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The Importance of Observability for Kafka-based applications with Zipkin

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Jorge Quilcate-Otoya @jeqo89 Middleware team at SYSCO AS focused on Data-Integration and Distributed Tracing

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SYSCO AS Middleware department: Integration and Data Engineering We are hiring! Partners:

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Agenda Event-Driven Applications and Kafka Observability and Distributed Tracing Simulating Observability tools

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Apache Kafka “Apache Kafka® is a distributed Streaming platform.”

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Event-Driven Applications and Kafka Amazonas river

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Event-Driven Architectural Style

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Service Collaboration and Dataflow Svc Svc Svc Svc Orchestration Event Bus Svc Svc Svc Svc Choreography

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Observability and Distributed Tracing Titicaca Lake

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What is Observability? “In control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.” - Wikipedia

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Observability is for *Unknown Unknowns*

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Observability methods

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Observability methods

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Span = execution of a task Trace = tree of spans Context Propagation = pass trace context between distributed components (e.g. HTTP Headers, Kafka-record Headers) Distributed Tracing Concepts

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Demo Lab 01: Hello world to Distributed Tracing ● Tracing concepts ● Brave instrumentation

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Adoption approaches Annotation-based - Part of your code - Instrument libraries first - Add custom spans on-demand - Check benchmarks Black-box

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How does it work? Svc 0 Svc 1 tracer tracer Collector Tracing System Tracing DB

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Zipkin Architecture

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Demo Lab 02: Tracing Kafka-based applications ● Kafka-clients and Kafka-streams instrumentation ● Kafka Interceptors for Kafka Connectors

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Adoption approaches Annotation-based - Part of your code - Instrument libraries first - Add custom spans on-demand - Check benchmarks Black-box - Agent-based model - Framework/Protocol support - Machine impact - Promising approach: Service Mesh/Sidecar Proxy

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Service Meshes and Zipkin

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Simulating Observability tools Lima - Chorrillos

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➔ Model your architecture ➔ Simulate interaction ➔ Generate Traces ➔ Visualize your system’s traffic with Vizceral “SimianViz/ Spigo” - Simulation Protocol Interaction in GO

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"Monitoring Microservices: A Challenge" - Adrian Cockcroft

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Models from Traces, e.g. Vizceral

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Demo Lab 03: Spigo and Vizceral ● Spigo for Simulation of Architecture behavior ● Zipkin for Tracing and Vizceral for Traffic Monitoring

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Takeaways ➔ If are doing Distributed Systems — using Kafka or not — consider Distributed Tracing. ➔ Instrument libraries first, not your code. ➔ Experiment by simulating your deployment. ➔ How many models can you build from tracing data?!

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References Papers - Dapper: /en//pubs/archive/36356.pdf - Canopy: - Automating Failure Testing Research at Internet Scale: Posts: - Logging v. Instrumentation ation.html - Monitoring and Observability -8417d1952e1c - Monitoring in the Time of Cloud Native oud-native-c87c7a5bfa3e Tools: - Zipkin: - Brave: - Kafka Interceptors: - Spigo: - Vizceral:

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Thanks! Q&A Machu Picchu