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November 8, 2013 Performance & Responsive Web Design (RWD) NebraskaJS via @zachleat Thursday, November 8, 12

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About Me ✤ @zachleat on ✤ [email protected] ✤ Zach Leatherman ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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My Projects ✤ BigText ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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My Projects ✤ ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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Housekeeping ✤ We need one or more volunteers to speak at January’s NebraskaJS. ✤ Tweet @nebraskajs with Topic Ideas even if you don’t want to speak. Thursday, November 8, 12

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Goals ✤ Primer ✤ RWD !== Media Queries ✤ 99 Problems ✤ Buzzkills ✤ RWD Showcase Showdown ✤ Be kind, RWD. Thursday, November 8, 12

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Primer Thursday, November 8, 12

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RWD is ✤ A Flexible Grid (Fluid: % + Min Widths) ✤ Flexible Media (Images, Video) ✤ (Not Just) Media Queries Thursday, November 8, 12

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RWD & performance ✤ Two alternatives to RWD: ✤ Do nothing ✤ Use a separate site ✤ Redirects are slow. ✤ Maintenance of UA-Parsing Server Side Redirects (WURFL updates ~monthly) ✤ Content Strategy (Desktop Mode link) Thursday, November 8, 12

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Google recommends RWD ✤ “It keeps your desktop and mobile content on a single URL, which is easier for your users to interact with, share, and link to and for Google’s algorithms to assign the indexing properties to your content.” ✤ “Google can discover your content more efficiently as we wouldn't need to crawl a page with the different Googlebot user agents to retrieve and index all the content.” Thursday, November 8, 12

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Content Strategy “Mobile users want to see our menu, hours, and delivery number. Desktop users definitely want this 1mb png of someone smiling at a salad.” Thursday, November 8, 12

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Thursday, November 8, 12

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99 Problems ✤ Browsers Download and Block Rendering on Unnecessary CSS ✤ Browsers Sometimes Download Unnecessary Images ✤ Big Images are Wasted on Small Screens ✤ Related: Retina Images are Wasted on Blurry Screens Thursday, November 8, 12

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The “Average” Web Page Thursday, November 8, 12

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JavaScript Can Block ✤ “With scripts, progressive rendering is blocked for all content below the script.” Thursday, November 8, 12

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JavaScript that Doesn’t Block

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JavaScript that Doesn’t Block Thursday, November 8, 12

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JavaScript that Doesn’t Block var  script  =  document.createElement("script"); script.type  =  "text/javascript"; script.src  =  "foo.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head") [0].appendChild(script); Thursday, November 8, 12

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Stylesheets Block ✤ “Browsers (except Opera) block rendering until all screen CSS arrives. With the worst possible experience: white page.” ✤ “Browsers download CSS they don't need, e.g. print, tv, device- ratio... And most browsers (except Opera and Webkit) block rendering because of these too” ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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WebKit Thursday, November 8, 12

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Everything Else*   Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading CSS Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading CSS Firefox 16 Safari 6 Chrome 22 Opera 12 Thursday, November 8, 12

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Solutions ✤ CSS is sacred. Choose minimal when possible. ✤ Separate elements for each Media Query ✤ Doesn’t scale if you have a lot of breakpoints. ✤ Good for WebKit, what about everything else? ✤ eCSSential Thursday, November 8, 12

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eCSSential ✤ “Making responsive CSS load the way it should.” ✤ Downloads Blocking CSS that matches media queries ✤ Downloads other CSS async, non-blocking ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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matchMedia if  (window.matchMedia("(min-­‐width:  400px)").matches)  {    /*  the  view  port  is  at  least  400  pixels  wide  */ }  else  {    /*  the  view  port  is  less  than  400  pixels  wide  */ } Thursday, November 8, 12

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matchMedia Polyfill: Careful with IE8-, the polyfill requires Media Query support Thursday, November 8, 12

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eCSSential                <!-­‐-­‐  Inline  eCSSential.min.js  -­‐-­‐>        eCSSential({                "all":  "css/all.css",                "(min-­‐width:  20em)":  "css/min-­‐20em.css",                "(min-­‐width:  37.5em)":  "css/min-­‐37.5em.css",                "(min-­‐width:  50em)":  "css/min-­‐50em.css",                "(min-­‐width:  62.5em)":  "css/min-­‐62.5em.css"        });         Thursday, November 8, 12

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eCSSential Demo ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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Images Don’t Block ✤ Doesn’t mean they get a free pass. Thursday, November 8, 12

