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@hpoom Static Sites Can be the Solution By Simon Wood 1 Scotch on the Rocks 2014 #sotr14

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/ @hpoom About me Head of Technology and Innovation Holiday Extras Simon Wood 2

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/ @hpoom 3 Holiday Extras

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/ @hpoom 4 @hpoom

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/ @hpoom 5 What I am going to cover

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/ @hpoom Dynamic sites don’t work 5 What I am going to cover

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/ @hpoom Dynamic sites don’t work 5 Static Site Generators What I am going to cover

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/ @hpoom Dynamic sites don’t work 5 Static Site Generators Flat file CMS What I am going to cover

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/ @hpoom Static does not mean static 6 Static Site != Static Content

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/ @hpoom Static does not mean static 7 Static Site == Static Architecture

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@hpoom Things are not working now 8

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” @hpoom WordPress is used by more than 22% of the top 10 million websites as of August 2013 Wikipedia "WordPress Pencil and Pins-07" by Christopher Ross. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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@hpoom Databases don’t scale 10

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@hpoom cache Queries 11

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@hpoom Front Side Cache 12

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” @hpoom Some websites are fried up for the user every time. But others are baked once and served up again and again. Aaron Swartz "Boston Wiki Meetup" by Sage Ross. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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@hpoom WYSIWYG FAIL 14

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/ @hpoom Problems with CMS 15

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/ @hpoom Problems with CMS 15 Security

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/ @hpoom Problems with CMS 15 Portability Security

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/ @hpoom Problems with CMS 15 Portability Reliability Security

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@hpoom The web has Evolved 16

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@hpoom Site Speed is important 17

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/ @hpoom 500ms 18 Google 20% revenue

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/ @hpoom 19 Amazon 100ms 1% revenue

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/ @hpoom 20 Yahoo 400ms 9% traffic

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/ @hpoom Medium Less is Less 21 Gov UK

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” @hpoom The web's moved beyond the desktop, and it's not looking back. The number of devices we're designing for is growing just as quickly as mobile traffic. Ethan Marcotte "Device lab" by Jeremy Keith. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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/ @hpoom 23 CSS Pre-compilers

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/ @hpoom 24 Javascript Proliferation

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/ @hpoom good tooling 25

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/ @hpoom 26 client side Widgets

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@hpoom Static Site Generators 27

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/ @hpoom History of SSG 28

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/ @hpoom History of SSG 28 Moveable Type 13 years old

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/ @hpoom History of SSG 28 nanoc 7 years old Moveable Type 13 years old

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/ @hpoom History of SSG 28 nanoc 7 years old jekyll 6 years old Moveable Type 13 years old

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@hpoom Example SSG Built Sites 29

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/ @hpoom Zurb Foundation assemble

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/ @hpoom Mozilla WebFWD Stacey

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/ @hpoom GitHub Training Jekyll

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/ @hpoom 33 278

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/ @hpoom 33 278

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/ @hpoom 34 @hpoom

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/ @hpoom Lots of choice 35 assemble Cactus DocPad Dropplets Hexo Hugo Hyde Jekyll metalsmith Middleman Octopress Pelican Stacey Wintersmith GO JavaScript PHP Python Ruby

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@hpoom 36 Content Templates Sass HTML CSS Publish

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@hpoom Markdown 37

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/ @hpoom Markdown is the future 38 "Markdown is the Future of Writing" by Robby Ingebretsen. - ## A Little Markdown Example Markdown is **awesome** because: - it’s easy to *write* - it’s easy to *read* - it keeps you in the *moment* A LITTLE MARKDOWN EXAMPLE Markdown is awesome because: • it’s easy to write • it’s easy to read • it keeps you in the moment

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” @hpoom If your app has text fields that can be formatted, and you're using your own janky custom markup instead of Markdown, you're doing it wrong. Ernie Miller "Old school (9/365)" by Jinny. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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/ @hpoom content is versioned 40

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/ @hpoom Web Editor Markdown Tools 41 Mac Editor Books

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@hpoom 42 FRONT MATTER

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@hpoom 43 --- layout: post title: Bloggling like a pro tags: ['baby', 'startup', 'prediction'] created: '2014-03-17T22:24:18+00:00' --- *content goes here*

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@hpoom 44 Templates

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@hpoom 45 {{title}} {{content}}

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/ @hpoom Template Engines 46 Eco Haml Handlebars Jade Mustache Twig CoffeeScript JavaScript PHP Ruby

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@hpoom Pre-compilers and tooling 47

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@hpoom Hosting 48

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/ @hpoom GitHub Pages

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/ @hpoom AWS S3

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/ @hpoom BitBalloon

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@hpoom Why so many? 52

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” @hpoom I believe that writing a static site generator is the new "Hello World". It is stupidly trivial to write a basic one. Timo Zimmermann "printf("hello, world\n");" by isipeoria. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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@hpoom Terminal driven 55

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@hpoom Flat File CMS 56

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@hpoom Example Flat FILE CMS Sites 57

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/ @hpoom asana statamic

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/ @hpoom World Backup Day Kirby

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/ @hpoom Some Flat File CMS 60 Kirby statamic Pico Stacey Cockpit Monstra razorCMS

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/ @hpoom statamic 61

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” @hpoom A flat-file CMS is a content management system that stores content in files and folders rather than in a DB like a traditional CMS Jeremiah Shoaf "P1040010" by Mike Linksvayer. Licensed under Creative Commons.-

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@hpoom Dynamic Elements with Javascript 63

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/ @hpoom My blog needs comments 64

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/ @hpoom My blog needs comments 64

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/ @hpoom My blog needs comments 64

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/ @hpoom My blog needs comments 64

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/ @hpoom Bells & whistles 65

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/ @hpoom Bells & whistles 65 Surveys

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/ @hpoom Bells & whistles 65 Surveys Video

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/ @hpoom Bells & whistles 65 Surveys Video Charts

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/ @hpoom Client side JS can do a lot 66 Web Sockets WebRTC Canvas WebGL Local Storage Animation Video Audio Shadow DOM

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@hpoom Summary 67

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@hpoom Where it is not Suitable 68

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@hpoom Not non-tech accessible 69

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@hpoom not a solution to everything 70

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@hpoom Requires a Rethink 71

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@hpoom Other options 72

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/ @hpoom 73 I can’t change my CMS

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/ @hpoom Boost 73 I can’t change my CMS

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/ @hpoom Boost 73 WP-Super Cache I can’t change my CMS

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/ @hpoom Boost 73 WP-Super Cache I can’t change my CMS Buster

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/ @hpoom Mixture Alternatives 74 Hammer Cactus

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@hpoom All else fails then VARNISH 75

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@hpoom The Benefits 76

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@hpoom SPEED 77

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@hpoom Security 78

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@hpoom Simple Cheap Hosting 79

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@hpoom Revision Control 80

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@hpoom Portability 81

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@hpoom SIMPLICITY 82

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@hpoom Generate once 83

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@hpoom Thank you please contact me if you have any questions Twitter: @hpoom Links: logo 84 By Simon Wood Scotch on the Rocks 2014 #sotr14