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Doomsday Preppers: Fortifying Your Red Team Infrastructure

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1 Introduction

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Whoami ● Steve Borosh ○ Penetration Tester / Red Teamer ○ Blogger ○ ● Jeff Dimmock ○ Penetration Tester / Red Teamer ○ Blogger ○

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Slides/Resources online

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Agenda ▪ Introduction ▪ “Standard” Infrastructure ▪ “Advanced” Infrastructure ▪ For The Blues: Tips and Tradecraft ▪ Questions

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Purpose ▪ Infrastructure design ▫ Build a resilient infrastructure ▫ Stay hidden ▫ Separation of resources ▪ Secure the infrastructure ▫ Prevent “hack-back” ▫ Prevent data leakage ▪ Train both Blue and Red

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Props to prior research ▪ - Raphael Mudge ▫ “A Vision for Distributed Red Team Operations” ▫ “Advanced Threat Tactics: Course and Notes” ▪ - Alex Rymdeko-Harvey ▫ “6 Red Team Infrastructure Tips”

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3 “Standard” Infrastructure

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Design ▪ One (or few) hosts handle all functionality ▫ Payloads/C2/Phishing/etc ▪ Quick to deploy ▪ Simple hardening

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Components ▪ Single-server C2 + SMTP ▪ Originates all attacks ▪ Default traffic profiles ▪ Open to entire Internet

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Use Cases ▪ Tests w/o active incident response ▪ Fully whitebox ▪ Functional testing ▫ Click tracking ▫ Egress testing

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Attacker Router/Firewall C2/SMTP Server Router/Firewall Victim

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Weaknesses ▪ Hosted payloads are easily enumerated by defenders ▪ C2 may be easily blocked by IP, netblock, or domain name ▪ No redundancy in case of outages ▪ Susceptible to Internet-wide probing or exploitation

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5 “Advanced” Infrastructure

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Design ▪ Based on “Infrastructure for Ongoing Red Team Operations” by Raphael Mudge ▪ Segregate assets based on function, minimize overlap ▪ Place redirectors in front of every host

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Design ▪ Document the setup ▫ Know what points where ▪ Split hosts amongst providers ▫ (Pay attention to terms of service!) ▪ Forward all logs to central server via rsyslog

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Components ▪ Four teamservers ▫ Phishing & payloads ▫ Long-term DNS C2 ▫ Short-term DNS C2 ▫ Short-term HTTP C2 ▪ Four redirectors (VPS hosts) ▫ Two for DNS C2 via socat/iptables ▫ HTTP C2 via Apache ▫ HTTP payloads via Apache ▪ SMTP server (VPS host) ▪ Four domains

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Domains ▪ ▫ Old first registered age ▫ High SimilarWeb score ▫ High number of backlinks ▪ Register pre-used domains ▪ Register domains in same category ▪ Finance/Healthcare usually have firewall exceptions for SSL

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Domains ▪ Check categorization ▫ Bluecoat ▫ McAfee (TrustedSource) ▫ Fortiguard ▪ Senderbase Score ▫ ▪ Check blacklists (web and email) ▫

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SMTP ▪ Use “redirector” for sending ▪ Remove previous server headers ▪ Catch-all address to receive bounce-backs or responses ▪ Use third-party SMTP servers ▫ Read the TOS first!

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Apache mod_rewrite ▪ Redirect unwanted requests ▫ Invalid URIs ▫ IR useragents ▫ Blacklisted IPs ▪ OS-specific payload delivery ▪ Payload extension hiding ▪ Filter non-C2 requests to C2 domains

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Mobile Redirection Apache mod_rewrite

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Invalid URI Redirection Apache mod_rewrite

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Apache mod_rewrite OS-Specific Payloads

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Apache mod_rewrite

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Apache mod_rewrite

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DNS ▪ socat vs. iptables ▫ Team-Infrastructure-Wiki#dns ▪ Modify query results in profile ▫ Typical default of ▫ Nslookup = google,opendns ▪ Modify DNS request lengths ▫ Max domain name, 253 text characters ▫

