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Declarative, Distributed, Edge Computation Christopher Meiklejohn // @cmeik RICON 2015, November 6th, 2015 1

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RA RB 1 set(1)

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3)

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3) ? ?

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier 6

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier • Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Prevent race conditions 6

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier • Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Prevent race conditions • Techniques
 Locks, mutexes, semaphores, monitors, etc. 6

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Difficult Cases • “Internet of Things”
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity 7

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Difficult Cases • “Internet of Things”
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity • Mobile Gaming
 Offline operation with replicated, shared state 7

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Zero Synchronization • We want to have our cake and eat it too. 8

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Zero Synchronization • We want to have our cake and eat it too. • “Zero synchronization” as a starting point
 Add synchronization only where it is necessary 8

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Zero Synchronization • We want to have our cake and eat it too. • “Zero synchronization” as a starting point
 Add synchronization only where it is necessary • Explore the limits
 Can we design a model of computation where it’s easy to write coordination-free computations that are free from concurrency anomalies? 8

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9 Strong Weak Strong (Data Center) Weak (Open Internet) Sharing (Application Property) Coupling (Infrastructure Property)

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9 Strong Weak Strong (Data Center) Weak (Open Internet) Sharing (Application Property) Coupling (Infrastructure Property) MapReduce SETI@Home

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9 Strong Weak Strong (Data Center) Weak (Open Internet) Sharing (Application Property) Coupling (Infrastructure Property) Twitter MapReduce SETI@Home

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9 Strong Weak Strong (Data Center) Weak (Open Internet) Sharing (Application Property) Coupling (Infrastructure Property) Twitter MapReduce SETI@Home Synchronization-Free Computations

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The Fundamentals of Distributed Computation 10

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Distributed Computation • Distributed to concurrent programming
 Consistency and now partial failure 11

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Distributed Computation • Distributed to concurrent programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion 11

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Distributed Computation • Distributed to concurrent programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion • Consistency model as a contract 11

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Distributed Computation • Distributed to concurrent programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion • Consistency model as a contract • Enforced through synchronization 11

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Distributed Computation • Distributed to concurrent programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion • Consistency model as a contract • Enforced through synchronization • Consistency model
 We can think of a consistency model as analogous to a programming paradigm 11

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Why Is Synchronization Undesirable? 12

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult 13

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult • Time has three major avatars in computing 13

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult • Time has three major avatars in computing • Mutable state in sequential systems 13

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult • Time has three major avatars in computing • Mutable state in sequential systems • Nondeterminism in concurrent systems 13

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult • Time has three major avatars in computing • Mutable state in sequential systems • Nondeterminism in concurrent systems ̣ Network latency in distributed systems 13

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The Avatars of Time • The problem of time
 Handling physical time in applications is difficult • Time has three major avatars in computing • Mutable state in sequential systems • Nondeterminism in concurrent systems ̣ Network latency in distributed systems • Unavoidable
 Time is how users interact with programs 13

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Parable of the Car • “Car driving on a highway” 14

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Parable of the Car • “Car driving on a highway” • Friction needed for the car to grip the road 14

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Parable of the Car • “Car driving on a highway” • Friction needed for the car to grip the road • Motors want as little friction as possible 14

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Parable of the Car • “Car driving on a highway” • Friction needed for the car to grip the road • Motors want as little friction as possible • Time is like friction
 We can not completely eliminate friction, but aim to reduce it as much as possible 14

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Physical Time (real world) Parable of the Car 15 • Time only at the interface
 The interface is a small part of the system, and this is where we introduction friction

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Physical Time (real world) Parable of the Car 15 • Time only at the interface
 The interface is a small part of the system, and this is where we introduction friction • Physical time-free execution
 Internally, avoid synchronization as much as possible and virtualize notion of time

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No Time In The Box? 16

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No Time In The Box? 16 You program the box.

