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open software for astrophysics 0

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credit: Adrian Price-Whelan / / data: SAO/NASA ADS

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many fundamental software packages have a shockingly small number of maintainers.

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7 credit: Adrian Price-Whelan

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* astronomical software can be very high impact * we should think about career trajectories & mechanisms for supporting this work

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case study: gaussian processes 1

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°0.6 °0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 raw [ppt] 0 5 10 15 20 25 time [days] °0.30 °0.15 0.00 de-trended [ppt] N = 1000 reference: DFM+ (2017)

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°0.6 °0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 raw [ppt] 0 5 10 15 20 25 time [days] °0.30 °0.15 0.00 de-trended [ppt] N = 1000 reference: DFM+ (2017)

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reference: Aigrain & DFM (2022)

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reference: Aigrain & DFM (2022)

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reference: Aigrain & DFM (2022) ignoring correlated noise accounting for correlated noise

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reference: Aigrain & DFM (2022)

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a Gaussian Process is a drop - in replacement for chi - squared

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more details: Aigrain & Foreman-Mackey (2023) arXiv:2209.08940

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7 [1] model building [2] computational cost

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reference: Luger, DFM, Hedges (2021)

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[2] computational cost

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7 [1] bigger/better computers [2] exploit matrix structure [3] approximate linear algebra [4] etc.

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°0.6 °0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 raw [ppt] 0 5 10 15 20 25 time [days] °0.30 °0.15 0.00 de-trended [ppt] N = 1000 reference: DFM+ (2017)

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reference: Gordon, Agol, DFM (2020) /

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* a Gaussian Process is a drop - in replacement for chi squared * model building & computational cost are (solvable!) challenges * you should check out tinygp!

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case study: probabilistic inference 2

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have: physics = > data

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want: data = > physics

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7 [1] physical models [2] legacy code

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number of parameters patience required a few tenish not outrageously many reference: DFM (priv. comm.)

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number of parameters patience required emcee a few tenish not outrageously many reference: DFM (priv. comm.)

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number of parameters patience required emcee a few tenish not outrageously many how things should be reference: DFM (priv. comm.)

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3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Wavelength [micron] 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 Transit Depth [%] Alderson et al. 2023 Joint Fit (N = 50) reference: Soichiro Hattori, Ruth Angus, DFM, . . . (in prep) WASP-39b / NIRSpec

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reference: Soichiro Hattori, Ruth Angus, DFM, . . . (in prep) showing 23 of the 404 parameters (8 per channel + 4 shared)

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d(physics = > data) / dphysics

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automatic differentiation aka “backpropagation”

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7 [1] physical models [2] legacy code

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7 [1] domain - specif i c libraries [2] emulation

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* gradient - based inference using autodiff can improve eff i ciency * there are practical challenges with these methods in astro * of interest: domain - specif i c libraries & emulation

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aside: JAX 3

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import numpy as np def linear_least_squares(x, y) : A = np.vander(x, 2) return np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]

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import jax.numpy as jnp def linear_least_squares(x, y) : A = jnp.vander(x, 2) return jnp.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]

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open research practices 4

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open software is foundational to astrophysics research there are opportunities at the interface of astro & applied f i elds there are ways you can participate & benef i t right away

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7 I want to chat about… [1] your data analysis problems [2] building astronomical software [3] writing documentation & tutorials

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get in touch!