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Upgrading Legacy to the Latest PHP Version IPC MUNICH | OCT 28, 2021 @afilina

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"I don't know whether my application works on the latest PHP."

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• Check compatibility. • Fix issues. • Test the fixes.

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Anna Filina • Coding since 1997 (VB4) • PHP since 2003 • Legacy archaeology • Test automation • Public speaking • Mentorship • YouTube videos

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Docker image PHPCO PHPCompatibility

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phpco() { docker run --init -v $PWD:/mnt/src:cached --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" frbit/phpco:latest $@; return $?; }

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phpco -p --colors --extensions=php --runtime-set testVersion 7.4 .

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FILE: /mnt/src/app/controllers/MyController.php ------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 166 | ERROR | Using 'break' outside of a loop or switch structure | | is invalid and will throw a fatal error since PHP | | 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------

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public function myFunction($result) { if ($result == null) { break; } }

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public function myFunction($result) { if ($result == null) { return; } }

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PHPCompatibility tells us what to fix.

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$response = '1234567890'; $header = 'Content-length: ' . strlen($response) + 1; echo $header;

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No content

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No content

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No content

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$response = '1234567890'; $header = 'Content-length: ' . (strlen($response) + 1); echo $header;

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Function each() is deprecated since PHP 7.2; Use a foreach loop instead

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while (list($i, $row) = each($result)) foreach ($result as $i => $row)

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$i = each($result)['key']; $v = each($result)['value']; $i = each($result)[0]; $v = each($result)[1];

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$a = each($result); $b = each($result);

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else if (list(, $optArg) = each($args))

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final class Php56Compatibility { public static function each(array &$array) { if (current($array) === false) { return false; } $key = key($array); $value = current($array); next($array); return [ 1 => $value, 'value' => $value, 0 => $key, 'key' => $key, ]; } }

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Portable, unit-tested solution wrapped in a class.

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We can clean things up at a later time (technical debt).

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mcrypt PHP

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mcrypt PECL PHP

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mcrypt PECL PHP libmcrypt

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PHP openssl

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mcrypt.OFB != openssl.OFB

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How to test mcrypt to openssl upgrade?

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• Can we decrypt what we just encrypted? • Can we decrypt what we already have in our database?

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encrypted App with mcrypt original

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public function testCanDecrypt() { //... $decrypted = $security->decrypt($encrypted); self::assertEquals($original, $decrypted); }

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mysql_ mysqli_ PDO

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• Connection object needs to be available. • Connection object now a mysqli type. • Field metadata represented differently. • Different methods for unbuffered queries.

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mysql to mysqli conversion can't be unit-tested.

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mysql_connect mysql_query mysql_close mysqli_connect mysqli_query mysqli_close $connection

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/login redirect to profile credentials session database encryption

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/login redirect to profile credentials POST /login Redirect URL

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$response = $this->guzzle->send($request); self::assertEquals(/**/);

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You can use this approach to test the entire application.

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PHPCO won't detect everything.

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• Start testing. • Note the errors that appear. • Tune static analysis for those specific errors.

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Write more tests.

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var_dump(0 == "");

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No content

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What about the framework?

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• New framework might be too different. • Is there a fork that keeps up with PHP?

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You could make the framework compatible.

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What about the tests?

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• Is PHPUnit compatible with PHP? • Can it be updated? • Might need to upgrade PHPUnit.

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Do not fix your tests and code at the same time.

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/login redirect to profile credentials POST /login Redirect URL

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Tests PHP 8.0 PHP 5.4 Application

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Tests PHP 8.0 PHP 8.0 Application

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• Use PHPCompatibility • Use Psalm, PHPStan, etc. • Don't be afraid to fix the framework/libs. • Write tests.

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@afilina Questions?