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Slide 1 text © 2020, Object Computing, Inc. (OCI). All rights reserved. No part of these notes may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior, written permission of Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) A Groovy Day of Training Dr Paul King OCI Groovy Lead V.P. and PMC Chair Apache Groovy @paulk_asert © 2020 Object Computing, Inc. (OCI). All rights reserved.

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Dr Paul King OCI Groovy Lead V.P. and PMC Chair Apache Groovy Slides: Supplementary slides: Examples repo: ReGinA author: Twitter: @paulk_asert

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Friends of Apache Groovy Open Collective

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History: Baking the Groovy language circa 2003 Ingredients and requirements • A healthy serving of Java inspiration • A dollop or two from Ruby, Smalltalk, Python, JavaScript • Some sprinkles from Haskell, Scala, C# • Pain points: scripting, functions, XML, SQL, dynamic capabilities, missing features Java Groovy

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History: Why Groovy? • Java perceived as good for core library development • But there were some pain points © ASERT 2006-2020 Java

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History: Perceived Java pain points © ASERT 2006-2020 Verbose & complex for common design patterns, XML, SQL, scripting, … Limited functional programming Limited concurrency options Evolves too slowly I need feature XXX Limited flexibility Java Missing features

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History: Options to overcome Java pain points © ASERT 2006-2020 Verbose & complex for common design patterns, XML, SQL, scripting, … Limited functional programming Limited concurrency options Evolves too slowly I need feature XXX Limited flexibility Java Missing features Haskell Shell scripts Apache Commons Erlang XSLT Scala Ruby Python Perl Other library Lobby to fix Java Wait for new versions

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History: Groovy as an elixir to Java pain points © ASERT 2006-2020 Verbose & complex for common design patterns, XML, SQL, scripting, … Limited functional programming Limited concurrency options Evolves too slowly I need feature XXX Limited flexibility Java Missing features Groovy

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History: Groovy evolution © ASERT 2006-2020 Verbose & complex for common design patterns, XML, SQL, scripting, … Limited functional programming Limited concurrency options Evolves too slowly I need feature XXX Limited flexibility Java Missing features Groovy TIOBE index October 2020: 11th

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Groovy by the numbers: Contributors and more

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Groovy by the numbers: Highlights Initial release – dynamic companion for Java Elvis op, joint compiler, ExpandoMetaClass Multi-assignment, grapes, AST transforms Power asserts, AST browser Command chains, functional enhancements Static nature, modules, indy support Meta-annotations, type checker extensions SAM coercion, DSL & groovysh improvements Closure type inference, traits, JDK8 Android support, many small improvements AST reworking, macros, macro methods Parrot parser (inc lambdas), split packaging

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Groovy by the numbers: Releases

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Groovy by the numbers: Downloads Popular & growing 2016: 23M 2017: 50M 2018: 103M 2019: 197M 2020h1: 147M currently: just over 30M+ per month Will be close to ¾ billion downloads by year end

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Groovy by the numbers: Enhancements ❖ On-going innovation

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3.0 highlights

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Groovy 3.0 Themes ❖ Parrot parser ❖ Improved copy/paste with Java ❖ New syntax/operators ❖ JDK8 minimum and better JDK 9/10 JPMS support ❖ Other improvements ❖ GDK additions ❖ Additional documentation options

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Groovy 3.0 Themes ❖ Parrot parser ❖ Improved copy/paste with Java ❖ New syntax/operators ❖ JDK8 minimum and better JDK 9/10 JPMS support ❖ Other improvements ❖ GDK additions ❖ Additional documentation options

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Groovy 3.0 Themes ❖ Parrot parser ❖ Improved copy/paste with Java ❖ New syntax/operators ❖ JDK8 minimum and better JDK 9/10 JPMS support ❖ Other improvements ❖ GDK additions ❖ Additional documentation options (comments in AST/embedded)

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New operators: identity/negated variants def first = [1, 2, 3] def second = [1, 2, 3] def alsoFirst = first assert first.equals(second) assert first == second assert assert first === alsoFirst assert first !== second

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New operators: negated variants for instanceof/in assert !('foo' instanceof Date) // Java/Groovy 1+ assert 'bar' !instanceof Date // Groovy 3 def nums = [1, 2, 3] assert 4 !in nums

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New operators: Elvis assignment // Java/Groovy 1+ ternary operator def (a, b) = [10, null] a = a != null ? a : 20 b = b != null ? b : 30 assert a == 10 && b == 30

