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Securing your (RESTful) API Reuben Cummings @reubano Arusha Coders May 5, 2015 (Updated May 10, 2015)

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What’s an API? An application programming interface (API) is a standardized way of accessing data from a web server

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What’s an API? Client request Server data

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What’s REST? Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architecture for designing networked applications

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What’s REST? It uniquely identifies data resources via HTTP uris / / /

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What’s REST? A standard interface for interacting with resources GET / {"brand": "Schwinn", "color": "red"}

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What’s REST? Stateless: does not require the sever to retain session information about each user

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What’s REST? Scalable: easy to add more servers since they don’t have to sync session state

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Authentication Options Passwords Sessions JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) API Keys, OAuth, etc.

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What’s a JSON Web Token? A base64 encoded JSON object that represents a payload to be transferred between two parties.

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What’s a JSON Web Token? The JSON object is digitally signed using a JSON Web Signature (JWS) and optionally encrypted using JSON Web Encryption (JWE).

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JWTs: Header { "alg": "HS256", / / algorithm / / reject token if "alg" == "none" ) "typ": "JWT", / / type }

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JWTs: Payload (Claims) { "sub": "", / / Subject (user) "iss": "", / / Issuer (server) "aud": "89yfxg498", / / Audience (ClientID) "iat": 1300819370, / / Issued At (timestamp) "exp": 1300819380, / / Expiration Time }

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http:/ /

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Authentication Showdown Passwords Sessions JWTs Stateless Yes No Yes Expireable No Yes Yes Scopeable No No Yes Multiple No No Yes

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JWTs rock! But where do you store the token once you have it? Authentication Showdown

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JWT Client Storage Options vs Cookies Web Storage

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Authentication Steps: Login with username and password Cookies Web Storage (session/local) Client Action send username & password Server Action verify username & password

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Cookies Web Storage (session/local) Server Action Set `Cookie` Header with JWT Set response body with JWT Client Action No action Save JWT to storage Authentication Steps: Receive JWT

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Cookies Web Storage (session/local) Client Action No action Set `Authorization` Header with JWT Server Action Parse `Cookie` Header and verify JWT Parse `Authorization` Header and verify JWT Authentication Steps: Use JWT for subsequent requests

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Cookies Web Storage (session/local) Client Action Set expiration to a past date Clear storage value Server Action No action No action Authentication Steps: “Logout” by deleting JWT

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Browser Exploits: man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) Your Client Your Server Attacker’s Server normal traffic intercepted traffic

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Browser Browser Exploits: cross-site scripting (XSS) Your Client Your JS Vendor JS Your data

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Browser Browser Exploits: cross-site request forgery (CSRF) Attacker’s Client User Your Server Your Client User’s Cookie

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JWT Client Storage Showdown: Exploit Vulnerability Cookies Web Storage (session/local) MITM Vulnerable Vulnerable CSRF Vulnerable Immune XSS Vulnerable Vulnerable

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Cookies Web Storage (session/local) MITM set `Secure` flag use HTTPS CSRF set `X-XSRF-TOKEN` header No action needed XSS set `HttpOnly` flag use JSON Web Encryption (JWE)[8,9] JWT Client Storage Showdown: Exploit Mitigation Steps

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request Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Your CORS Server 3rd Party Client Your non- CORS Server request Your Client request request

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JWT Client Storage Showdown: Features Cookies Web Storage (session/local) Mobile Friendly No Yes CORS Friendly No Yes

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Storage Recommendations Use web storage only if your jwt library supports JWE Validate X-XSRF-TOKEN server side if using cookies

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https:/ / arusha-coders-api

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Sources 1. http:/ / api-the-right-way 2. https:/ / 3. http:/ / token-25#section-4.1 4. http:/ / cookies-vs-jwts-and-why-youre-doing-it-wrong

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Sources 5. “RESTful Web API” by Nicola Iarocci 6. https:/ / cookies-vs-html5-web-storage/ 7. https:/ / vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/ 8. https:/ / 9. https:/ /

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Sources 10. https:/ / should-know-about-tokens-and-cookies 11. https:/ / authentication-with-cookies-vs-token/ 12. https:/ / 13. http:/ / introduction/

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Sources 14. https:/ / token-api-keys/

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Questions?? Thank you! Reuben Cummings @reubano