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 πʔϧ ฤ 2014-06-27

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Best practices for applying the IBM DevOps approach Plan, track, and version everything • Continuous business planning ensures transparency Dashboard everything • Collaborative development enables visibility Automate everything • Continuous automation of release management ensures repeatability Test everything • Continuous testing ensures quality Monitor and audit everything • Continuous monitoring ensures accountability IBM developerWorks : DevOps : Practices

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ͭ·Γ ͍ͨΔͱ͜Ζ ͕DevOpsͷ ର৅ ʮDevOpsͷ πʔϧʯͳΜ ͍ͯ͏දݱ͸ ʮΞδϟΠϧ ͷπʔϧʯͱ ಉ͡Α͏ͳද ݱ ͨͩ͠ɺπʔ ϧ͸࢖͍ํ࣍ ୈ

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ଟछଟ༷ͳπʔϧ (ൈਮ) Infrastructure • Provisioning • Configuration Management • System Integration • Applicati on Deploym ent VCS • Collaboration • System Monitoring • Application Monitoring • Analytics

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Tools ≠ DevOps 2012 Velocity London: DevOps Patterns Distilled

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Agile Software Development Bring Agility into Infrastructure XaaS Programmable Infrastructure Software Defined Infrastructure

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Infrastructure as Code “୯ʹαʔόʔߏ੒มߋΛࣗಈԽ͠·͠ΐ͏ͱ͍͏ ࿩Ͱ͸ͳ͘ɺΠϯϑϥΛ͢΂ͯιϑτ΢ΣΞͱ͠ ͯɺίʔυͰѻ͏͜ͱͰΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ։ൃͰ ߦΘΕ͖͍ͯͨΖ͍Ζͳ“ϫʔΫϑϩʔ” ΛΠϯϑ ϥ࡞ۀͷੈքʹ΋ಋೖ͠·͠ΐ͏Ͷͱɺͦ͏͍͏ ͜ͱͰ͋Γ·͢” Infrastructure as Code - naoyaͷ͸ͯͳμΠΞϦʔ

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Roles in organization Development • Dev • Ops • KBN Operation • Biz • Ops • KBN Maintenance • Dev • Ops • KBN

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Dev & Ops vs Biz

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Dev — Ops — Biz

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͋ͨ͠ͷ͋ͨΓ·͑ ࢭ·Βͳ͍ਐาɺੈͷதͷී௨

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࠷ۙͷ࿩୊ΑΓ ▪Immutable Infrastructure ▪Container Based Deployment

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ΞδϟΠϧ(S/W)։ൃͰҰൠతʹΑ͘஌Β Εͨग़஗Εύλʔϯ ؔ܎ͳ͍ ΈΜͳ΍ͬ ͯΔΒ͍͠ ΍Γ͍͕ͨ ෼͔Βͳ͍ ڝ૪ྗ௿Լ ༷ʑͳ໰୊ ͕ൃ֮

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ࢀߟ ͳΜͱͳ͘Ͱ΋஌͓͖͍ͬͯͨ

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࣌୅എܠ ▪ Πϯϑϥܥٕज़ͷྲྀΕ - Gosuke Miyashita ▪ ༻ޠ ▪ ΠϯϑϥۀքͷؾʹͳΔΩʔϫʔυʹ͍ͭͯௐ΂ͯΈͨ | Futurismo ▪

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ߏ੒؅ཧπʔϧͷൺֱ ▪ Comparison of open-source configuration management software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▪ Comparison_of_open_source_configuration_management_softwa re