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lemi orhan ergin co-founder, HEXAGONAL MICROSERVICES GROWING with tdd ali can akkuş software crafter,

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lemi orhan ergin co-founder, ali can akkuş software crafter, developing products, Craftbase alumni, Sony, eBay, ACM, iyzico founder, Software Craftsmanship Turkey programming, since 2001 with love @lemiorhan developing products, Craftbase alumni, 32bit, iyzico practitioner, extreme programming jvm stack, java, groovy, spring @Alican_Akkus

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Layered architecture Web Domain Persistence From a certain layer, we can only access components in the same layer or in a layer below. LAYERS OF Isolation

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Web Domain Persistence CONSIDERED HARMFUL Layered architecture

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No way to understand what the code is about Domain logic is sca!ered throughout the layers Hard to understand where domain logic is Layers encourage horizontal coupling DDD do not work on partitioned architecture Many uncategorized components Application

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Your architectures should tell readers about the system, not about the frameworks you used in your system. SCREAMING ARCHITECTURE Screaming Architecture, Robert C. Martin Application

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Web Domain Persistence Architecture sinkhole anti-pa!ern The fast lane reader anti-pa!ern You have to be self-disciplined Domain logic sca!ered throughout the layers Database/state drives the design Uncategorized helper and utility classes Monolith in nature Changing existing code instead of adding new Hard to change over time When it grows, it’s hard to test Open for hacking your own code Documentation is critical The Inconvenient truth

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Robert C. Martin Author of Clean Code and Clean Coder Owner of training site The very first value of so"ware is to tolerate and facilitate on-going changes

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Make future changes easy No chain reaction of modification Big impact with few changes No workarounds or “just once” hacks Avoid accidental complexity Easy testing and verification MAINTAINABILITY The very first value of so"ware is to tolerate and facilitate on-going changes

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Immune to technical evolution Easy to add new integrations Delay technological decisions Testability in isolation Framework independent domain FLEXIBILITY The very first value of so"ware is to tolerate and facilitate on-going changes

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A timeless goal of so"ware engineering has been to separate code that changes frequently from code that is stable. James Coplien Quote from his „Lean Architecture‰ book

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A timeless goal of so"ware engineering has been to separate code that changes frequently from code that is stable. DOMAIN INFRASTRUCTURE Business logic Constraints and Behaviors What we really care about Integrations with infra components Technology and framework dependent How we make domain work

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A timeless goal of so"ware engineering has been to separate code that changes frequently from code that is stable. DOMAIN INFRASTRUCTURE Heart of the so!ware The detail

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Image Credit: Benoit Hediard, the-evolution-of-software-architecture-bd6ea674c477

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Credit: Image Credit: Benoit Hediard, the-evolution-of-software-architecture-bd6ea674c477

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domain inside outside

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infra domain main component framework layer running at startup and builds the whole system technology agnostic core of application contains constraints and behaviors of the domain technology dependent layer that interacts with external devices via integration points

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infra domain Dependencies are from outside to inside

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infra domain interface implementation use implement

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infra domain port adapter use implement PORTS AND ADAPTERS

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user service repository adapter user service repository port DEPENDENCY INVERSION abstractions should not depend on details details should depend on abstractions high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules both should depend on abstractions LOW LEVEL MODULE DEPENDENCY INVERTED DEPENDENCY DIRECTED HIGH LEVEL MODULE

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infra domain rest api web ui 3rd party apps command line soap calls admin gui batch jobs mobile apps other hexagons THE LEFT SIDE we find the actors who drive the domain adapts requests from the outside to our domain user side, primary adapters

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infra domain adapter use facade THE LEFT SIDE we find the actors who drive the domain adapts requests from the outside to our domain user side, primary adapters

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infra domain mysql adapter stripe adapter cache provider elastic search mail server database sms provider message queue other hexagons THE RIGHT SIDE integrations with the components that the application interacts with functionality needed by the application for implementing the business logic framework side, secondary adapters

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infra domain port adapter use implement THE RIGHT SIDE integrations with the components that the application interacts with functionality needed by the application for implementing the business logic framework side, secondary adapters

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infra domain mysql adapter stripe adapter rest api web ui

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infra domain stripe adapter rest api mysql adapter web ui billing search

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infra stripe adapter rest api mysql adapter web ui domain notification payment order basket restaurant scheduling caching mail account messaging billing search

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Packages by Features and Well-Defined Bounded Contexts

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infra domain WHEN & HOW TO WRITE TESTS

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infra domain adapter use facade model use dto use

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infra domain adapter use facade mock CONTRACT TESTS test facade dto use model use OUTSIDE-IN TDD

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi CONTRACT TESTS

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domain facade port use use model use business logic use

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domain facade use use model use business logic use port mock TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT main sub-product is unit tests test INSIDE-OUT TDD

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi UNIT TESTS

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infra domain adapter implement port use use model entity use email client

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infra domain adapter implement port use use model entity use email client test FUNCTIONAL AND INTEGRATION TESTS tdd generates unit tests in addition to it mock client fake with wiremock

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi UNIT TESTS

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi INTEGRATION TESTS FOR ADAPTERS

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi INTEGRATION TESTS FOR CONTROLLERS

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io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi FUNCTIONAL TESTS VIA CUCUMBER

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TEST TYPES AT HEXAGONALS Domain Infra Unit Tests Unit Tests Integration Tests Component Tests Contract Tests External Verifier Stub Tests Functional Tests io.craftbase.orderapi io.craftbase.orderapi

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Evolution starts from big ball of mud, i.e. traditional monoliths

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infra stripe adapter rest api mysql adapter web ui domain ... to modular monoliths

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SEARCH ... and evolution continues with emerging micro services

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SEARCH PAYMENT ... and evolution continues with emerging micro services ... from modular monoliths

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SEARCH PAYMENT ACCOUNT ... and evolution continues with emerging micro services ... from modular monoliths

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SEARCH PAYMENT ACCOUNT ... and evolution continues with emerging micro services ... from modular monoliths

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how you go is always as important as where you go

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how you go is always as important as where you go @lemiorhan LEMi ORHAN ERGiN @alican_akkus ALİ CAN AKKUŞ