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Taking the Web Offline Erik Runyon @erunyon #AIM10 October 2014

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Erik Runyon Director of Web Communications The University of Notre Dame @erunyon #AIM10

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Today’s Topics I. Why? II. The Past III. The Future

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I. Why?

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Erik’s personal Bermuda Triangle of AT&T (and Sprint) suckage

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Service * not a true story Service Unavailable

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Service REALLY Unavailable

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We want an app…

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II. The Past

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Cookies • Introduced in 1994 by the Netscape Communications Corporation • Data passed to the server • Store up to 4KB per cookie

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Less notable solutions Flash “Cookies” (Local Shared Objects) 100KB Google Gears (deprecated in 2011)

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Where we’re going, we don’t need… reliable internet connections. III. The Future

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Web SQL Database

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Wrapper around SQLite SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.

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Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 4+ 2.1+ 3.1+ 3.2+ None None* Web SQL Support * Not currently planned (

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The nail in the coffin… Spec is no longer in active maintenance.

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What it is… IndexedDB is a client side storage API that persists data in a user's browser. It is a transactional, non-relational storage mechanism that saves key-value pairs in Object Stores and allows searching data using indexes.

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What it’s not… IndexedDB is NOT a Relational Database

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Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 23+ 4.4+ 8 8 10+ 10+* IndexedDB Support * a number of sub features are not supported in IE 10 & 11

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Opening // Opening a Database var db; var request ="HEWeb 2014 Presentations", 1); request.onerror = function(event) { console.log("Database error: " +; }; request.onupgradeneeded = function(event){ console.log("Upgrading"); db =; var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("presentations", { keyPath : "uniq_id" }); }; request.onsuccess = function(event){ console.log("Success opening DB"); db =; };

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Adding // Adding an object var uniq_id = "4cb507e9-56c5-478b-9ba6-87f4e509db38"; var title = "Taking the web offline"; var transaction = db.transaction(["presentations"],"readwrite"); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("presentations"); objectStore.add({uniq_id: uniq_id, title: title});

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Deleting var uniq_id = "4cb507e9-56c5-478b-9ba6-87f4e509db38"; // Removing Object from ObjectStore var transaction = db.transaction(["presentations"],"readwrite"); transaction.objectStore("presentations").delete(uniq_id);

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Accessing an object var uniq_id = "4cb507e9-56c5-478b-9ba6-87f4e509db38"; // Accessing an object with the key var transaction = db.transaction(["presentations"],"readwrite"); var request = transaction.objectStore("presentations").get(uniq_id); request.onsuccess = function(event){ console.log("Title : " + request.result.title); };

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Updating // Updating an Object var uniq_id = "4cb507e9-56c5-478b-9ba6-87f4e509db38"; var transaction = db.transaction(["presentations"],"readwrite"); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("presentations").get(uniq_id); var request = objectStore.get(uniq_id); request.onsuccess = function(event){ request.result.title = "Taking the web… ! offline. YEAHHHHH!!!!"; objectStore.put(request.result); };

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Combining IndexedDB and Web SQL? • • •

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Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 4+ 2.1+ 3.1+ 3.2+ 10+ 10+ IndexedDB + Web SQL

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Summary Use indexedDB to store large sets of data that needs to be searchable.

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Web Storage

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What it is… The Web Storage API provides objects for storing temporary (sessionStorage) and permanent (localStorage) data on the client's device.

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Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 4+ 2.1+ 4+ 3.2+ 3.5+ 8+ Support

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Session Storage Stores data for current session and browser tab only. sessionStorage Provides a Storage object for an origin, that remains persistent even after restarting the browser. localStorage Local Storage

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Testing Support Vanilla javascript: if(window.localStorage !== undefined){ // window.localStorage is available! } Using Modernizr: if(Modernizr.localstorage){ // window.localStorage is available! }

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Syntax // Setting localStorage.setItem("foo", "Bar"); localStorage["foo"] = "Bar"; = "Bar" // Getting localStorage.getItem("foo"); localStorage["foo"];;

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Syntax localStorage.setItem("foo", "Bar"); localStorage.getItem("foo"); // Removing an item localStorage.removeItem("foo"); // Clearing storage localStorage.clear();