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Weak Synchronization • Can we achieve anything without synchronization?
 Not really. 17

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Weak Synchronization • Can we achieve anything without synchronization?
 Not really. • Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)
 “Replicas that deliver the same updates have equivalent state” 17

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Weak Synchronization • Can we achieve anything without synchronization?
 Not really. • Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)
 “Replicas that deliver the same updates have equivalent state” • Primary requirement
 Eventual replica-to-replica communication 17

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Weak Synchronization • Can we achieve anything without synchronization?
 Not really. • Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)
 “Replicas that deliver the same updates have equivalent state” • Primary requirement
 Eventual replica-to-replica communication • Order insensitive! (Commutativity) 17

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Weak Synchronization • Can we achieve anything without synchronization?
 Not really. • Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)
 “Replicas that deliver the same updates have equivalent state” • Primary requirement
 Eventual replica-to-replica communication • Order insensitive! (Commutativity) • Duplicate insensitive! (Idempotent) 17

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RA RB 1 set(1)

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3)

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RA RB 1 3 2 3 3 set(1) set(2) set(3) max(2,3) max(2,3)

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How can we succeed with Strong Eventual Consistency? 22

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 23

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 23

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication) 23

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication) 24

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Convergent Objects
 Replicated Data Types 25 SSS 2011

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 Replicated Data Types • Many types exist with different properties
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps, graphs 26

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 Replicated Data Types • Many types exist with different properties
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps, graphs • Strong Eventual Consistency
 Instances satisfy SEC property per-object 26

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {c}, {c}) remove(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {c}, {c}) remove(1) {1} {1} {1} (1, {a, c}, {c}) (1, {a, c}, {c}) (1, {a, c}, {c})

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication) 32

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Convergent Programs Lattice Processing 33 PPDP 2015

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations 34

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations • Convergent data structures
 Primary data abstraction is the CRDT 34

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations • Convergent data structures
 Primary data abstraction is the CRDT • Enables composition
 Provides functional composition of CRDTs that preserves the SEC property 34

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35 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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36 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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37 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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38 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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39 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Functional and set-theoretic operations on sets
 Product, intersection, union, filter, map, fold 40

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Functional and set-theoretic operations on sets
 Product, intersection, union, filter, map, fold • Metadata computation
 Performs transformation on the internal metadata of CRDTs allowing creation of “composed” CRDTs 40

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Lasp Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states 41

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Lasp Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states • Monotonic processes
 Read from one or more input replica streams and produce a single output replica stream 41

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Lasp Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states • Monotonic processes
 Read from one or more input replica streams and produce a single output replica stream • Inflationary reads
 Read operation ensures that we only read inflationary updates to replicas 41

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Lattice Processing Monotonic Streams 42

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RA {} C1 {} C2 {} 43

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} C2 {} 44

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} C2 (1, {c}, {}) {} 45

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {c}, {}) {} 46

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {c}, {}) {} (1, {a, c}, {a}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) 47

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {c}, {}) {} (1, {a, c}, {a}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) (1, {a, c}, {a}) 48

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Lattice Processing Monotonic Processes 49

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} 50

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) 51

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) 52

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) 53

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) 54

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) strict_read((1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) 55

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) strict_read((1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {a}) F((1, {a}, {a})) (2, {a}, {a}) strict_read((1, {a}, {a}) (1, {a}, {a}) 56

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {a}) F((1, {a}, {a})) (2, {a}, {a}) strict_read((1, {a}, {a}) (1, {a}, {a}) 57

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication) 58

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Distributed Runtime Selective Hearing 59 W-PSDS 2015

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Selective Hearing • Epidemic broadcast based runtime system
 Provide a runtime system that can scale to large numbers of nodes, that is resilient to failures and provides efficient execution 60

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Selective Hearing • Epidemic broadcast based runtime system
 Provide a runtime system that can scale to large numbers of nodes, that is resilient to failures and provides efficient execution • Well-matched to Lattice Processing (Lasp) 60

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Selective Hearing • Epidemic broadcast based runtime system
 Provide a runtime system that can scale to large numbers of nodes, that is resilient to failures and provides efficient execution • Well-matched to Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Epidemic broadcast mechanisms provide weak ordering but are resilient and efficient 60

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Selective Hearing • Epidemic broadcast based runtime system
 Provide a runtime system that can scale to large numbers of nodes, that is resilient to failures and provides efficient execution • Well-matched to Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Epidemic broadcast mechanisms provide weak ordering but are resilient and efficient • Lasp’s programming model is tolerant to message re-ordering, disconnections, and node failures 60

