Slide 39
Slide 39 text
3. Summarization of test script
Navigate to URL
// Log out once if being logged in
If UI element "Logout" button is visible
Click "Logout" button
Navigate to URL
End branch
// Sing up by using an unique email address
Store unique value generated based on the current time to variable UNIQUE_KEY
Input test-user${UNIQUE_KEY} to "Email" input area
Input ${PASSWORD} to "Password" input area
Input ${PASSWORD} to "Password(confirmation)" input area
Input Test user to "Name" input area
Input Tokyo, Japan to "Address" input area
Input 00011122233 to "Tel" input area
Select I do not answer. from "Gender" combo box
Input 2000-07-04 to "Date of birth" input area
Check "Receive notification" checkbox
Click "Sign up" button
// Assert values set on the previous page are correctly displayed
Assert value of UI element Email value equals test-user${UNIQUE_KEY}
Assert value of UI element Name value equals Test user
Assert value of UI element Membership value equals Premium
Assert value of UI element Address value equals Tokyo, Japan
Assert value of UI element Tel value equals 00011122233
Assert value of UI element Gender value equals not answered
Assert value of UI element Date of birth value equals July 4, 2000
Assert value of UI element Notification value equals received
// Confirm that the user is successfully created and log-in by the user succeeds
Click "Logout" button
Click Login
Input test-user${UNIQUE_KEY} to "Email" input area
Input ${PASSWORD} to "Password" input area
Click "Login" button
Assert UI element "MyPage" header exists
Human-readable text
The script "Check that signup works
correctly" automates end-to-end
testing for user signup on a hotel
1. It ensures logout if the user is
already logged in.
2. Fills out the signup form with unique
details like email, password, name, etc.
3. Submits the form and verifies
entered data's correctness on the
confirmation page.
4. Confirms successful signup by
logging out and logging back in,
checking for the "MyPage" header's
Test script Summary
MagicPod public API
Generative AI