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DNS Redirection Socat ecting-cobalt-strike-dns-beacons/ IPTables ▪ Forward UDP port 53 to teamserver from redirector

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DNS Redirection

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DNS Redirection

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DNS Redirection

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NAT’d DNS Redirection Cobalt Strike ( SOCAT & SSH Main Redirector (104.236.x.x) SOCAT Volatile Redirector (45.63.y.y) IPTables

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Modify Your C2 Channels! ▪ Don’t use defaults ▪ Use a different profile for each c2 channel ▪ Blend your profiles into your target environment

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Modified C2 Signatures ▪ Changes how C2 looks on the wire ▪ Impersonate adversary or internal applications ▪ Malleable C2 -> Cobalt Strike ▪ Communication Profile -> Empire ▪ Use custom profiles on every server!

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Malleable C2 Example (Amazon Traffic)

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Modified C2 Signatures

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Modified C2 Signatures

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Modified C2 Signatures

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Domain Fronting

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Domain Fronting ▪ s/fronting/ ▪ Utilize high-trust domains ▫ Cloudfront ▫ AWS ▫ Google ▪ Implementation varies per provider

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Domain Fronting (cont.)

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Domain Fronting (cont.) ▪ Resources “High-reputation Redirectors and Domain Fronting” -Raphael Mudge “Domain Fronting via Cloudfront Alternate Domains” -Vincent Yiu “Escape and Evasion Egressing Restricted Networks” -Chris Patten and Tom Steele

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Finding Frontable Domains ▪ Searchable by CNAME ▫ Google ‘CNAME “*”’ ▪ Bruteforce/find subdomains ▫ Can search alexa top x sites ▫ Search by domain ▫ leDomains

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Watching the watchers ▪ ‘Pre-phish’ with a weak phish to fingerprint response ▫ Easy-to-spot, but not Nigerian Prince ▫ Use completely different infrastructure ▫ Perform far in advance ▫ Skype Pre-Phish: jw30 ▪ WATCH ALL LOGS ▫ Look for CURL/WGET/Python requests ▫ Geolocate IPs ▫ ID appliances ▫ ID incident response actions

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Watching the watchers ▪ Monitor domain/IP categorization/blacklisting ▪ Monitor emails, if possible ▫ Compromised accounts ▫ Bouncebacks ▪ Roll infrastructure as needed

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Securing the Infrastructure ▪ Attackers can be attacked too! ▫ Metasploit* ▫ Empire** ▫ Cobalt Strike*** ▪ RCE on unprotected attack infrastructure * * ** ***

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Securing the Teamserver ▪ Chattr cron directories ▪ iptables ▫ Restrict resources to only needed IPs ▪ Lock down SSH ▫ PKI auth only ▫ Limited user rights

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Securing the Teamserver (cont.) ▪ Block non-target country IPs ▪ Keep your C2 updated!

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7 For the Blues

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Hunting C2 Infrastructure ▪ Default requests ▫ Notable lack of headers ▫ Lack of proper HTTP response codes ▪ Static Content ▫ “It Works!” responses ▪ Reference ▫ ng-red-team-empire-c2.html ▫ ng-red-team-meterpreter-c2.html

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Default Empire Response

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Shodan Search For Empire

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Identifying malicious DNS traffic ▪ Request length ▪ Same domain with many subdomains ▫ Entropy in subdomains ■ ■ ▪ DNS Server resolves to or something funky

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Identifying other malicious traffic ▪ SSL Certs ▫ Let’s Encrypt Certs ▫ Self-Signed ▪ Consistent URL patterns ▫ /admin.php etc.. ▫ Repeated intervals with Bro ▪ Research common C2 platforms ▫ (low hanging fruit for defenders) ▫ Stagers are easy to spot

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Identifying Malicious traffic (cont.) ▪ Analyze network captures ▫ Beacon intervals (jitter) ▫ Filter out known-good ▪ VPS address ranges

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VPS Lookup

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Thanks! ANY QUESTIONS? You can contact us at: @424f424f (Steve Borosh) @bluscreenofjeff (Jeff Dimmock)