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PRESENT AND NEXT RIOT.JS We are JavaScripters! @16thʲॳ৺ऀ׻ܴLTେձʳ

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Who I am

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Basic Information const my_info = { ɹ Name: ‘܂ݪ੟ਔ’, ɹ Twitter: ‘@kuwahara_jsri’, ɹ GitHub: ‘k-kuwahara’, ɹ Qiita: ‘clown0082’, ɹ Workplace: ‘Yumemi, Inc.’ }

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Communities translator staff staff

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⚠Caution⚠ will appear frequently in this slide.

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What is ?

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No content

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Characteristics 1. Custom tags 2. Simple and minimalistic

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Custom tag

{ message }

  • { name }
this.message = 'Hello, Riot!' this.techs = [ { name: 'HTML' }, { name: 'JavaScript' }, { name: 'CSS' } ] :scope { font-size: 2rem } ul { color: #999 }

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Custom tag

{ message }

  • { name }
this.message = 'Hello, Riot!' this.techs = [ { name: 'HTML' }, { name: 'JavaScript' }, { name: 'CSS' } ] :scope { font-size: 2rem } ul { color: #999 } HTML JS CSS

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Mount riot.mount(‘app’)

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Mount riot.mount(‘app’)

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Current status of riotjs

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Current status of Riot.js ‣ version: 3.9.0 ‣ github star: 12782 ‣ size: 10.74 kb

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Comparison on numbers “Github Star” URL:

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Comparison on numbers “Framework Size” URL:

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Made with riot

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Made with riot

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Made with riot URL:

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Improved performance of riotjs

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Rendering time 10,000 rows of DOM elements

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Ecosystem for

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Ecosystem ɾriot ɾriot-clI ɾriot-compiler ɾriot-observable ɾriot-tmpl Basics SPA (routing) ɾriot-route ɾriot-view-router ɾriot-routehandler ɾriotgear-router ɾredux-riot-router State management ɾRiotControl ɾriotify ɾriotx ɾobseriot Compile ɾgulp-riot ɾriot-tag-loader ɾriotjs-loader ɾriotify ɾrollup-plugin-riot Designs, Animations ɾriot-mui ɾnest-ui ɾriot-bootstrap ɾriot-fontawesome ɾriot-bootstrap ɾriot-animate ɾriot-flipcard ɾbabel-preset-es2015-riot ɾriot-placeholder ɾkarma-riot ɾriot-hot-reload ɾeslint-config-riot Others

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Next (version 4)

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Pick up some of the roadmap v4 ‣ “this.tags” ‣ “riot-observable” ‣ “shouldUpdate” method ‣ “:scope” → “:root” ‣ parser/compiler

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“Riot 4 will be released during this year (Summer?) but not anytime soon”

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Let’s Create Web Application by Riot.js !!

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No content