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͓͏ͪϋοΧιϯ ,VOP"ZBOB

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தژେֶ େֶӃ M2 δϟζ͕޷͖ ϫΠϯ͕޷͖ υϥ͑΋Μ͕޷͖ ໊ݹ԰ݝຽ Kuno Ayana

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Telorain AI͕ࣗಈͰςϩοϓΛ͚ͭͯ͘ΕΔ ฤू͕؆୯ʹͰ͖Δ ͔Θ͍͍ςʔϚ΍ϑΥϯτΛબ΂Δ

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New feature ਧ͖ग़͠ςʔϚͷ࣮૷ɾௐ੔ ΞϧόϜࣗಈੜ੒ Instagramʹ؆୯γΣΞ

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New feature ਧ͖ग़͠ςʔϚͷ࣮૷ɾௐ੔ ΞϧόϜࣗಈੜ੒ Instagramʹ؆୯γΣΞ

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New feature ਧ͖ग़͠ςʔϚͷ࣮૷ɾௐ੔ ΞϧόϜࣗಈੜ੒ Instagramʹ؆୯γΣΞ

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New feature ਧ͖ग़͠ςʔϚͷ࣮૷ɾௐ੔ ΞϧόϜࣗಈੜ੒ Instagramʹ؆୯γΣΞ

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Share to instagram Info.plistͷLSApplicationQueriesSchemesΩʔʹinstagramΛ௥Ճ UIPasteboardʹsetItems͢Δ

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Share to instagram Info.plistͷLSApplicationQueriesSchemesΩʔʹinstagramΛ௥Ճ UIPasteboardʹsetItems͢ΔɹͳͲɾɾɾ localIdentifierΛ࢖༻ʂ

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Share to instagram

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Stay Home ϖοτͷಈըΛࡱͬͯγΣΞ͠Α͏ ཭Ε͍ͯΔ༑ୡͱίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ ஄͖ޠΓʹՎࢺΛ͚ͭΑ͏

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Distributing β ver @telorain

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