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What is Architecture? What is an Architect?

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Software Architecture > Definition ISO 42010 Fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution

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Architecture = Boxes & Arrows

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Software Architect? > A title? > A role! > …in particular in agile teams. > Anyone / someone is doing architecture

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Software Architect? > Designer > …like an architect for buildings

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Architecture= Boxes + Arrows Architect= Designer Role

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Conway’s Law Architecture copies communication structures of the organization

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Current Frontend Backend

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Current Frontend Backend

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Current Frontend Backend

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Current: New goal?

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Current: New goal?

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New Goal

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Architecture > If architecture = organization > …then change to architecture = reorganization > …or organization is a constraint.

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Goal: Self-contained System http://scs-architecture-org

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Architecture > Developers’ skills and preferences drive technology decisions. > Technology decisions can drive architecture.

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Architecture= Boxes + Arrows +Org Architect= ?

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Why do we even care about Architecture?

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Quality Attributes > ISO 25010 > E.g. reliability > Usability > Maintainability > ...and a lot more

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Architecture= Quality Attributes Architect= ?

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Quality Attributes > Reliability > Usability > Maintainability

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Reliability > Software has to be available > Clean architecture & code – any impact?

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Reliability > Software has to be available > Classic approach: > Highly available hardware > Run in a cluster > …and cluster-enabled software

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Reliability > ISO 25010: Availability / Fault tolerance > ISO 25010: Recoverability

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Reliability > Highly available hardware > …and cluster > …focus on MTBF (Mean time between failure)

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Decrease MTTR - How?

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Decrease MTTR – How? > Find a problem faster > Measure > Monitoring > Logs > Alerts…

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Decrease MTTR – How? > Get the fix out faster > Deployment > …or fail-over

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Decrease MTTR – How? > Monitoring and Deployment: > Ops challenges > …not classic architecture

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Architecture= Quality Attributes+Org Architect= ?

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Quality Attributes > Reliability > Usability > Maintainability

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Usability > ISO 25010 > Learnability > Ease-of-use > Attractiveness

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Usability > Might be very important > …e.g. to gain a huge market share. > How do you make it happen?

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Architecture = Boxes & Arrows

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Some Ideas to Improve Usability > Hire an UX expert > Usability tests > Prototypes + feedback > Look at support cases / hotline calls

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Some Ideas to Improve Usability > No traditional architecture > QA / Organization / Project management

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Usability > Quality attribute > Part of the technical decisions > Beyond “usual” architecture measures

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Architecture= Quality Attributes+Org Architect= ?

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Quality Attributes > Reliability > Usability > Maintainability

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Maintainability > Clean architecture! > I am waiting for such a customer.

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We can achieve maintainability with clean architecture + clean code.

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Clean Architecture

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Module = microservices

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Module = microservices Communication e.g. REST

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Dependencies between systems cannot sneak in

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Dependencies between systems cannot sneak in

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Dependencies between systems cannot sneak in “Architecture Firewalls”

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“Architecture Firewall” like REST enforce the architecture

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Microservices small

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Microservices small Hard to mess up

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Microservices small Hard to mess up

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ECommerce System Catalog Billing Search Microservices small Hard to mess up

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ECommerce System Order Catalog Billing Search Microservices small Hard to mess up Replace if messed up.

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Small, independent deployable microservices are recyclable.

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Recycle your software! !

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How many people are trying to replace legacy systems?

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Replaceability is usually no goal for a software project. Why??

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We can achieve maintainability with clean architecture + clean code

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We can achieve maintainability with architecture firewalls + recyclable microservices

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Maintainability > Clean architecture focuses on Changeability. > …and Analyzability. > There is more!

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Testability > Another contributing to maintainability > IMHO: Should be tests, not just testability > Bonus if tests need not be changed for refactoring. > Unit tests? > Acceptance tests?

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Deployment > It’s nice to change code. > It’s (lean) waste until it is in production. > Deployment: another factor for maintainability.

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Commit Stage Automated Acceptance Testing Automated Capacity Testing Manual Explorative Testing Release QA Dev Ops

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Maintainability > Not clean architecture and code > Recyclable, very decoupled microservices > Not just structure of the system, but also > …test and deployment > …continuous delivery pipeline

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Maintainability > Not just architect and Dev, but also > QA and Ops

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Architecture= Quality Attributes+Org Architect= ?

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Achieving the Attributes > Organizational Measure (e.g. hire UX) > Cross-functional: Ops, Dev, QA

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Architect? > Technical manager > In charge of achieving the quality attributes > Influencing organization > …and Ops, Dev, QA

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Agile Team > Self Organization > i.e. not necessarily a defined architect > Architecture activities cover Ops, Dev, QA > Cross-functional!

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Architecture= Quality Attributes+Org Architect= Technical Management Role