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Sass at GitHub !

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- Probably a few people at GitHub sometime in 2012 “We should check out Sass.”

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75 people have made a commit in /stylesheets on github/github

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…but only 14 are “experts”

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Over 6,000 different selectors

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Over 6,000 different selectors (thanks, Internet Explorer)

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133 .scss files

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We’ve made mistakes along the way

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I’m Ben Bleikamp

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@bleikamp !

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The stack

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Rails “2.3”

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Rails “2.3” HTML ERB + View Models

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Rails “2.3” HTML ERB + View Models CoffeeScript

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Rails “2.3” HTML ERB + View Models CoffeeScript Sass (SCSS)

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Avoiding mistakes

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75 people touched a stylesheet

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So we wrote a CSS testing framework

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We use tools available to everyone

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Mistakes happen

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Mistakes happen, limit them

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Make problems visible

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No content

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Team mentions

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Stop writing new CSS

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The Styleguide

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No content

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KSS A methodology for documenting CSS and generating styleguides.

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// A bubble is the basic container for a section of // content in a mobile layout. The content in a bubble // should be related and pages usually have multiple // bubbles. // // .no-padding - Remove padding from a bubble // // Styleguide 1.1

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// A bubble is the basic container for a section of // content in a mobile layout. The content in a bubble // should be related and pages usually have multiple // bubbles. // // .no-padding - Remove padding from a bubble // // Styleguide 1.1 Explanation

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// A bubble is the basic container for a section of // content in a mobile layout. The content in a bubble // should be related and pages usually have multiple // bubbles. // // .no-padding - Remove padding from a bubble // // Styleguide 1.1 Explanation Modifiers

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// A bubble is the basic container for a section of // content in a mobile layout. The content in a bubble // should be related and pages usually have multiple // bubbles. // // .no-padding - Remove padding from a bubble // // Styleguide 1.1 Explanation Modifiers Reference

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No content

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We’re picky about code, too

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We tell people what we expect in in their commits

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We hate ⌘C, ⌘V

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GitHub and Gist look very similar

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⌘C, ⌘V

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Build something new on GitHub

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Build something new on GitHub Document it

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Build something new on GitHub Document it Primer & Styleguide

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Primer is shared styles

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Mix-ins & variables

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“Speed is the second biggest engagement driver on the Internet. Just after perceived speed.” — @maccaw

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Jon Rohan CSS Performance Savant @jonrohan

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Diff pages

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Average diff = 9,000 lines of HTML across all files

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That’s a lot of opportunities for bad markup

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…and redrawing

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Hiding & showing with display: none; or visibility: hidden;

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CSS animations

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User actions

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The fewer DOM matches there are, the faster the site loads

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Some CSS… snafoos?

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Overqualifying selectors ul#nav

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Overqualifying selectors #nav

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Chaining selectors

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Chaining selectors .octicon-private

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Attribute selectors [class^=“octicon-”]

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Catching these pesky CSS performance problems

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Graphite Scalable Realtime Graphing

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No content

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CSS Explain SQL EXPLAIN for CSS selectors

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No content

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Timeline Chrome Developer Tools

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Audits Chrome Developer Tools

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We use the things we build

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Making things work on a phone

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It’s responsive fast

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Re-write HTML and CSS specifically for mobile

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(Almost) no JavaScript

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No CSS animations

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No content

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Watching for problems

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No content

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This talk isn’t really advice

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Keep things simple

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Write less code

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Measure everything

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Thank you. (I’ll tweet a link to these slides from @bleikamp)