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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky What’s your dream?

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky What’s your why?

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky What would you sacrifice to get it? 

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Tom Critchlow’s Skills Maturity matrix

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky US salaries, for SEO roles, Tom Critchlow

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The surface area of luck © 2010 Jason Roberts Doing Telling Good Better Best

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky 1. 2. 3. 4. Go wide Go big Give back Go deep

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Go wide before going deep

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Work in the best agency you can.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Exposure is

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Dig your ditches.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Embrace errors while learning. They open your brain to learning new skills at a cellular level. how-to-learn-skills-faster/

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Be curious.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Do everything

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky But we only do…

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky •Do pro bono work

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky •Do pro bono work •Build your passion website

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky •Do pro bono work •Build your passion website •Friends + family

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Find a way.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Critical thinking

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Use a decision making process

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Problem Solving 101, Ken Watanabe

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem •Gather + explore data

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem •Gather + explore data •Extract insights

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem •Gather + explore data •Extract insights •Form hypothesis

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem •Gather + explore data •Extract insights •Form hypothesis •Execute test

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky The Two Octobers way: •Define the problem •Gather + explore data •Extract insights •Form hypothesis •Execute test •Track + continuously improve

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Learn about + remove bias

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Learn to prioritize

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky What should we do and when should we do it?

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Impact High Low Easy Hard Ease of implementation

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Important Very Not VERY Not Urgent Urgent + Important Not Urgent + Important Not Urgent + Not Important Urgent + Not Important DO / DECIDE IMMEDIATELY DECIDE WHEN YOU’LL DO IT DO / DECIDE LATER The Eisenhower Matrix

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky 1. 2. 3. 4. Go wide Go big Give back Go deep

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being.' Iki = life and gai = value or worth.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Connect with your heroes. Here’s how! 

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • Like

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • Like • Comment

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • Like • Comment • DM

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Hey Hey! When are we going to do a Zoom? I'd really dig meeting you!

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Yo! Just saw Greg’s tweet mentioning your “Speed to insight”. Makes me want to do a Zoom with you if you’re open to it.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • Like • Comment • Dm • Zoom

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Seek as much wisdom and perspective as possible from others. Heather Physioc

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Be a spider. Build your web. 

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Community Join or build your own.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Community exposed me to a new world of possibilities. It showed me examples and precedents of people who had achieved things I thought were impossible, giving me a north star to aim for. Chima Mmeje

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Christina Ehrensberger In terms of my career, I receive a lot of requests to collaborate with brands, I now have a seat at tables that I would never have gotten if it wasn’t for Latinas en SEO.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky 1. 2. 3. 4. Go wide Go big Give back Go deep

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Write a blog.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Host a podcast.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Learn to speak.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon It doesn't matter what you want. There's always somebody who has what you want and they're almost always a better communicator than we are. Brenden Kumarasamy MasterTalk

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • It will make you a better thinker

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • It will make you a better thinker • It will open many professional doors

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • It will make you a better thinker • It will open many professional doors • You’ll make friends all over

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky • It will make you a better thinker • It will open many professional doors • You’ll make friends all over • You’ll learn the communication skills necessary to work at the highest levels

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Tom Critchlow’s Skills Maturity matrix

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Storytelling - I think now more than ever before we have to know how to take insight and communicate it to clients in a commercial way. Carrie Rose

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Be bold.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Jennifer Cohen Ted Talk 
 Bigger Better Bolder

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon You need to ask for what you want. Period.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon Chase what you want and don’t settle for what you get.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon •The 10% target.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon •The 10% target. •Anything you want, you should try for at least 10 times.

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon •The 10% target. •Anything you want, you should try for at least 10 times. •You’ll get comfy failing 90% of the time.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Inertia / status quo bias.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Uncertainty.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Loss aversion. 
 Pain of losing is 2X the pleasure of winning. Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1977). Prospect Theory. An Analysis of Decision Making Under Risk

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Imposter syndrome.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Remember your dream? It is worth it.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Therapy

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky We’re SEOs, we optimize things. Why wouldn’t you want to optimize your life too with therapy? Petra Kis-Herczegh

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Box breathing

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Remember your ditches.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Record your wins and revisit often.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky 1. 2. 3. 4. Go wide Go big Give back Go deep

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Hamlet Batista

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Be vulnerable.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Mentor.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Lori, Calvin, and Dylan

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Max and Shadow

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky Our humble abode.

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noahlearner #MozCon Sterling Sky We’re Done! Resources

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Sterling Sky noahlearner #MozCon