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// Java/Groovy 1+ ternary operator def (a, b) = [10, null] a = a != null ? a : 20 b = b != null ? b : 30 assert a == 10 && b == 30 New operators: Elvis assignment // Groovy 2 Elvis operator def (c, d) = [100, null] c = c ?: 200 d = d ?: 300 assert c == 100 && d == 300 // Groovy 3 Elvis assignment operator def (e, f) = [1000, null] e ?= 2000 f ?= 3000 assert e == 1000 && f == 3000

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New operators: Safe navigation (Groovy 1+) def (a, b) = ['foo', null] assert a?.size() == 3 assert b?.size() == null // but no NPE thrown

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New operators: Safe indexing def as = ['foo', 'bar'] def bs = null assert as?[0] == 'foo' assert bs?[0] == null def (a, b) = ['foo', null] assert a?.size() == 3 assert b?.size() == null

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New operators: Safe indexing def as = ['foo', 'bar'] def bs = null assert as?[0] == 'foo' assert bs?[0] == null def (a, b) = ['foo', null] assert a?.size() == 3 assert b?.size() == null String[] as = ['foo', 'bar'] String[] bs = null assert as?[0] == 'foo' assert bs?[0] == null def as = [foo: 10, bar: 20] def bs = null assert as?['foo'] == 10 assert bs?['anything'] == null

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Parrot: Java-style Lambdas import static (1..10).forEach(e -> { println e }) assert (1..10).stream() .filter(e -> e % 2 == 0) .map(e -> e * 2) .collect(toList()) == [4, 8, 12, 16, 20]

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Method ref examples: class variants with streams import import static // class::staticMethod assert ['1', '2', '3'] == Stream.of(1, 2, 3) .map(String::valueOf) .collect(toList()) // class::instanceMethod assert ['A', 'B', 'C'] == ['a', 'b', 'c'].stream() .map(String::toUpperCase) .collect(toList())

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More method ref examples: constructors // normal constructor def r = Random::new assert r().nextInt(10) in 0..9 // array constructor is handy when working with various Java libraries, e.g. streams assert [1, 2, 3].stream().toArray() == '[Ljava.lang.Object;' assert [1, 2, 3].stream().toArray(Integer[]::new) == '[Ljava.lang.Integer;' // works with multi-dimensional arrays too def make2d = String[][]::new def tictac = make2d(3, 3) tictac[0] = ['X', 'O', 'X'] tictac[1] = ['X', 'X', 'O'] tictac[2] = ['O', 'X', 'O'] assert tictac*.join().join('\n') == ''' XOX XXO OXO '''.trim()

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Method closures & method references @groovy.transform.CompileStatic def method() { Function lower = String::toLowerCase println 'lower = ' + lower } // lower = MethodRefG$$Lambda$135/0x0000000801376440@5411dd90 def upper = String.&toUpperCase println 'upper = ' + upper // upper = org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure@7aa9e414 def plus = BigInteger.&add def fivePlus = plus.curry(5G).memoizeAtLeast(10) assert fivePlus(3G) == 8G assert fivePlus << 4G == 9G

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Parrot: Java-style Lambdas and var reserved type // Closure Groovy 1+ def two = 2 def twice = { x -> x * two } assert 6 == assert 4 == twice(two) // Lambdas, var for local variables/lambda params (Java 8, 10/11) var three = 3 IntFunction thrice = (final var x) -> x * three assert 6 == thrice.apply(two) assert 9 == thrice(three)

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Parrot: Closures, streams and method references def two = 2 def twice = { x -> x * two } def nums = [1, 2, 3] def expectedTwice = [2, 4, 6] assert expectedTwice == nums.collect { i -> } assert expectedTwice == nums.collect { twice(it) } assert expectedTwice == .map { i -> twice(i) } .collect(Collectors.toList()) assert expectedTwice == { twice(it) }.toList() assert expectedTwice == nums.collect(twice::call) assert expectedTwice == assert expectedTwice as Integer[] ==[]::new) assert expectedTwice as Integer[] ==

