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Quem Usa?

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MUDANÇAS DE PARADIGMA 80s - desktop & clients 90s - browser & websites 00s - smartphones & apps 10s - it’s the turn of messaging & bots

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ChatOps? ”ChatOps, a term widely credited to GitHub, is all about conversation-driven development. By bringing your tools into your conversations and using a chat bot modified to work with key plugins and scripts, teams can automate tasks and collaborate, working better, cheaper and faster.” Eric Sigler - pagerduty

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O que é ChatOps? ” ChatOps is a collaboration model that connects people, tools, process, and automation into a transparent workflow. … Conversation-driven collaboration isn’t new, but ChatOps is its digital-age manifestation: a combination of the oldest form of collaboration with the newest technology. And this surprisingly simple combination will change the way you work.” Sean Regan - Atlassian Blog

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DO GITHUB Rocket.Cat

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HUBOT ADAPTERS Shell AIM ChatWork Dasher Fleep Flowdock Gitter Gtalk Hall HipChat iMessage IRC Jabbr Let’s Chat Lingr Mattermost Mattermost - websocket Campfire Facebook Messenger QQ Partychat Rocket.Chat Slack Skype SkypeWeb Skyweb Talker Telegram Twilio IP Messaging Twilio SMS Twitter Visual Studio Online XMPP Yammer 38 Adapters

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Instalando o Hubot > npm install -g yo generator-hubot > mkdir myhubot > cd myhubot > yo hubot

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Instalando o Hubot

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Instalando o Hubot

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/command $1

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/command $1 == # command $1

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/command $1 == # command $1

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CHATBOTS Oferta de Informações e Serviços Design de Interação Cognitiva Simular uma relação humana

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Tecnologias Processamento de Linguagem Natural Reconhecimento de Intenções e Entidades Fluxos de Conversação Redes Neurais Machine Learning

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Hall da Fama

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APIs de AI Frontend Backend

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APIs de AI OpenSource ClosedSource

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Stephen Hawking “AI will be either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity” “Every aspect of our lives will be transformed. In short, success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation.”

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Apoie Iniciativas OpenSource

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Apoie Iniciativas OpenSource

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NLP Tools Tokenizers String Distance Phonetics Inflectors N-Grams tf-idf Tries EdgeWeightedDigraph ShortestPathTree LongestPathTree WordNet Spellcheck Stemmers | Classifiers | PoS Tagger

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HubotNatural Javascript || CoffeeScript OnPremise Install OpenSource NLP Tools Event Oriented YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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YAML Corpus

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Event Oriented

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Event Oriented

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Event Oriented

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Como Funciona?

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PoS Tagger

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PoS Tagger NN Noun, singular or mass VB Verb, base form DT Determiner IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction

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Dúvidas sobre o SEI?

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HubotNatural Conversation Flow Debug Functions Classify Intents Identify Entities Collect Data Supervised Learning MongoDB Brain Roadmap

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Participe da Comunidade /hubot-natural

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WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING • AwesomeUX,build fororgs& communities

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WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING + • AwesomeUX,build fororgs& communities • Zero investmenttostartparticipating

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WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING + + • AwesomeUX,build fororgs& communities • Zero investmenttostartparticipating • Build an ecosystemofBOTsand services

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WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING + + + • AwesomeUX,build fororgs& communities • Zero investmenttostartparticipating • Build an ecosystemofBOTsand services • Open Sourceand optimizefor flexibility

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WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING + + + + • AwesomeUX,build fororgs& communities • Zero investmenttostartparticipating • Build an ecosystemofBOTsand services • Open Sourceand optimizefor flexibility • Distributedand universally adopted

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Vamos marcar uma oficina? Diego Dorgam [email protected] @diegodorgam

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Obrigado! Dúvidas?