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AWS CloudFormation Speed up cloud provisioning with infrastructure as code (IaC) Will Chalmers (he/him) Solutions Architect

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• What is AWS CloudFormation • Template Structure • Intrinsic Functions • Pseudo Parameters • Code Standards & Template Library • Demo Agenda

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What is AWS CloudFormation

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YAML JSON They do the same thing

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Mappings Key/Value pairs which can be used for lookups

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Stack Deployment

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Logical v Physical Resources Application Load Balancer

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Intrinsic Functions Function Name Description Ref / !Ref Returns the value of the specified parameter or resource Fn::Sub / !Sub Substitutes variables inside a string. Fn::GetAtt / !GetAtt Returns the value of an attribute from a resource in the template. Fn::Join / !Join Joins a set of values into one value Plus lots more, Fn::Length, Fn::Split, Fn::ImportValue

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Other Features Drift Detection Deletion Policy Stack Roles Change Sets A feature that analyses CloudFormation stacks for any changes to resources made manually. Changes to CloudFormed resources out with CloudFormation can be problematic A setting for some resources stating how they will be deleted: • Delete • Retain • Snapshot A role that is used to deploy a stack. Meaning it can have more permissions than the user deploying it. A dry run template update to view resource changes before they are executed. It shows: • Replacements • Deletions • Creations • Changes

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Code Standards & Template Library Code standards document - How CloudFormation should be written, tested and deployed Setting up your IDE document – Recommended optimal IDE configuration for CloudFormation/aws development Template Library – GitHub repo with code snippets & full templates to reference.

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Thank You! Q&A + Demo Time