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How to build an ecommerce site on the JAMstack With Contentful and Commerce Layer December 5th 2019

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Housekeeping ● This webinar is being recorded; we will share the recording and slide deck with all registrants ● Please leave your questions in the Q&A box, we’ll answer them after the presentation ● To get in touch, write to us at [email protected] Before we begin...

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Shy Ruparel Developer Evangelist | Contentful @ShyRuparel 3 Filippo Conforti Founder | Commerce Layer @FilippoConforti

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Static Ecommerce? 4 4

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Static Websites A brief history 5 5

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The first website was a static site 6

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Let’s Develop like it’s 1991 ● Every website was static ● Layout wasn’t a thing ○ Vertical flow for everything ● Link management was manual ● 1991: 1.2 KB/s 7 7

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First Web Search 9

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First Web Comic 10

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Things get Dynamic ● CGI was introduced in 1994 ● Rasmus Lerdorf releases his “Personal Home Page Tools” in 1995 ● Brendan Eich writes the prototype for JavaScript in 1995 ● 1994: 28 KB/s 11 11

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E-Commerce becomes possible 13

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It’s a business ● Microsoft ASP was releases in 1996, Sun JSP in 1999 ● Hosting a dynamic, CMS, based website became easy ● Microsoft FrontPage and Marcomedia Dreamweaver released in 1996 and 1997 ● 1996: 56 KB/s 14 14

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Your own space 16

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Apps on the Web 17

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I got the power ● XMLHttpRequest was part of IE5 in 1999 ● SPA have been discussed since 2003 ● jQuery was published in 2006, AngularJS in 2009 ● 2006: 8 MB/s 18 18

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Modern static site builders 19 19

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20 GitHub

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Jekyll 21

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Static just makes things easier 24

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This project is way too complex. Static sites just won’t cut it. 25 25

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26 Common Requirements 1. “Our editors don’t know git, they need a GUI.” 2. “We have a lot of content, we need full-text search.” 3. “Our contact forms needs to send an email.” 4. “We’re running an online shop. You can’t do that with a static site.” 26

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27 A cloud and an API walk into a bar AWS got started in 2002,Lambda added in 2014 Roy Fielding defines REST in his 2000 PhD dissertation Twilio was founded in 2007; Stripe in 2011 27

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A need breed of Static Site Generators Seamlessly combining static sites and single page applications 28

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How does that solve anything? With great services comes great responsibility 29 29

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30 3 ways to access a service

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Our editors don’t know git, they need a GUI. 31

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We have a lot of content, we need full-text search. 32

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Our contact forms needs to send an email. 33

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We’re running an online shop. You can’t do that with a static site. 34

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Contentful + API = ❤ 35

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Bringing it all Together 36

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Let’s dig into Ecommerce 37 37

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38 Architecture and workflow

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Contentful + Ecommerce API = 39

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Static just makes things easier 40