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Introduction for sonarwhal @sota1235 Roppongi.js #2@Mercari, Inc 2018/4/24

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console.log(me) • Sota Sugiura(きりん) • @sota1235 • Mercari, Inc. • 将来の夢はJavaScript になることです

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About sonarwhal

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sonarwhal is a linting tool that will help you with your site's accessibility, speed, security and more, by checking your code for best practices and common errors.

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Sonarwhal • Webサイト向けのLintingツール • コード、Webサイトの両⽅から改善を促す • 1年の開発を経て先⽇、v1.0.0がリリース

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Sonarwhal works for • Accessibility • Performance • Security • PWA • and so on

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Feature • CLIとOnlineの両⽅がある • ESLintのようにconfigが書ける • というか.eslintrcそのもの • BabelやTypeScriptのconfigを読みに⾏ったり もする

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{ "extends": [ "web-recommended" ] } Rule

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使い⽅ $ npx sonarwhal

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以下⼿順で動いた(local) $ npm init -y $ npm i -S @sonarwhal/configuration-web-recommended sonarwhal $ npm run sonarwhal

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Accessibility • アクセシビリティに関 するチェックをする • ⼀部、axe-coreを利⽤ してる

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Accessibility • element must have a lang attribute • Page must contain one main landmark • Content should be contained in a landmark region

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Interoperability • 正直、よくわからん • HTTPヘッダの⽭盾や ⽂字コードの⽭盾等を 指摘する

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Interoperability • 'content-type' header should have 'charset=utf-8' • No viewport meta tag was specified • Response with status code 404 had less than 512 bytes

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Interoperability • 'content-type' header should have 'charset=utf-8' • No viewport meta tag was specified • Response with status code 404 had less than 512 bytes

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Hello Apache

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Performance • サイトパフォーマンス に影響しうるものを検 知 • 主にバックエンド側の 検知をする

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Performance • Should be served compressed with gzip when gzip compression is requested. • Should be served compressed with Brotli when Brotli compression is requested over HTTPS. • No "cache-control" header or empty value found. It should have a value

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Performance • Should be served compressed with gzip when gzip compression is requested. • Should be served compressed with Brotli when Brotli compression is requested over HTTPS. • No "cache-control" header or empty value found. It should have a value _⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈_ > スパルタ <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

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Performance • File "bn_goods.png" can be 9.88kB (56%) smaller. • 何を根拠に…?

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Optimize Image

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Optimize Image QY QY QY QY

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PWA • PWAとしての機能を チェックする • PWAじゃない場合はオ フにすべし

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PWA • '/_shared/img/apple_touch_icons/ apple-touch-icon-60x60.png? update=20170101' is not 180x180px

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Security • セキュリティ周りの チェックをする • そこまで⾼度なチェッ クはできなそう…?

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Security • 'x-content-type-options' header is not specified • 'set-cookie' header to set 'nid' doesn't have the 'secure' directive. • Resource js/jquery.easing.js requested without the "integrity" attribute

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Security • [email protected] has 1 known vulnerabilities (1 medium). See for more information. • '' is missing 'rel' values 'noopener', ‘noreferrer'

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所感 • まだまだ荒削り • Ruleのカスタマイズが可能とはいえまだ情報 も少ない • 適切に使わないと運⽤が⽴ち⾏かなくなる • PWAはLighthouseでいいんじゃないかな

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期待ポイント • アーキテクチャ⾃体は柔軟に作ってある • parserやrendererは分離されてたり • いろいろ整えばさくっとオリジナルRule書い て運⽤とかも夢じゃなさそう

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⼈が⾜りません! • メルカリでは#z-prefixをつけて部活チャンネ ルを作る⽂化があります • 先⽇、#z-aikoを作りました

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Weʼre hiring • メルカリでは#z-aikoに⼊りたい⽅を募集して ます • ついでにフロントエンドエンジニアも募集し てます

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