The Video Revolution:
Maximizing SEO with On-Site
Video Content
Robert Karow
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Google certified publishing partner
with 10,000+ domains on the network
with billions of monthly visits
New video hosting platform with 1.4
million videos + and 780 million
monthly video plays
A Tale of Two Companies
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Ezoic & Humix Video Data
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Pages with videos drive
over 100% more traffic
from Google.
Video Insights
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The Problem
Not all videos are
created equal when it
comes to SEO impact.
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Watch Pages vs. Embedded Video
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Watch Pages in the SERPS
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Studies show
over 25% of all
search queries
now produce
video-rich results
Video Growth
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No content
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Create watch
…where & how?
SEO Strategies
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Domain Control
First Vs. Third Party Videos
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First vs. Third Party Videos
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First & Third Party Together
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Referral traffic from
YouTube was 0.16% in a
sample size of over 3.57
million page views.
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SEO Watch Page Party
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No content
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URLs Video Sitemap
Supported Files Video Crawling
Primary Content
Video Indexing Essentials
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Video Object Schema
Make sure Google Can access Files
Enhance SERPS Visually
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Optimizing Video SEO with HTML Elements
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Indexed watch
page must be
well in search
before its
video can be
Google Video Guidelines: Indexed Well?
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On-Page Ranking for Video
Video descriptions
Comments UGC
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Authority & Video Performance
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Predictions for Search as First Party
Video Becomes More Widely Adopted
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SEOs Going to Warmer Weather
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SEO Insights
Youtube takes up
90%+ of video
serps. For Now!
The Battle for the Video SERPS
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Relevant Videos for Every Query in SERPS
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We will find new
strategies to scale
video content as we
did text
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First-party hosting offers
better control, website
visibility, and engagement
Watch pages are crucial for
video indexing and ranking
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• Thank you for your
• For further inquiries, please
reach out to: Robert Karow
Email: [email protected]
Thank You & Questions