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The fisheries and aquaculture sector’s growth contributes to improved food security and nutrition,
employment, and economic development across the region. The Malabo Montpellier Panel’s report—
FISH-FRIENDLY: Policy Innovations for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa—provides an
overview of government actions that have contributed to creating a conducive environment for the
sustainable development of the continent’s fisheries and aquaculture sector. The report specifically
draws on the experiences of four African countries—Ghana, Malawi, Morocco, and Mozambique—to
showcase policy and institutional innovations and programmatic interventions that may be replicated
and scaled up in other countries. Examples of successful strategies implemented in the country case
studies to advance the sector, which are recommended by the Panel, include:
• Expanding and diversifying aquaculture production to tackle fish shortages. Establishing
capable institutions and programs focused on aquaculture research and technology
development and providing training programs in local communities, as demonstrated by
Ghana’s Aquaculture Research and Development Centre and the Aquaculture for Food and
Jobs Programme, boosts aquaculture production.
• Promoting research in capture fisheries is essential for addressing growth constraints on
production to better meet future demand for fish and fishery products. Institutions such as
Morocco’s National Institute of Fisheries conduct research on marine ecosystems, assess
fishery resources, test fishing techniques, and disseminate scientific knowledge, data, and best
practices in fisheries management and production.
• Innovative dissemination of knowledge and research findings to all stakeholders in the sector—
including researchers, policymakers, fishers, and fish farmers. Morocco’s L’Observatoire
Halieutique Marocain, an interactive scientific information platform, promotes data-sharing,
and informed decision-making in line with sustainability goals.
• Establishing funding agencies that are specific to the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Mozambique’s Blue Economy Development Fund, FP-ProAzul, offers technical and financial
assistance to projects and training programs promoting sustainable use of marine resources.
Creating such agencies may be fostered by prioritizing fisheries and aquaculture in national
development plans and visions.
• Combatting Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing through strong political and
comprehensive approaches. These include developing policies and regulatory frameworks that
specifically address IUU and ensuring their effective enforcement at local and national levels.
Mozambique has made significant progress in reducing IUU fishing through its National Plan of
Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate IUU fishing alongside investments in advanced
monitoring, control, and surveillance of fishing fleets.
• Effective environmental strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on fisheries and
aquaculture such as Morocco’s Law No. 49–17 on environmental impact assessments (EIAs),
which mandates all aquaculture projects to undergo an EIA before receiving approval. This
requirement supports responsible development in the sector.