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Docker Engine From one to hundres nodes Andrea Tosatto - @_hilbert_ 07/07/2016 - 1st Docker Rome Meetup

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Docker Engine From one to hundres nodes Andrea Tosatto - @_hilbert_ 07/07/2016 - 1st Docker Rome Meetup An introduction to the new Docker Engine “Swarm Mode”

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Docker Engine From one to hundres nodes Andrea Tosatto - @_hilbert_ 07/07/2016 - 1st Docker Rome Meetup Why the new Docker Engine “Swarm Mode” is so cool

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$ whoami > Andrea Tosatto § System and Platform Operations @ § OpenSource Code Monkey @

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$ whoami > Andrea Tosatto § § §

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# outline

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$ history

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# orchestration without orchestrators $ cat for i in {0..10} do ssh dck-dev$(printf %02d $i) \ docker run --name myapp -d myapp:latest done

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# orchestration without orchestrators $ cat playbook.yml --- - name: "Provision myapp" hosts: dckdev tasks: - name: "run myapp with docker" docker: name: myapp image: myapp:latest state: started

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# orchestrators without orchestration

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# the ecosystem’s big-bang

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# the ecosystem’s big-bang

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# the ecosystem’s big-bang

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# the ecosystem’s big-bang

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# the ecosystem’s big-bang

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$ docker

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# docker swarm

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# docker swarm # Run the consul to act as swarm key/value backend $ docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name=consul progrium/consul -server -bootstrap # Initialize the first swarm manager $ docker run -d -p 4000:4000 swarm manage -H :4000 --replication --advertise : 4000 consul://:8500 # Initialize another swarm manager $ docker run -d -p 4000:4000 swarm manage -H :4000 --replication --advertise : 4000 consul://:8500 # Join a worker node to the cluster $ docker run -d swarm join --advertise=:2375 consul://:8500

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# docker swarm

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# docker swarm

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# so then?!

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$ docker swarm

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# docker “swarm mode”

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# docker “swarm mode”

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# docker “swarm mode” # init a new swarm cluster $ docker swarm init # join the node as a manager $ docker swarm join --manager :2377 # join the node as worker $ docker swarm join :2377

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# docker “swarm mode” # accept a new joining manager $ docker node accept # list cluster nodes $ docker node ls

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# docker “swarm mode”

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# docker “swarm mode”

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$ docker service

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# docker “swarm mode” # cluster level overlay networking $ docker network create -d overlay # new clustered application creation $ docker service create --name --network -p # listing all the application in the cluster $ docker service ls

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# docker “swarm mode” # swarmkit’s tasks !!!!! :-) $ docker service tasks # up&down scaling $ docker service update --replicas 30 # build-in routing mesh $ curl http://:/

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# what’s next?

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# what’s next? § docker 1.12 is still rc3 $ kubernetes 1.3 has been released with improved scaling and autoscaling support workloads.html § hashicorp is pushing nomad claiming it can scale millions of containers on 5k hosts under 5 minutes

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# what’s next? "We believe that we can provide a better user experience by integrating orchestration features into the platform itself" Mike Goelzer, Product lead for Docker Core

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# what’s next?

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# thank you

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# demo