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Deploying with Kubernetes on Google Cloud Pla-orm

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@sheharyarn ! " # Sheharyar Naseer

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Devops is Hard • Even the best engineers struggle with deployments • A lot of manual work • Post-deployment monitoring • Never-ending stream of security & reliability issues

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But it doesn't have to be

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Kubernetes • Open-source container automation framework • Simple, Modular and Declarative • Automate as much as possible

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Imperative Systems • Create VPS instances for all of them • Manually install dependencies • ConGgure environment • Some automation possible • Still need to react in case something goes down

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Desired State • Tell Kubernetes what you want,
 not what to do • If something blows up, • Kubernetes will automatically Gx it • Will always go back to desired state

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Images & Containers • Represents application environment • Includes all dependencies • Isolated and bare minimum • We'll be using Docker

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Pods & Clusters • One or more containers deployed together • Representing an instance of your application • One IP per pod • One machine / node • Cluster is a group of nodes / pods

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Services • Named high-level application abstraction • Maps actual requests to pods • Load-balancing

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Outro Slides, notes & source code: ! sheharyarn