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Gradual Transition to GitHub Enterprise hakobe (Yohei Fushii) 1 ͳΊΒ͔ʹ()&ʹҠߦ͢Δํ๏

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• @hakobe / id:hakobe932 • Yohei Fushii • Web Engineer ‣Perl/JavaScript/Objective-C/Java ‣Hatena-Bookmark ‣GitHub Enterprise maintenance Self Introduction

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Why do we need Gradual Transition? ͳΜͰͳΊΒ͔ʹҠߦ͠ͳ͍ͱ ͍͚ͳ͍ͷ

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ྺ࢙తܦҢ Historical background!

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Git @ Hatena Inc. •Switched from SVN around 2008/05 •Over 700 repositories • projects/submodules/server configs/ experiments etc... •Self hosting • Every alive developing projects uses Git.

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Workflow around Git •Repository viewers (in-house) • Neo Ashika • Hatena::CodeFridge ‣Git repos. browser ‣Task management system •Blog-based Groupware • Hatena::Group

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But ... This is GitHub era..

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I want to make a Pull Request!

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has been a GitHub Enterprise User

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Problems •We cannot move all projects to GHE • We have over 700 repositories • To choose projects to move is difficult and boring... •Some teams do not want GHE We need a way to Switch to GHE Gradually

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Goals •Both GHE and existing repos can be used for production. •Anyone can start using GHE easily. •GHE failure should not cause to stop deployment.

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GHE Server •Spec • VMWare ESXi • Active/Standby configuration • 8 core/500GB SSD • High-spec!

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Before GHE 16 developer developer developer git push git push git push Hatena Repos Server App server deploy 3FQPT" 3FQPT#

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After GHE developer developer developer git push git push git push GHE Mirroring App server deploy Hatena Repos Server 3FQPT" 3FQPT# 3FQPT"

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Mirroring developer git push Hatena Repos GHE ghm (later) Web Hook call git remote update replace all refs by git remote update Mirrors changes on GHE to Hatena’s Repos

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Setting up Mirroring 1.Register Hatena repos and GHE repos as a Mirroring Pair 2.Set mirroring config to Hatena repos 3.Set push-denial hook to Hatena repos 4.Register WebHook for mirroring to GHE repos

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1. Register Hatena repos and GHE repos as a Mirroring Pair •Mirroring Pair hatena.repos:/path/to/projects/Hatena-Bookmark.git ghe.repos/hatena/Hatena-Bookmark.git dst@hatena.repos Register the mirroring pair to ghm (next). src@ghe.repos .JSSPS

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ghm •in-house Web Application for mirroring pairs management • Stores mirroring pairs • Has WebHook API that invoke mirroring (later) • Provides some APIs

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2. Set mirroring config to Hatena repos • refs/ on the remote will be directly mirrored into refs/ → “git remote update“ replaces everything under refs/ by GHE repos’s refs/ • This is the same as “git clone --mirror” [remote "origin"] fetch = +refs/*:refs/* mirror = true url = git@ghe.repos:/hatena/Hatena-Bookmark DPOpH!NJSSPSETU )BUFOB`TSFQPT

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• “git remote update” destroy changes in dst repos(Hatena repos) • Confirm the repos has mirroring config at pre- receive hook by ghm API 3. Set push-denial hook to Hatena repos http://ghm/api/repos?mirror=projects/Hatena-Bookmark HINSFQPT"1* Returns repos info if the repos pair is registered.

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• “git remote update” replaces dst(Hatena repos) contents by latest src(GHE repos) contents 4.Register WebHook for mirroring to GHE repos ssh \ 'env GIT_DIR="/path/to/HatenaBookmark.git" git remote update' HIN8FC)PPL"1*SVOT

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Mirroring behavior developer git push Hatena Repos GHE ghm Web Hook call git remote update replace all refs by git remote update

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Mirroring settings are too difficult to me.. ϛϥʔϦϯάͷઃఆ΍΍͗͜͢͠ΔͩΖ

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git-hatena •repository setting tools • git hatena mirror ‣Set up mirroring • git hatena sync ‣Change current repository setting • Easy install (1file & few dependencies)

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git hatena mirror • Automatic settings for mirroring and project generation $ git hatena mirror \ hatena/Hatena-Bookmark projects/Hatena-Bookmark hatena.repos:/path/to/projects/Hatena-Bookmark.git ghe.repos/hatena/Hatena-Bookmark.git .JSSPS

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git hatena sync • Reflect the mirroring setting to local repository setting ‣ghm API can returns corresponding repos of mirroring pairs $ cd /path/to/local/repos $ git hatena sync

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Goals & Solutions •Both GHE and existing repos can be used for production. → mirroring •Anyone can start using GHE easily → git-hatena •GHE failure should not cause to stop deployment. → mirroring, rich server

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GHE and Hatena •from 2012/8 •80% teams are using GHE •25% active repositories are on GHE • many submodules are’t on GHE • Gradually increasing

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Dev flow workshop (in-house) •We are GHE newbies •Sharing the workflow of development • from spec definition to production release • Issues, Pull Request, Code Review, Test, CI, deploy, etc...

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Conclusion •git and Hatena • We are heavy git users • 700 over repositories •Environment for Gradual Switches • Mirroring (ghm) • Automation tool (git-hatena) • High-spec server •GHE and Hatena