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Selective Hearing • Epidemic broadcast based runtime system
 Provide a runtime system that can scale to large numbers of nodes, that is resilient to failures and provides efficient execution • Well-matched to Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Epidemic broadcast mechanisms provide weak ordering but are resilient and efficient • Lasp’s programming model is tolerant to message re-ordering, disconnections, and node failures • “Selective Receive”
 Nodes selectively receive and process messages based on interest 60

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, referential transparency over composition) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication) 61

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What can we build? Leaderboard 62

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Leaderboard • Mobile game platform
 Local leaderboard tracking top-k highest scored games 63

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Leaderboard • Mobile game platform
 Local leaderboard tracking top-k highest scored games • Clients will go offline
 Clients have limited connectivity and the system still needs to make progress while clients are offline 63

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Client 1 Leaderboard Client 3 Leaderboard Client 2 Leaderboard Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT 64

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Leaderboard • Peer-to-peer dissemination
 Nodes periodically “merge” their state with a random peer 65

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Leaderboard • Peer-to-peer dissemination
 Nodes periodically “merge” their state with a random peer • Complexity in the data type
 Each node tracks a top-k set of its own games in a bounded set 65

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66 %% Create a leaderboard datatype. L = declare({top_k, [2]}). %% Update leaderboard. update({set, Name, Score}, L).

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67 %% Create a leaderboard datatype. L = declare({top_k, [2]}). %% Update leaderboard. update({set, Name, Score}, L).

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68 %% Create a leaderboard datatype. L = declare({top_k, [2]}). %% Update leaderboard. update({set, Name, Score}, L).

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What if we want to enhance the behavior? 69

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What if we want to enhance the behavior? 69 Without the creation of a new datatype

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What can we build? Per-User Leaderboard 70 EdgeCom 2016

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Per-User Leaderboard • Enhance existing design
 Only the top score for each user at each device 71

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Per-User Leaderboard • Enhance existing design
 Only the top score for each user at each device • Minimize transmitted state
 Prevent transmission of state that is not necessary to perform the computation 71

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Per-User Leaderboard • Enhance existing design
 Only the top score for each user at each device • Minimize transmitted state
 Prevent transmission of state that is not necessary to perform the computation • Compose data types
 Build a per-user leaderboard through the composition of existing types 71

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 72

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 73 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 74 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 75 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 76 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 77 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 78 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold 79 Client1 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client3 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold Client2 Scores Local Top-K Fold Global Top-K Fold

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Per-User Leaderboard • Dynamically scoped variables
 Variable which take different values depending on where it is executing 80

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Per-User Leaderboard • Dynamically scoped variables
 Variable which take different values depending on where it is executing • Dynamically scoped fold operation
 Perform a distributed “reduce” operation that combines the state of a dynamically scoped variables across 80

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81 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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82 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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83 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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84 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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85 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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86 %% Create a global leaderboard. G = declare({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a local leaderboard. L = declare_dynamic({top_k, [10]}). %% Create a set of scores. S = declare_dynamic(set). %% Compute local top-k list. fold(S, fun max_by_name/2, L). %% Compute global top-k list. fold_dynamic(L, fun max_by_name/2, G).

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Let’s look at a larger application 87

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Let’s look at a larger application 87 With visible 

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What can we build? Advertisement Counter 88

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Advertisement Counter • Mobile game platform selling advertisement space
 Advertisements are paid according to a minimum number of impressions 89

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Advertisement Counter • Mobile game platform selling advertisement space
 Advertisements are paid according to a minimum number of impressions • Clients will go offline
 Clients have limited connectivity and the system still needs to make progress while clients are offline 89

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client 90

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Union 91 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Client 92 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads ovio Ad ounter 1 ovio Ad ounter 2 iot Ad ounter 1 iot Ad ounter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Ro C Rovio Ad Counter 1 Ro C Rovio Ad Counter 1 Ro C Rovio Ad Counter 1 Ro C Client Side, Sing 93 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product move Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client 94 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Filter Product Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client 95 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client 96 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Fil Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Union 97 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client 98 Ads Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Contracts Ads Contracts Ads With Contracts Riot Ads Rovio Ads Filter Product Read 50,000 Remove Increment Read Union Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Client Side, Single Copy at Client

