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࠷ۙͷ؂ࢹ(Ծ) Mackerel Day #2 kazeburo

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Me • Masahiro Nagano • @kazeburo • Mackerel Ξϯόαμʔ • Ұ൪޷͖ͳ mackerelϓϥάΠϯ͸ mackerel-plugin-axslog (ࣗ࡞)ͩͳɻ໾ ʹཱͭͱ͜ΖͰ͸ diff-detector(ࣗ࡞)

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• Τϥʔ͸όδΣοτͱ͍͏ߟ͑ • ࢒೦ʹࢥ͏ϢʔβΛগͳ͍͖͍ͯͨ͘͠ • ؂ࢹ͸Ϣʔβͷظ଴ʹԠ͑ΔͨΊͷπʔϧ

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• ʮ؂ࢹʯʹΑΓ • ো֐Λະવʹ๷͙ • ো֐ʹૉૣ͘ؾͮ͘ • ো֐ͷݪҼಛఆͷώϯτ/MTTRͷ୹ॖ

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mackerel-plugin-axslog ͱ೿ੜ

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• mackerel-plugin-axslog • • mackerel-plugin-accesslog ͱಉ͘͡accesslogͷՄࢹԽ • status͝ͱͷ਺ͱׂ߹ɺresponse timeͷpercentile஋Λܭଌ • ूܭ͢ΔlabelΛมߋՄೳɾJSONαϙʔτ • ߴ଎

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0 2 4 6 8 accesslog(ltsv) axslog(ltsv) axslog(json) 1.17s 0.584s 7.976s 120ສߦ(20000req/sec)ͷϩάΛॲཧ͢Δ࣌ؒ

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• ߴ଎Խͷར఺ • γεςϜෛՙΛؾʹͤͣɺʮΨϯΨϯʯϝτϦΫεΛ૿΍ͤΔ • ϑΟϧλػೳͷ௥Ճ

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[plugin.metrics.axslog-web-googlebot] command = "/usr/local/bin/mackerel-plugin-axslog --key-prefix=googlebot \
 --logfile /var/log/nginx/access.log --filter Googlebot" [plugin.metrics.axslog-web-adsbot] command = "/usr/local/bin/mackerel-plugin-axslog --key-prefix=adsbot \
 --logfile /var/log/nginx/access.log --filter AdsBot-Google"

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• mackerel-plugin-postfix-log • • SMTP • AxlogͰlogrotateΛ௥ै͢Δίʔυॻ͍ͨͷͰ͙͢Ͱ͖ͨ

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postfixlog.total_delay.average 0.240476 1555681849 postfixlog.total_delay.99_percentile 0.250000 1555681849 postfixlog.total_delay.95_percentile 0.240000 1555681849 postfixlog.total_delay.90_percentile 0.240000 1555681849 postfixlog.recving_delay.average 0.040000 1555681849 postfixlog.recving_delay.99_percentile 0.040000 1555681849 postfixlog.recving_delay.95_percentile 0.040000 1555681849 postfixlog.recving_delay.90_percentile 0.040000 1555681849 postfixlog.queuing_delay.average 0.000476 1555681849 postfixlog.queuing_delay.99_percentile 0.010000 1555681849 postfixlog.queuing_delay.95_percentile 0.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.queuing_delay.90_percentile 0.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.connection_delay.average 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.connection_delay.99_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.connection_delay.95_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.connection_delay.90_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.transmission_delay.average 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.transmission_delay.99_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.transmission_delay.95_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.transmission_delay.90_percentile 0.090000 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_num.2xx_count 1.615385 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_num.4xx_count 0.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_num.5xx_count 0.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_total.count 1.615385 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_ratio.2xx_percentage 100.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_ratio.4xx_percentage 0.000000 1555681849 postfixlog.transfer_ratio.5xx_percentage 0.000000 1555681849 ड৴࣌ͷ஗Ԇ Ωϡʔʹೖ͍ͬͯΔ࣌ؒ ૹ৴ઌ΁ͷ઀ଓʹ͔͔Δ࣌ؒ ૹ৴ͷ஗Ԇ

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• mackerel-plugin-log-incr-rate • • ͋Δϩάʹର͢Δผͷϩάͷߦ਺ͷ૿Ճׂ߹Λ؂ࢹ͢Δ • accesslogʹର͢Δapplication_log, errorlogͷ݅਺ͳͲ • application_log΁ͷॻ͖ࠐΈ͕രൃͯ͠ϩάܭଌʹӨڹͨ͠ো֐ʹର͢Δ؂ࢹ