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Storing Data: numbers localStorage.setItem("foo", 500); > localStorage.getItem("foo"); > "500" > ParseInt(localStorage.getItem("foo"), 10); > 500

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Storing Data: objects/arrays var my_array = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]; localStorage.setItem("bar", JSON.stringify(my_array)); var my_stored_array = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("bar"));

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Chrome Inspector

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  • Taking the Web Offline


    • Erik Runyon - University of Notre Dame
    Blah blah blah


    View Details
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    Adding/Removing var schedule = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("schedule")) || []; // As buttons are clicked // sid is the pulled from the “data-id” if($.inArray(sid, schedule) == -1){ schedule.push(sid); } else { var indexId = $.inArray(sid, schedule); schedule.splice(indexId, 1); } localStorage.setItem("schedule", JSON.stringify(schedule));

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    foo.on("click", ".sch-academies", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(localStorage.getItem("hideAcademies") == "true"){ localStorage.removeItem("hideAcademies"); $(".section-academies").show(); $(this).html("Hide Academies"); } else { localStorage.setItem("hideAcademies", "true"); $(".section-academies").hide(); $(this).html("Show Academies"); } }) Workshops and Academies

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    foo.on("click", ".sch-academies", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(localStorage.getItem("hideAcademies") == "you_betcha"){ localStorage.removeItem("hideAcademies"); $(".section-academies").show(); $(this).html("Hide Academies"); } else { localStorage.setItem("hideAcademies", "you_betcha"); $(".section-academies").hide(); $(this).html("Show Academies"); } }); Workshops and Academies

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    Items of note • Clearing a browsers cache does NOT clear web storage • There is no built-in way to expire web storage • Data is scoped to the domain

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    Summary Use localStorage to quickly and easily store small amounts of data.

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    What it is… Application Cache provides a manifest which lists the files that are needed for the Web application to work offline and which causes the user's browser to keep a copy of the files for use offline.

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    " #

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    Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 4+ 2.1+ 4+ 3.2+ 3.5+ 10+ Support

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    Getting started…

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    mime-type # Apache AddType text/cache-manifest .appcache # .NET

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    Prevent appcache Caching # Apache ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest "access plus 0 seconds" # .NET

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    The manifest CACHE MANIFEST /foo/ stylesheet.css images/logo.png scripts/main.js

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    Ok, so it’s not quite THAT easy.

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    Notes on Domains • Resources do NOT have to be on the same domain to be cached. • Over SSL, all resources in the manifest must respect the same-origin policy (except in Chrome).

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    Basic Structure CACHE MANIFEST # v2014.10.21.0 CACHE: /css/site.css NETWORK: * FALLBACK: /file.php /static.html /images/ /images/offline.png Required at the beginning of the file Instructions for requested files/paths that are not cached List of explicit URLs to be stored locally Resources only available while online

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    The order of things 1. Browser visits site for the first time, site is downloaded 2. Manifest is read and all files are saved for offline use 3. Visitor returns to site and appcache serves page and assets from the cache (even if user is online) 4. Browser then checks for updated manifest 5. If update is found, appcache refreshes outdated files/assets 6. On next visit/refresh, the browser shows the most recent version

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    Items of note • The referencing file will ALWAYS be cached • The file referencing the manifest can’t be NETWORK whitelisted • The manifest file must be updated for changes to be sent • If any files specified in the manifest cannot be found, the entire cache will be ignored • Cached files are always served from appcache, even when online

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    Fonts Include as few fonts as possible

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    Google Fonts Referenced: @import url(; @import url(; Downloaded:

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    Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE 5+ 4.4+ 5.1+ 5.1+ 3.6+ 9+ WOFF Support (86.6% U.S.A.)