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Parrot: Java-style Lambdas and streams var three = 3 IntFunction thrice = (final var x) -> x * three def expectedThrice = [3, 6, 9] assert expectedThrice == nums.collect(thrice::apply) assert expectedThrice == nums.collect(i -> thrice(i)) assert expectedThrice == nums.collect(i -> thrice.apply(i)) assert expectedThrice == nums.collect { i -> thrice.apply(i) } assert expectedThrice == nums.collect { i -> thrice(i) } assert expectedThrice == nums.collect { thrice(it) } assert expectedThrice == assert expectedThrice == -> thrice.apply(i)).toList() assert expectedThrice == -> thrice(i)).toList() assert expectedThrice == { i -> thrice.apply(i) }.toList() assert expectedThrice == { i -> thrice(i) }.toList() assert expectedThrice == { thrice(it) }.toList()

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Parrot: Better Java syntax support • Try with resources • Enhanced try with resources (JDK9) • Arbitrary nested code blocks • Local variable var reserved type (JDK10) • Lambda param var (JDK11) • Default methods in interfaces

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Parrot: Java-style do…while // classic Java-style do..while loop def count = 5 def fact = 1 do { fact *= count-- } while(count > 1) assert fact == 120 Also: enhanced classic for loop and multi-assignment looping

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Parrot: Java-style array initialization def primes = new int[] {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} assert primes.size() == 5 && primes.sum() == 28 assert == '[I' def pets = new String[] {'cat', 'dog'} assert pets.size() == 2 && pets.sum() == 'catdog' assert == '[Ljava.lang.String;' // traditional Groovy alternative still supported String[] groovyBooks = [ 'Groovy in Action', 'Making Java Groovy' ] assert groovyBooks.every{ it.contains('Groovy') }

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JPMS: split package redress groovy: groovy.xml.QName groovy.namespace.QName groovy-ant: groovy.util (includes AntBuilder) groovy.ant groovy-console: groovy.ui.ConsoleApplet groovy.inspect groovy.console groovy.inspect.swingui groovy.console.ui groovy.ui groovy.console.ui groovy-groovysh: Deprecated Copied and original deprecated

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JPMS: split package redress (cont’d) groovy-jmx: groovy.util.GroovyMBean groovy.jmx groovy-nio: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.WritablePath org.apache.groovy.nio.runtime org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NioGroovyMethods org.apache.groovy.nio.extensions.NioExtensions groovy-swing (SwingBuilder only produces new classes): org.codehaus.groovy.binding org.apache.groovy.swing.binding org.codehaus.groovy.runtime org.apache.groovy.swing.extensions groovy.model groovy.swing.model groovy.inspect.swingui org.apache.groovy.swing.table

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JPMS: split package redress (cont’d) groovy-test: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptTestAdapter org.apache.groovy.test groovy.transform.NotYetImplemented groovy.test groovy.util (includes GroovyTestCase) groovy.test groovy.lang groovy.test groovy-xml: groovy.util (includes XmlParser & XmlSlurper) groovy.xml • Migrate over lifetime of Groovy 3 with some caveats • Don’t mix and match old and new versions of classes • Deprecated classes removed in 4.0 to make jars module friendly

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JPMS: remove illegal access warnings

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Groovy by the numbers: Enhancements ❖ On-going innovation Remember these graphs?

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@ASTTest @AutoClone @AutoExternalize @BaseScript @Bindable @Builder @Canonical @Category @CompileDynamic @CompileStatic @ConditionalInterrupt @Delegate @EqualsAndHashCode @ExternalizeMethods @ExternalizeVerifier @Field @Newify @NotYetImplemented @PackageScope @Singleton @Sortable @SourceURI @Synchronized @TailRecursive @ThreadInterrupt @TimedInterrupt @ToString @Trait @TupleConstructor @TypeChecked @Vetoable @WithReadLock @WithWriteLock AST Transformations – Groovy 2.4, Groovy 2.5, Groovy 3.0 @AutoFinal @AutoImplement @ImmutableBase @ImmutableOptions @MapConstructor @NamedDelegate @NamedParam @NamedParams @NamedVariant @PropertyOptions @VisibilityOptions @GroovyDoc @NullCheck * Improved in 2.5 @Grab • @GrabConfig • @GrabResolver • @GrabExclude @Grapes @Immutable @IndexedProperty @InheritConstructors @Lazy Logging: • @Commons • @Log • @Log4j • @Log4j2 • @Slf4j @ListenerList @Mixin

