Encourage TDD
Ryo Tomidokoro
PHP Study 2019/2/27
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Video Casset Recorder
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How to Use
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PHP-VCR | Record HTTP interactions while testing
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Record Response
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Request & Response
Recorded as YML
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Replace API-Request to PHP-VCR
-> Easy way to tests HTTP Request.
-> Faster than actual HTTP Request.
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When to Use
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Let’s say you have a legacy app
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Legacy App
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Replace external API with PHP-VCR
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Legacy App now becomes testable
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But, wait
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Shouldn’t we use mock?
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Desired Architecture
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Of course we prefer mock
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A chiken or egg situation
- Loosely coupled architecture is desirable
- Legacy app have a long way to achieve it
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No tests until good architecture?
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Test First
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Create tests for the legacy app with PHP-VCR
It’s will support your refactoring until you
achive your desirable architecture.
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How to Bent Wood | Ahoy!
It’s a jig for a legacy app
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When refactoring ends
- You can choose wheather to use Mock or PHP-VCR
- PHP-VCR is a great tool guiding you to achieve a
better software architecture.
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Needs soap extension
Example setup for CircleCI 2.0
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Headers match may be too strict
Development environment & CI environment might use
slightly diffrent version of UserAgent.
Ignore strict headers match at this situation.
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curl_getinfo is not recorded (yet)
It’s in PR, but not yet merged.
Using curl_getinfo, PHP-VCR will not work.