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth 99

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth • Arbitrary distribution
 Use of convergent data structures allows computational graph to be arbitrarily distributed 99

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth • Arbitrary distribution
 Use of convergent data structures allows computational graph to be arbitrarily distributed • Divergence
 Divergence is a factor of synchronization period 99

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100 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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101 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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102 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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103 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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104 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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105 %% Generate a series of contracts. Contracts = declare(set), %% Generate advertisements. RiotAds = declare(set), RovioAds = declare(set), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RiotAds, Contracts), create_advertisements_and_contracts(RovioAds, Contracts), %% Union ads. Ads = declare(set), union(RovioAds, RiotAds, Ads), %% Compute the product of both ads and contracts. AdsContracts = declare(set), product(Ads, Contracts, AdsContracts), %% Filter items by join on item it. AdsWithContracts = declare(set), FilterFun = fun({#ad{id=Id1}, #contract{id=Id2}}) -> Id1 =:= Id2 end, filter(AdsContracts, FilterFun, AdsWithContracts).

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Client3 Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Riot Ad Counter 1 Client1 Client2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 1 Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Server Ads With Contracts Server Computation! 106

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Client3 Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Riot Ad Counter 1 Client1 Client2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 1 Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Server Ads With Contracts Server Computation! 107

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Client3 Lasp Operation User-Maintained CRDT Lasp-Maintained CRDT Riot Ad Counter 1 Client1 Client2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Rovio Ad Counter 2 Rovio Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 2 Riot Ad Counter 1 Riot Ad Counter 1 Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Ads With Contracts Server Ads With Contracts Server Computation! 108

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Advertisement Counter • “Servers” as peers to “clients”
 Servers are peers to clients that perform additional computation 109

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Advertisement Counter • “Servers” as peers to “clients”
 Servers are peers to clients that perform additional computation • Any node can disable an advertisement under this model given enough information 109

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Advertisement Counter • “Servers” as peers to “clients”
 Servers are peers to clients that perform additional computation • Any node can disable an advertisement under this model given enough information • “Servers” as trusted nodes
 Serve as a location for performing “exactly once” side- effects 109

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Advertisement Counter • “Servers” as peers to “clients”
 Servers are peers to clients that perform additional computation • Any node can disable an advertisement under this model given enough information • “Servers” as trusted nodes
 Serve as a location for performing “exactly once” side- effects • Billing customers must be done at a central point by a trusted node in the system 109

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We’ve build up from zero synchronization 110

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We’ve build up from zero synchronization 110 Instead of working to remove synchronization

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What have we learned? 111

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Key Points • Synchronization is expensive
 Locking and other synchronization mechanisms limit scalability to the critical section 112

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Key Points • Synchronization is expensive
 Locking and other synchronization mechanisms limit scalability to the critical section • Synchronization is sometimes not possible
 Mobile and “Internet of Things” applications make synchronization for replicated state impractical 112

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Key Points • Synchronization is expensive
 Locking and other synchronization mechanisms limit scalability to the critical section • Synchronization is sometimes not possible
 Mobile and “Internet of Things” applications make synchronization for replicated state impractical • Apply synchronization only where required
 Global invariants, atomic visibility, etc. 112

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How do I learn more? 113

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Publications • “Lasp: A Language for Distributed, Coordination-Free Programming” 
 ACM SIGPLAN PPDP 2015 • “Selective Hearing: An Approach to Distributed, Eventually Consistent Edge Computation”
 IEEE W-PSDS 2015 • “The Implementation and Use of a Generic Dataflow Behaviour in Erlang”
 ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop ’15 • “Lasp: A Language for Distributed, Eventually Consistent Computations with CRDTs"
 PaPoC 2015 • “Declarative, Sliding Window Aggregations for Computations at the Edge"
 IEEE EdgeCom 2016 114

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SyncFree is a European research project taking place for 3 years, staring October 2013, and is funded by the European Union, grant agreement n° 609551. 115

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Thanks! 116 Christopher Meiklejohn @cmeik