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Ruby Programming with Static Type Checking Soutaro Matsumoto

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@soutaro on GitHub/Twitter

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from Tokyo, Japan

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CTO at Sider,
 an automated code review service

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Steep, Gradual Typing for Ruby

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–Matz (RubyKaigi 2016) “We need something similar to static type checks.”

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Type Checkers for Ruby • Steep: • Sorbet: • RDL: • mruby-meta-circular: mruby-meta-circular

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What is Type Checking • A program verification based on type system (without executing the program) • Detect some kind of errors: NoMethodError, ArgumentError, null dereferencing, ... • You can do that with tests (but they depend on execution paths)

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Type Checking for Ruby • Pros • Confidence that your program won't raise the errors (correctness) • Cons • Sacrifice some flexibilities of Ruby programming • Extra declaration or annotation of types

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Type Checking Properties • Correctness: If type checking says your program is ok, no runtime error will be raised during execution • Flexibility: Type checker can accept more Ruby programs • Number of annotations: Ruby programmers don't want to write type annotations

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Designing Type Checker • Keep it as correct as possible • More flexibility with annotations • Declare type of classes/modules/methods explicitly • Write type annotations in Ruby code if necessary (local type inference to minimize # of annotations) • Steep follows this strategy

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Steep Quick Tour 1. Write type definitions 2. Write Ruby code 3. Write type annotations if necessary 4. Run type checker $ gem install steep

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Write Type Definitions class Meetup attr_reader talks: Array attr_reader capacity: Integer @all_attendees: Array def initialize: (capacity: Integer, talks: Array) -> any def each_attendee: { (Attendee) -> void } -> void | -> Enumerable def <<: (Attendee) -> self def attending?: (Attendee) -> bool def spots_left?: () -> bool end

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Write Ruby Program class Meetup def spots_left? @attendees.size < capacity end def <<(attendee) raise "Meetup is full!" unless spots_left? raise "Already registered!" if attending?(attendee) @attendees << attendee self end def attending?(attendee) each_attendee.include?(attendee) end ... end

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Write Ruby Program def spots_left? @attendees < capacity end meetup.rb:3:4: NoMethodError: type=::Array<::Attendee>, method=< (@attendees < capacity)

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Write Type Annotations • Some Ruby code requires type annotations (or casts) # @type var attendees: Array attendees = [] attendees.push # @type var number: Integer number = object.__send__(:to_i) # @type var number: Integer number = _ = "string"

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Ruby Programming with Steep • Does it support duck typing? • Types of gems? • Linters and editors? • Is type checking required?

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Duck Typing? • Object types are type checked with the methods and their types class Attendee def join(collection) collection << self end ... end attendee.join( # OK attendee.join([]) # OK attendee.join("") # Error Any object is ok if it has << operator which accepts Attendee

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Duck Typing? • Meetup#<<: (Attendee) -> Meetup • Array#<<: (Attendee) -> Array • String#<<: (String) -> String interface _Attendable def <<: (Attendee) -> self end class Attendee def join: (_Attendable) -> void ... end

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Types of Gems? • Some gems will ship with their type definitions • I'm planning to have community managed type definition repository: major gems will have type definitions • We will have to write type definitions by ourselves for minor gems

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Linters and Editors • They will be smarter if integrated with Steep • They will know types of variables and expressions • Smarter auto-completion • Better refactoring support • More suggestions for improvements

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Is Type Checking Required? • No, it's optional for Ruby • There are several levels how you adapt to type checking: • Type check all of your code • Type check part of your code (some .rb files) • Declare types but skip checking implementation • No type declaration but checks your code against gem types • No type checking at all

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Conclusion • We are working for type checking for Ruby • There are some projects related to types for Ruby • Looking forward to hearing feedbacks from you