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Security is not a feature !" Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 1

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! Nacho Anaya ! @ianaya89 • ! Lead OSS Engineer @ChecklyHQ • " Ambassador @Auth0 • # Streaming @ianaya89 Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 2

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 3

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!" Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 4

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"There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those who don't know they have been hacked." John T. Chambers Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 5

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 6

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 7

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 8

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 9

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 10

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 11

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! ~11.3 Billons Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 12

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 13

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 14

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! ... ! Uneven Competition Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 15

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 16

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! Lose Money Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 17

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! Lose Trust Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 18

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 19

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✍ Culture • ! Training • " Politics • ⏱ Time • $ Money % Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 20

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"If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked" Richard A. Clarke Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 21

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! " Invest! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 22

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 23

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! Systemic Thinking Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 24

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! Vulnerabilities Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 25

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"Vulnerabilities are like ants, they are everywhere" Nacho Anaya Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 26

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Heartbleed Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 27

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 28

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! Web is Complex Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 29

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! HTTP/S - WebSockets - DNS - TCP FTP - IPv4 - IPv6 - SSH- ASCII - IRC Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 30

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! Browsers too Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 31

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! HTML - CSS - JS Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 32

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! DOM - Geolocation - Multimedia Fetch - Web Sockets - Storage Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 33

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 34

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! The Solution Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 35

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! No perfect solution Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 36

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! But we can be ready Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 37

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 38

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! Security is not "nice to have" Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 39

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! Security is by default Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 40

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! Assume the worst Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 41

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ALWAYS Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 42

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! Your app is your bestie Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 43

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! Input vectors Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 44

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! Query String - URL Path - Request Body - Cookies Request Headers - Form Fields - File Inputs Emails - Web Socket - Browser Storage - Hooks Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 45

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⚠ Never trust your users Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 46

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 47

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! HTTPS ! 2021 Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 48

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 49

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⬇ LTS Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 50

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Dependencies Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 51

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 52

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! "Your code is not your code, but their bugs are your bugs." Nacho Anaya Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 53

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! eslint-scope Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 54

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 55

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 56

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 57

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! SQL / No-SQL Injection Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 58

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 59

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 60

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! SQL / No-SQL Injection • ‼ Server Side Validation • " Sanitize queries • # ORM / ODM Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 61

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! XSS Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 62

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 63

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! XSS • ‼ Server Side Validation • " Sanitize inputs • # HTML encoding • $ Frameworks • % HTTP Secure Response Headers Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 64

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! XSS Headers - HSTS - HPKP - X-Frame-Options - X-XSS-Protection - X-Content-Type-Options - Referrer-Policy - Expect-CT - Content-Security-Policy ! Secure Headers Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 65

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! DoS Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 66

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 67

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! DoS • ⌛ Rate Limiting • ❌ Error handling • # Explicit Crashes • $ Exponential Regex • % IP Banning Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 68

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! Sessions & Tokens Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 69

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! Sessions & Tokens • ⏱ Expirable • " Allow List or Deny List • # OAUTH - OpenID • $ Single Sign On Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 70

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! Passwords Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 71

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Time to crack Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 72

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! Passwords • ! hash + salt (bcrypt) • " Strong Passwords (Entropy) • # 2FA / MFA Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 73

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! " Have I been pawned? Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 74

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! " Have I been pawned? Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 75

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! " Have I been pawned? ! API & DB Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 76

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! Dev Passwords & Secrets • ! CI • " Dev Tools • # Cloud • $ Keys - Tokens - Secrets Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 77

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! Dev Passwords & Secrets • Blackbox • Keybase • GPG • Password Managers • Secret Manager (AWS) • MFA ! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 78

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! Cookies Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 79

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! " Cookies Flags • httpOnly • secure • SameSite Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 80

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! ↩ Cookies Scoping • domain • path • expires Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 81

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! Logging & Monitoring Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 82

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! " Logging & Monitoring • ! Monitoring: datadog / new relic • " Errors: sentry / bugsnag • # Logs: papertrail / loggly • $ Status: checkly / pingdom Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 83

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! Sensitive Data Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 84

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 85

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 86

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! OWASP Top 10 Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 87

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! WebGoat $ docker pull webgoat/webgoat-8.0 $ docker run -p 8080:8080 -t webgoat/webgoat-8.0 Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 88

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! Take Away Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 89

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Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 90

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! Start taking care Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 91

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! Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 92

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! Thanks! ! Questions? ! @ianaya89 Security is not a feature ‼ - @ianaya89 93