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Getting a better software architecture documentation with Domain-driven Design Michael Plöd 
 Fellow at INNOQ 

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2 Speaker Michael Plöd Fellow at INNOQ Twitter: @bitboss

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Get my DDD book cheaper Book Voucher: 7.99 instead of (min) 9.99

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4 I need to send a bunch of huge props to those folks who heavily inspired a lot of content in this talk Simon Brown Alberto Brandolini Nick Tune Kacper Gunia Gernot Starke Indu Alagarsamy …. and of course Eric Evans …. Many INNOQ folks (of course ;-) ) Krisztina Hirth Peter Hruschka

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6 Let’s talk about documentation of software architecture f irst

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7 There are many great ideas already out there. Don’t reinvent the wheel! 4+1 Model by Kruchten

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8 I will mainly focus on arc42 but I’ll also draw some parallels to the C4 diagrams 4+1 Model by Kruchten

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9 However, we have an issue: Most documentation is done by software architects „alone in their chambers“

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10 Often this kind of documentation is hard to grasp for other stakeholders Architect Documentation Other stakeholders

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There is help •DDD is all about collaboration between domain experts and software engineering teams •DDD has concepts like the Bounded Context that may come in handy •With the help of some ideas of Domain-driven Design we will be able to create better documentation for our software architectures Domain Driven Design 11

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„It is not the domain experts knowledge that goes into production, it is the assumption of the developers that goes into production” 12 Alberto Brandolini Inventor of EventStorming

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Ideas from the Business Model Canvas are a great input into the f irst chapter of the ARC42 template

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<> Event Storming <> Domain Storytelling 18 Popular Collaborative Modelling Techniques <> Example Mapping <> User Story Mapping

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19 Event Storming Event Storming is based events which happen in a problem domain and which are interesting for domain experts. They are written in past tense on orange sticky notes

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Chaotic Exploration

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Enforcing the timeline

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Pivotal Events & Swimlanes

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External Systems

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Actors & Commands

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This state of an EventStorming can directly be merged to your documentation

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Arc42 Business Scope & Context C4 Model Level 1: System Context Diagram Source: Source:

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From EventStorming • External Systems (pink stickies): candidates for software systems to integrate with • Actors (yellow stickies): People, user roles • Commands (blue stickies) or Events (orange stickies): actions by actors or integration towards software systems

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28 The context views in many software architecture documentation templates is often underestimated but it contains a lot of politics sometimes. It helps a lot to create an early and shared understanding. EventStorming helps!

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30 A Bounded Context is… • A boundary for a model expressed in a consistent ubiquitous language tailored around a speci f ic purpose • A unit of: • Autonomy • Mastery • Purpose • A safe space for: • Learning domain complexity • Experimenting • Delivering high value software • A team f irst boundary This slide contains ideas from the DDD book by Eric Evans, from Alberto Brandolini and from the Team Topologies book by Mathew Skelton and Manuel Pais

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31 There are many modeling choices to group domain concepts

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32 „All models are wrong, but some are useful“ Quote by George E. P. Box Thing Color Process

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Boundaries between Pivotal Events

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Mind the swimlanes

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Look for terminology

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Arc42 Building Block View C4 Model Level 2: Container Diagram (in parts) Source: Source:

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38 Bounded Contexts are great candidates for the 1st level of the building block view in arc42. If you go for self-contained systems, they can also be good candidates for the container diagram in the C4 Model EventStorming helps in discussing „domain- driven software modules“ with the business in a collaborative way

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40 Bounded Context Design Canvas The canvas guides you through the process of designing a bounded context by requiring you to consider and make choices about the key elements of its design, from naming to responsibilities, to its public interface and dependencies. Source:

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42 The Bounded Context Canvas, which was invented by NICK TUNE (great guy btw!) is not only a good helper in asking questions during the design phase it can also be your f irst bit of documentation for your building blocks. It is also a good summary for folks who are interested in getting an overview of your building blocks

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The Ubiquitous Languge and parts of the Business Decisions should be a key element of the glossary

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How do we get the In- and Outbound Communication?

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47 Domain Message Flow Modelling A Domain Message Flow Diagram is a simple visualisation showing the f low of messages (commands, events, queries) between actors, bounded contexts, and systems, for a single scenario. Source: f low-modelling

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Domain Message f lows are a good 1st f it for the arc42 runtime view

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They can also be easily transformed towards the dynamic diagram of the C4 Model Image Source:

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51 One more thing…. Think about chapter 10 of the arc42 template: quality requirements Aren’t they hard to obtain from your stakeholders?

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prioritization consolidation broad collection preparation Quality Storming

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The end result of a 
 Quality Storming Workshop: A set of prioritized quality requirements

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Read the full description on (in English and German)

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Summary: Ideas and concepts behind DDD are a good f it for getting a better documentation and design of your software Big Picture EventStorming Bounded Contexts Domain Message Flows Quality Storming Ubiquitous Language

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Get my DDD book cheaper Book Voucher: 7.99 instead of (min) 9.99

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Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Ohlauer Str. 43 10999 Berlin Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Ludwigstr. 180E 63067 Offenbach Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Kreuzstr. 16 80331 München Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Hermannstrasse 13 20095 Hamburg Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Gewerbestr. 11 CH-6330 Cham Switzerland +41 41 743 0116 innoQ Deutschland GmbH innoQ Schweiz GmbH 57 Thank you! Michael Plöd 
 Follow me on Twitter: @bitboss