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Slide 1 text @gassmannT @manumeyer1 Von WPF nach Angular in 60 Minuten .NET Developer Conference DDC 2020 Thomas Gassmann, Manuel Meyer

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Agenda ▪ WPF to Angular ▪ How to start with Angular? ▪ Migrating an existing application ▪ Real life problems (and solutions).

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WPF to Angular

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«The by-design purpose of JavaScript was to make the monkey dance when you moused over it» -- Brendan Eich

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New Project

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View Code

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Model Classes

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Backend Call

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Data Binding

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WPF versus Angular ▪ File new Project ▪ C# ▪ XAML ▪ Controls ▪ User Controls ▪ Resource Dictionaries ▪ Commands ▪ Data Binding ▪ Value Converter ▪ ng new ▪ Typescript ▪ HTML ▪ HTML Elements ▪ Components ▪ CSS ▪ HTML Events ▪ Data Binding ▪ Pipe.

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How to start with Angular?

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Download Visual Studio Code

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Install VSCode Extensions

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Get it from:

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npm install @angular/cli

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npm install @angular/cli -g

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Angular CLI ▪ Command line interface for Angular ▪ Build an Angular application ▪ Generate files (Scaffolding) ▪ Execute / run the application ▪ Run unit and e2e tests ▪ Prepare and «optimize» the application for deployment.

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Anatomy of an Angular App Module Component person-list Component person-detail Component person-edit PersonService

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CLI: Commands ▪ Create a new Angular CLI project ▪ Serve the app and open ▪ Build in dev mode ng new soccerManager ng serve -o ng build

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4 Real life problems and solutions

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Problem 1 „Die Spezifikation ist die alte Anwendung.“

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Lösung 1

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Lösung 1 Photo credit: Mark Spearman on / CC BY

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Photo credit: zoetnet on Visual Hunt / CC BY

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Problem 2 „Das muss im Web genau so aussehen wie jetzt…“

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Lösung 2

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Photo credit: Chris Blakeley on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND

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Lösung 2 ▪ Einen Partner für UX & UI Design involvieren ▪ Muss können: «Web User Experience Design» ▪ Muss können: «Web User Interface Design» ▪ Muss können: CODE liefern! ▪ ….sonst…

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Problem 3 The DatePicker Problem

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Problem 4 „Das ist so alt, dass muss man doch komplett neu schreiben!“ --Alle

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The product owner is super happy on the green field.

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But fun is over when the senior developers start working…

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And it gets worse and worse…

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„Die Utopie der grünen Wiese“ --Manu & Thomas

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„The worst strategic mistake is rewriting code from scratch“ --Joel Spolsky Things you should never do:

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„The integration Problem“ & „The black hole of coupling“ --Udi Dahan Own the Future: Slides:

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Lösung 4

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Migrating an existing app

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Join up the old and new world

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Recap ▪ Most of the concepts are similar ▪ Its 2020. Thanks to TypeScript, we do NOT need to be afraid of JS anymore ▪ Technologies are aligning ▪ But the Web is a different world.

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Thank you! Manuel Meyer @manumeyer1 [email protected] Thomas Gassmann @gassmannT [email protected]

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Links ▪ Github: Fussballmanager ▪ Joel Spolsky: Things you should never do ▪ Udi Dahan: Own the Future ▪ Web-Winforms Interaction ▪ Wir prügeln den Monolithen ins Web web/

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Slide 54 text Mit Trivadis zum Angular Superhero

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