Slide 35
Slide 35 text
Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science - 35
May 22, 2019
References ...
[15] B. Dumas, B. Moerman, S. Trullemans and
B. Signer, ArtVis: Combining Advanced Visualisation
and Tangible Interaction for the Exploration, Analysis
and Browsing of Digital Artwork Collections, Proceed-
ings of AVI 2014, Como, Italy, May 2014
[16] B. Dumas, T. Broché, L. Hoste and B. Signer,
ViDaX: An Interactive Semantic Data Visualisation and
Exploration Tool, Proceedings of AVI 2012, Internatio-
nal Working Conference on Advanced Visual Inter-
faces, Capri Island, Italy, May 2012