Slide 9
Slide 9 text
Portugal vs. Spain ☮
France vs. Hapsburgs
Hapsburgs vs. Ottoman
Hapsburgs vs. Sweden
Dutch Republic vs. England
France vs. Great Britain
United Kingdom vs. France
France and United Kingdom
vs. Russia
France vs. Germany
"Over the past
500 years,
in sixteen cases a major rising
power has threatened to displace
a ruling power. In twelve of
those, the result was war"
China and Russia vs. Japan
United Kingdom vs. United
States ☮
United Kingdom (supported
by France, Russia) vs.
Germany (aka WWI)
Soviet Union, France, and
United Kingdom vs.
Germany (aka WWII)
United States vs. Japan (aka
United States vs. Soviet
Union (aka Cold War) ☮
United Kingdom and France
vs. Germany ☮