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Our company, products and next challenges January 7, 2025

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Thank you for your interest in Cybozu This presentation explains our company, vision, products and new- generation groupware and platform we are working on.

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About us

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Our vision and business Build a society brimming with teamwork We've delivered team-driven software to more and more teams over 20 years worldwide. Head Office Tokyo Japan Established 1997 # of Employees 1,000+

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The current key products As at end of December 2023 Cloud service customers 32,800 companies Installed customer base: 78,600 companies Installed customer base: 7,400 companies Installed customer base: 14,400 companies Groupware Mail-sharing software Business app development platform Cloud service customers 24,700 companies YoY +6.9% Cloud service customers 2,600 companies YoY +13.0% Cloud service customers 8,300 companies YoY +10.7% YoY +19.3% The above figures represent the number of subscribing companies in Japan. For products other than Kintone, since an on-premises version of the product is also available, the figures reflect the total number of companies that have deployed either the on-premises or the Cloud version of the product.

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0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 On-premises, etc. Cloud Consolidated Sales (Cloud/On-premises) Cloud-related sales 22.283 million (JPY) Shift to cloud-based business kintone released and setting our sights on the low code/no- code market Cloud share of total consolidated sales 87.6% Slump On-premises sales plateau Initial period Company launched by three founders in an apartment in Matsuyama City Sales network development Stale revenue stream from maintain agreements, release of enterprise groupware, start of partner sales

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Consolidated Sales by Product - Kintone 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Kintone consolidated sales in 2023 JPY 13,012 million +24.9% YoY (Million JPY)

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Global Expansion (Sales Focus) Greater China 1,380 companies YoY +6.2% Southeast Asia 1,180 companies US 860 companies YoY +1.2% YoY +8.3% * Total number of companies in Greater China and SEA; number of subdomains signed up in the U.S. As at end of December 2023 : Overseas offices

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Information Sharing and Teamwork Information sharing boosts teamwork and helps the entire organization to evolve We're attacking the global market with a next- generation groupware and workspace to expand teamwork worldwide, with +20 years of our experience. Data, information, and communication is separated by team, making it impossible to share information across organizations. Information is siloed, cutting the workplace off from the data it needs to innovate Organization where information is shared openly on 1 platform Organization where information is siloed .. . .. .

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Our team, project and challenges

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Global team for the global market We hire diverse members and organize a new global team in Japan, which is separated from the existing team and process. The team's first language is English, and the core workplace is Japan. The new business division

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We're working for the global release today Our project started in 2022 by creating prototype products and minimal viable products (MVPs). We're going to release internally in the company and aim to the global release near feature. Our project status 2022 Project Started 2025 Private Beta for the English speaking market 2024 Internal Release for 1000+ employees company 2023 MVP development started

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Virtual-first with the onsite team building We work with the virtual-oriented as we have member in both Japan the US. We contribute to positive communication way, virtual or in-person activities, to establish high-performance development. Our working styles

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Thank you for seeing this material Please refer to the company site for more details of our company We are hiring, join our team!!