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GDK improvements

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4.0 Roadmap

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Important naming/structuring changes Maven coordinate change org.codehaus.groovy org.apache.groovy Legacy package removal groovy-xml: groovy.util (includes XmlParser & XmlSlurper) groovy.xml Module changes for groovy-all groovy-testng: was included, now optional groovy-yaml: was optional, now included

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Legacy consolidation Old parser removal Antlr 2 Antlr4 Classic bytecode generation removal Classic Indy

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Built-in type checkers: regex checker import groovy.transform.TypeChecked @TypeChecked(extensions = 'groovy.typecheckers.RegexChecker') def whenIs2020Over() { def newYearsEve = '2020-12-31' def matcher = newYearsEve =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}/ } def newYearsEve = '2020-12-31' def matcher = newYearsEve =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}/ // PatternSyntaxException

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Built-in type checkers: regex checker ~/\w{3/ // missing closing repetition quantifier brace ~"(.)o(.*" // missing closing group bracket Pattern.compile(/?/) // dangling meta character '?' (Java longhand) 'foobar' =~ /f[o]{2/ // missing closing repetition quantifier brace 'foobar' ==~ /(foo/ // missing closing group bracket Pattern.matches(/?/, 'foo') // dangling meta character '?' (Java longhand) def m = 'foobar' =~ /(...)(...)/ assert m[0][1] == 'foo' // okay assert m[0][3] // type error: only two groups in regex Pattern p = Pattern.compile('(...)(...)') Matcher m = p.matcher('foobar') assert m.find() assert == 'foo' // okay assert // type error: only two groups in regex

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Built-in macro methods def num = 42 def list = [1 ,2, 3] def range = 0..5 def string = 'foo' println NV(num, list, range, string) println NVI(range) println NVD(range)

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JavaShell import org.apache.groovy.util.JavaShell def opts = ['--enable-preview', '--release', '14'] def src = 'record Coord(int x, int y) {}' Class coordClass = new JavaShell().compile('Coord', opts, src) assert coordClass.newInstance(5, 10).toString() == 'Coord[x=5, y=10]'

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@POJO 3 true Point(x:1, y:3) Point(x:2, y:2) Point(x:3, y:1) 2

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Groovy 2.5: AST Transforms: @Immutable becomes meta-annotation @Immutable class Point { int x, y } @ToString(includeSuperProperties = true, cache = true) @EqualsAndHashCode(cache = true) @ImmutableBase @ImmutableOptions @PropertyOptions(propertyHandler = ImmutablePropertyHandler) @TupleConstructor(defaults = false) @MapConstructor(noArg = true, includeSuperProperties = true, includeFields = true) @KnownImmutable class Point { int x, y }

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Groovy 4.0: AST Transforms: @RecordType meta-annotation @RecordType class Point { int x, y } @RecordBase @ToString(cache = true, includeNames = true) @EqualsAndHashCode(cache = true, useCanEqual = false) @ImmutableOptions @PropertyOptions(propertyHandler = ImmutablePropertyHandler) @TupleConstructor(defaults = false) @MapConstructor @KnownImmutable @POJO class Point { int x, y }

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@RecordType Produces a class that: • is implicitly final • has a private final field firstName with an accessor method firstName(); ditto for lastName • has a default Cyclist(String, String) constructor • has a default serialVersionUID of 0L • has implicit toString(), equals() and hashCode() methods

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groovy-contracts module Design-by-contract

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Still being explored for future Groovy versions • Switch expressions • Additional destructuring/pattern matching within switch case expressions • Language integrated query • Smarter type checking: non-null, pure • Module definitions in Groovy

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GINQ – Groovy’s language integrated query • Incubating status: feedback welcome Queryable.from([0, 1, 2]).select(n -> n) from n in [0, 1, 2] select n

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GINQ – Groovy’s language integrated query • Incubating status: feedback welcome def nums1 = [1, 2, 3] def nums2 = [1, 2, 3] assert [[2, 1], [3, 2], [4, 3]] == GQ { from n1 in nums1 innerjoin n2 in nums2 on n1 == n2 select n1 + 1, n2 }.toList() def numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] assert [2, 4, 6] == GQ { from n in numbers where n > 0 && n <= 3 select n * 2 }.toList() def persons = [new Person('Linda', 100, 'Female’), new Person('Daniel', 135, 'Male’), new Person('David', 121, 'Male')] assert [['Female', 1], ['Male', 2]] == GQ { from p in persons groupby p.gender orderby count( select p.gender, count( }.toList() from n in [0, 1, 2] select n