muscular derivatives Nerve
1st (mandibular):
consists of maxillary
and mandibular
2nd arch (hyoid)
3rd arch
4th arch
6th arch
Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arches
Maxillary process: forms maxilla,
zygomatic and squamous part of
temporal bone).
Mandibular process: forms
Meckel’s cartilage which give rise
to malleus, incus,
sphenomandibular and anterior
lig. of malleus, part of mandible.
N.B. rest of mandible formed by
membranous ossification.
Muscles supplied by mandibular
Mastication muscles, myelohyoid,
anterior belly of digastric, tensor
tympani and tensor palati.
• Mandibular
• Maxillary
• Chorda tympani
(pretrematic nerve)
Chorda tympani supplies
anterior 2/3 of mucosa of
tongue which is developed
opposite the fist arch
Reichert’s cartilage that forms
stapes, stylohoid ligament, lesser
horn and upper ½ of body of
Muscles supplied by facial nerve:
Muscles of face and scalp, stylohyoid,
posterior belly of digastric, platysma
and stapedius
Facial nerve
Greater horn of hyoid and lower
½ of the body of hyoid
Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal
Laryngeal cartilages Muscles of larynx, pharynx and soft
Superior laryngeal
Recurrent laryngeal