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KotlinJSͰ΋ Coroutines 2018.07.03 KotlinѪ޷ձ vol2 Ryo Sakaguchi(@wakwak3125)

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About me • Ryo Sakaguchi (@wakwak3125) • Wantedly People • AndroidͷਓͰ͢ • Snowboard/Guitar/Beer

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These posts are useful! • Coroutines - Kotlin Programming Language • • ׬શʹཧղͨ͠ؾʹͳΔKotlin Coroutines by @takahirom • 2ba221a8d0c32cf701ba • ೖ໳Kotlin coroutines @k-kagurazaka •

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KotlinJSͰ΋Coroutines͕࢖͑Δʂ ಛʹ೉͍͜͠ͱΛҙࣝ͢Δ͜ͱͳ͘࢖͑ͯ͠·ͬͨ!

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SET UP KotlinJSͰ࡞ΒΕͨReactϕʔεͷ΢ΣϒΞϓϦͰ

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create-react-kotlin-app • JetBrains/create-react-kotlin-app • • ҰൃͰKotlinͰॻ͔ΕͨReactΞϓϦ͕࡞ΕΔཔΕΔ΍ͭ

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͔͍͔ͭͨ • $ npm install -g create-react-kotlin-app • $ create-react-kotlin-app my-app • done!! • $ yarn start͢ΔͱlocalhostͰಈ࡞֬ೝͰ͖Δ

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App.kt class App : RComponent() { override fun RBuilder.render() { div("App-header") { logo() h2 { +"Welcome to React with Kotlin" } } p("App-intro") { +"To get started, edit " code { +"app/App.kt" } +" and save to reload." } p("App-ticker") { ticker() } } } fun = child(App::class) {}

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Ticker.kt class Ticker(props: TickerProps) : RComponent(props) { override fun TickerState.init(props: TickerProps) { secondsElapsed = props.startFrom } var timerID: Int? = null override fun componentDidMount() { timerID = window.setInterval({ setState { secondsElapsed += 1 } }, 1000) } override fun componentWillUnmount() { window.clearInterval(timerID!!) } override fun RBuilder.render() { +"This app has been running for ${state.secondsElapsed} seconds." } } fun RBuilder.ticker(startFrom: Int = 0) = child(Ticker::class) { attrs.startFrom = startFrom }

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TickerͷStateͱProps interface TickerProps : RProps { var startFrom: Int } interface TickerState : RState { var secondsElapsed: Int }

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Tickerͷ࣮૷ setIntervalͰ1ඵ͝ͱʹΧ΢ϯτΞοϓ var timerId: Int? = null override fun componentDidMount() { timerID = window.setInterval({ setState { secondsElapsed += 1 } }, 1000) }

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Tickerͷ࣮૷ setIntervalͰ1ඵ͝ͱʹΧ΢ϯτΞοϓ var timerId: Int? = null override fun componentDidMount() { timerID = window.setInterval({ setState { secondsElapsed += 1 } }, 1000) } => CoroutineԽͯ͠ΈΑ͏

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kotlinx-coroutines-core • kotlinx.coroutines/js/kotlinx-coroutines-core-js • js/kotlinx-coroutines-core-js • Install the dependency $ yarn add kotlinx-coroutines-core • done!

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CoroutineԽͯ͠ΈΔ var job: Job? = null override fun componentDidMount() { job = launch { while (true) { delay(1000) setState { secondsElapsed += 1 } } } } => done!

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fetch • fetch΋΋ͪΖΜ࢖͑Δ // ίʔυ͸งғؾ suspend fun getFoo(): Any = suspendCoroutine { cont -> window .fetch("") .then({ response -> cont.resume(response.ok.toString()) },{ throwable -> cont.resumeWithException(throwable) }) } // ී௨ʹ࢖͏ launce { val foo = getFoo() }

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