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• mackerel-plugin-gzip-response • Not OSS • ϨεϙϯεͷGzipѹॖ͕ߦΘΕ͍ͯΔ͔؂ࢹ • Ұ෦ΫϥΠΞϯτͷ࣮૷ͰGzip͕ແޮʹͳͬͨ··ɺେ͖ͳ഑৴ͱͳΔϚε λʔߋ৽͕ߦΘΕɺωοτϫʔΫʹෛՙ͕͔͔Δࣄଶ͕͋ͬͨ • ϩάʹϨεϙϯεͷ Conent-Encoding ϔομΛه࿥͠ूܭ

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• Mackerel Plugin ࡞੒ύλʔϯ • ো֐/ো֐ʹܨ͕Δ໰୊ͷൃݟ • Metrics Plugin ͷ࡞੒ͱαʔό΁ͷ൓ө • ਺೔MetricsΛΈͯͷɺᮢ஋ઃఆɾਵ࣌ݟ௚͠

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DB ӡ༻ͱ؂ࢹ

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• ϗετͷεςʔλεΛ؂ࢹ͢Δ • ϗετεςʔλε Standby ͷDB(slave)αʔόΛ production ʹ౤ೖ • ϝϯςφϯε࡞ۀͷͨΊϨϓϦέʔγϣϯ͕ࢭ·͍͕ͬͯͨɺ௨஌͸དྷͳ͍

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App App consul consul DNS consul consul 1) look up DNS 2) connect DB check mysql uptime before slave slave slave

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App App consul consul DNS consul consul 1) look up DNS 2) connect DB A) check mysql uptime After Mackerel batch batch batch B) check host status file B’ ) update host status file by cron slave slave slave

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• Consul ͷαʔϏε͕༗ޮʹͳΔͨΊʹ͸ɺmackerelͷεςʔλεͷมߋ͕ ඞཁɻΞϥʔτʹؾ͕ͭ͘Մೳੑˢ • ϗετεςʔλεΛϩʔΧϧͷͲ͔͜ʹॻ͖ࠐΉػೳɺ
 mackerel-agent ʹ͋Δͱศར?

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• Slave Ͱͷ Trigger ࣮ߦΛकΔ • ProductionͷҰ෦ͷslaveΛɺௐࠪɾूܭ༻ͱͯ͠࢖͑ΔΑ͏ʹ͍ͯ͠Δ • ηϯγςΟϒͳ৘ใʹ͍ͭͯ͸Slave্ͷTriggerͰ࡟আ

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• MySQLͱϨϓϦέʔγϣϯͱTrigger • MySQLͷϨϓϦέʔγϣϯͷํࣜʹ͸SQL͕సૹ͞Εͯ͘ΔStatementํࣜͱɺ σʔλ͕ૹΒΕͯ͘ΔRow Basedํࣜɺ·ͨͲͪΒ͔͕ࣗಈͰબ୒͞ΕΔMixed ํ͕ࣜ͋ΔɻMixedํࣜͰ͸جຊ͸Statementํ͕ࣜͩɺඇܾఆੑΫΤϦ͕࢖Θ ΕΔͱɺRow BasedͱͳΔ • ϨϓϦέʔγϣϯΛड͚Δslaveαʔό্ͰͷTrigger͸ɺStatementํࣜͷ৔߹ͷ Έ࣮ߦ͞ΕΔ • SlaveͰtriggerΛ҆શʹར༻͢ΔͨΊʹ͸ҙਤ͠ͳ͍ Row basedͳϨϓϦέʔ γϣϯΛൃݟ͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ

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• check-mysqlbinlog-rbr-fallbacks • No OSS • mysqlbinlog ίϚϯυ࢖͍ɺRow BasedʹͳͬͨςʔϒϧΛݕग़

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Master Backup Anon Slave Trigger binlog binlog check-mysqlbinlog-rbr-fallbacks Detect the SQL and fix data and 
 applications if necessary App

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• ௅ઓ͍ͯ͠ΔݶΓɺ؂ࢹ͸૿͑Δ • Application Server: 175 Metrics • DB Server: 245 Metrics

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• Ҏ্