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    The javascript side of appcache

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    Javascript Events updateready // Fired when the manifest resources have been newly re-downloaded progress // Fired for each resource listed in the manifest as it is being fetched checking // Checking for an update. Always the first event fired in the sequence downloading // An update was found. The browser is fetching resources cached // Fired after the first cache of the manifest noupdate // Fired after the first download of the manifest obsolete // This results in the application cache being deleted error // The manifest returns 404 or 410, the download failed, or the manifest changed while the download was in progress

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    Forcing an update // Check for updated version of appcache window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { if(window.applicationCache) { var appCache = window.applicationCache; appCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) { if(appCache.status == appCache.UPDATEREADY) { if(confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) { window.location.reload(); } } }, false); } }, false);

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    Slide 69 text Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE Unlimited 20MB? Unlimited 10MB Unlimited 10MB Storage Limits *Big Frickin Asterisk

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    Chrome Storage Limits Sharing the pool Temporary storage is shared among all web apps running in the browser. The shared pool can be up to half of the of available disk space. Storage already used by apps is included in the calculation of the shared pool; that is to say, the calculation is based on (available storage space + storage being used by apps) * .5 . Each app can have up to 20% of the shared pool. As an example, if the total available disk space is 50 GB, the shared pool is 25 GB, and the app can have up to 5 GB. This is calculated from 20% of half of the available disk space.

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    Chrome Storage Limits Running out of storage Once the storage quota for the entire pool is exceeded, the entire data stored for the least recently used host gets deleted. The browser, however, will not expunge the data in LocalStorage and SessionStorage. For data stored in other offline APIs, the browser deletes the data in whole and not in part so that app data doesn't get corrupted in unexpected ways. As each app is limited to a maximum of 20% of the storage pool, deletion is likely only if the user is actively running more than five offline apps that are each using the maximum storage. However, available storage space can shrink as users add more files on their hard drives. When the available disk space gets tight (Remember, the shared pool only gets half of the current available disk space), the browser deletes all the data stored for the least recently used host.

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    Slide 72 text Chrome Android Safari iOS Firefox IE It depends It depends It depends It depends It depends It depends Storage Limits

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    CACHE MANIFEST # v2014.10.10.1 CACHE: app.css app.js images/cd-clock-labels.png images/cd-header-repeat.png images/cd-header@2x.png images/cd-wrapper.jpg images/cd-x@2x.png images/digits.gif images/gameday-icon.png images/helmet-arizona-state.png images/helmet-florida-state.png images/helmet-louisville.png images/helmet-michigan.png images/helmet-navy.png images/helmet-north-carolina.png images/helmet-northwestern.png images/helmet-purdue.png images/helmet-rice.png images/helmet-stanford.png images/helmet-syracuse.png images/helmet-usc.png images/nbc.gif images/wrapper.jpg NETWORK: *

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    Download Progress

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    Chrome Inspector chrome://appcache-internals/

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    Clearing appcache chrome://appcache-internals/

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    Why? Instead of several “native” mobile apps, the conference committee decided to focus on an offline capable responsive website. Because conference wifi.

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    / /about/ /attendees/ /schedule/ /events/ /venue/ /sponsors/ /gunn/ /hardwick/ The pages

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    / /images/2014/gunn-home.jpg /images/2014/hardwick-home.jpg /about/ /images/2014/attendees.jpg /attendees/ /images/2014/registration.jpg /schedule/ /events/ /images/2014/afterdark.jpg /images/2014/hackathon.jpg The pages

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    /sponsors/logos/acquia.png /sponsors/logos/active-data.png /sponsors/logos/barkley-rei.png /sponsors/logos/beacon.png /sponsors/logos/c2.png /sponsors/logos/caktus.png /sponsors/logos/campus-bird.png /sponsors/logos/campusm.png /sponsors/logos/campuspress.png /sponsors/logos/expertfile.png /sponsors/logos/form-assembly.png The images 28 Images? Nope, sorry

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    /styles/site.css /styles/schedule.css /styles/fonts/Arvo-Regular.woff /styles/fonts/Arvo-Bold.woff /scripts/modernizr.js /scripts/jquery-2.1.0.min.js /scripts/2014.js The support staff

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    FALLBACK: /page-with-a-form/ /offline/forms/ / /offline/ Fallback pages

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    if(appCache.status == appCache.UPDATEREADY) { $('#site-reload').slideToggle(); } Non-obtrusive updating

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    IV. Wrapping Up

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    IndexedDB For large sets of searchable data.

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    Web Storage For small data sets (articles/settings) that don’t necessarily need to be passed to the server on every request.

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    Appcache Store site/data for offline use.

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    Find a reason to play with new web technology.

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    Credits Offline phone graphic: @tpacket Browser logos: Photos: Subway: Notre Dame Stadium: Matt Cashore - Cat:

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    Erik Runyon @erunyon thank you