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JSON Schema Validation @Camunda Modeler Why we chose ajv for our utility and why it's maybe not a good idea (anymore) Niklas

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2 Element Templates Validation in the Camunda Modeler

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3 How it’s done (v1) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate for missing id, name, appliesTo, ... - validate all properties - validate all scopes - ... validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema only compatibility

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4 How it’s done (v1) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate for missing id, name, appliesTo, ... - validate all properties - validate all scopes - ... validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema only compatibility Element-Templates-Modal

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6 How it’s done (v1) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate for missing id, name, appliesTo, ... - validate all properties - validate all scopes - ... validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema only compatibility

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7 How it’s done (v2) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate for missing id, name, appliesTo, ... - validate all properties - validate all scopes - ... validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema only compatibility

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8 How it’s done (v2) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate Schema compliant validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema @bpmn-io/json-schema-validator ajv

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11 How it’s done (v2) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate Schema compliant validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema @bpmn-io/json-schema-validator ajv

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12 How it’s done (v2) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate Schema compliant validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema @bpmn-io/json-schema-validator ajv One Template at a time

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13 How it’s done (v2) ElementTemplatesLoader#setTemplates Validator#_validateTemplates - validate Versioning - validate Compatibility - validate Schema compliant validTemplates errors bpmn-js-properties-panel @camunda/element-templates-json-schema @bpmn-io/json-schema-validator ajv One Template at a time

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14 What is “ajv”?

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15 Why we chose it in the past ● Customizable error messages ● Configurable ● Extendable ● Community ● Performance ● Support the latest JSON Schema definition (we use draft-07) + features

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18 Why we chose it in the past @camunda/element-templates-json-schema

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19 Problems

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20 Alternatives? ● tdegrunt/jsonschema ● hyperjump-io/json-schema-validator ● mafintosh/is-my-json-valid ● korzio/djv ● build our own

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21 Why we chose it in the past ● Customizable error messages ● Configurable ● Extendable ● Community ● Performance ● Support the latest JSON Schema definition (we use draft-07) + features Reminder

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22 Why we chose it in the past ● Customizable error messages ● Configurable ● Extendable ● Community ● Performance ● Support the latest JSON Schema definition (we use draft-07) + features Reminder

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