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Images Don’t Block ✤ Doesn’t mean they get a free pass. 753KB Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
@media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test1  {  display:none;  } } Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
@media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test1  {  display:none;  } } NOPE Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test2  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test2.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test2  {display:none;} } Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test2  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test2.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test2  {display:none;} } NOPE Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test3  div  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test3.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test3  {                display:none;        } } Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test3  div  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test3.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test3  {                display:none;        } } OK Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test4  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test4-­‐desktop.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test4  {                background-­‐image:url('images/test4-­‐mobile.png');        } } Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test4  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test4-­‐desktop.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test4  {                background-­‐image:url('images/test4-­‐mobile.png');        } } ~OK Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test7  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test7-­‐lowres.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  only  screen  and  (-­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5), only  screen  and  (min-­‐-­‐moz-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5), only  screen  and  (-­‐o-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  3/2), only  screen  and  (min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5)  {        #test7  {                background-­‐image:url('images/test7-­‐highres.png');                width:200px;                height:75px;                /*  Editors  note:  this  should  use  background-­‐size  */        } } Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS)
#test7  {        background-­‐image:url('images/test7-­‐lowres.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  only  screen  and  (-­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5), only  screen  and  (min-­‐-­‐moz-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5), only  screen  and  (-­‐o-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  3/2), only  screen  and  (min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5)  {        #test7  {                background-­‐image:url('images/test7-­‐highres.png');                width:200px;                height:75px;                /*  Editors  note:  this  should  use  background-­‐size  */        } } OK Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading Images (CSS) ✤ Coming to a browser near you: image-­‐set() ✤ support-retina-images/ Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading ✤ RESPONSIVE IMAGES ✤ Whatever solution you pick, make sure it doesn’t make duplicate requests. Thursday, November 8, 12

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Downloading ✤ If possible, use Vectors (SVG) over Bitmaps (PNG). It’ll look great on HDPI screens. ✤ Vectors are a shortcut for Responsive Images. ✤ Note: Canvas content is bitmapped, but you can redraw at higher resolutions. ✤ Side Note: Font icons are a great scalable alternative to PNG icons Thursday, November 8, 12

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Picturefill ✤ “A Responsive Images approach that you can use today” ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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       Thursday, November 8, 12

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Picturefill ✤ data-­‐media="(min-­‐width:  400px)" ✤ Uses  matchMedia. ✤ No  duplicate  requests! Thursday, November 8, 12

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Picturefill (HDPI)
         ... Thursday, November 8, 12

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Compressive Images ✤ Pump up the size, pump up the JPEG compression ✤ Scale down in the browser ✤ Thursday, November 8, 12

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Picturefill Simplifes to (HDPI)
✤ Careful with Memory Consumption! Thursday, November 8, 12

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Buzzkills Thursday, November 8, 12

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Buzzkill #1: Advertising ✤ Pit of despair: full of document.write, iframes, blocking JavaScript (errors galore) and general badness. ✤ Inject advertising iframes using JavaScript (after onload) ✤ document.createElement(‘iframe’); Thursday, November 8, 12

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Buzzkill #2: Social Networking Widgets Network Requests Size (After GZIP) ShareThis 19 98.9KB Facebook 3 41.2KB Twitter 5 48KB Google+ 8 30.8KB Compare to jQuery 1.8.2: 32KB Thursday, November 8, 12

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SocialCount ✤ 4 KB CSS, 7KB JavaScript (unminified, ungzipped) ✤ 2 requests, optional +1 for Counts ✤ Non-Blocking ✤ Sharing still works without JavaScript ✤ Initializes Native Widgets on Hover / Tap for Inline +1 / Like and Tweet. ✤ In use on Thursday, November 8, 12

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SocialCount ✤ 4 KB CSS, 7KB JavaScript (unminified, ungzipped) ✤ 2 requests, optional +1 for Counts ✤ Non-Blocking ✤ Sharing still works without JavaScript Coming Soon ✤ Initializes Native Widgets on Hover / Tap for Inline +1 / Like and Tweet. ✤ In use on Thursday, November 8, 12

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Showcase Showdown Thursday, November 8, 12

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Boston Globe 1.31 MB Advertising, Video Player, Web Fonts, Tracking and Analytics Thursday, November 8, 12

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Starbucks Thursday, November 8, 12

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Smashing Magazine 1.87 MB Advertising, Web Fonts, Tracking and Analytics Thursday, November 8, 12

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RWD & Performance ✤ “The fastest web site is the one with nothing on it.” ✤ We’re in the problem solving business. ✤ Solutions often require Code. ✤ jQuery and Cross Browser DOM API Compatibility ✤ Solve more problems than you create. Thursday, November 8, 12