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Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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• Previously described as “(Mobile) Backend as a Service", BaaS • cloud-accessible databases (e.g., Parse, Firebase, CosmosDB), authentication services (e.g., Auth0, AWS Cognito) • Stateless compute containers that are event-triggered and fully managed by a third party; there comes “Functions as a Service” or "FaaS"

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• Event-driven artificial intelligence (AI) • Real-Time AI • Scalability • Ease of deployment

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Let’s talk tooling!

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• Eventing • Machine Learning • Data Storage • Database • Compute

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• Service Bus: Async Enterprise Messaging • Azure Event Hubs: Distributed Data Streaming • Relay: Secure two way communication without changes to your network • Event Grid: Cross cloud reactive eventing

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• Cognitive Services • Azure Bot Service • Azure Machine Learning Service

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• Azure Search : Cognitive Search, Built-in AI including OCR, key phrase extraction, and named entity recognition to unlock insights • Azure CosmosDB : NoSQL Document Type, Graph • Azure Tables : NoSQL key-value store • Azure Databricks: Apache SparkTM–based analytics service

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• Azure Functions : Pyhton support! • Azure Container Instances

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