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Clean Code Base With Android Lint Sinan Kozak @snnkzk @[email protected] Harnessing the Power of Android Lint and Custom Rules

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How to transfer our learnings and experience to others as a developer?

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Android Lint Improve your code with lint checks The lint tool helps find poorly structured code that can impact the reliability and efficiency of your Android apps and make your code harder to maintain. Categories: Correctness Security Compliance Performance Usability Productivity Accessibility Internationalization Icons Typography Files: Java Kotlin Layout Manifest Gradle Proguard Property TOML Test Other

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Are you using Android Lint checks? Is your setup up to date?

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Default Rules Source code

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Prevents runtime errors Some examples StringFormatDetector Check which looks for problems with formatting strings such as inconsistencies between translations or between string declaration and string usage. TranslucentViewDetector Specifying a fixed screen orientation with a translucent theme isn't supported on apps with `targetSdkVersion` O or greater since there can be an another activity visible behind your activity with a conflicting request.

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Checks for target sdk IntentFilterExportedReceiver Any intent with filters should be exported explicitly on Android 12 and higher Otherwise, installation will fail. IntentFilterExportedReceiver checks all intents in final manifest. bs/lint-checks/src/main/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/ExportedFlagDetector.kt

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NotificationTrampoline Activities should not be launched indirectly Launching activity from Broadcast or service is not allowed after Android 12. Lint helps you during migration Do not ignore new lint errors bs/lint-checks/src/main/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/NotificationTrampolineDetector.kt

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MutatingSharedPrefs What is wrong with SharedPreferences.getStringSet "Note that you must not modify the set instance returned by this call. The consistency of the stored data is not guaranteed if you do, nor is your ability to modify the instance at all." Lint prevents you to write not working code dio-main:lint/libs/lint-checks/src/main/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/Shar edPrefsDetector.kt

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Performance checks? JavaPerformanceDetector Lint does not now anything about runtime performance but there are obvious APIs that are faster than others. ● DrawAllocation ● UseSparseArrays ibs/lint-checks/src/main/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/

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Open source lint rules

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How to start now? Baseline file Own lint rule module

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Template repo ● Google sample repo ● Prevent calling unwanted methods and constructors ● Teach better APIs ● Documentation? ● TDD during development

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Thank you Q&A Sinan Kozak @snnkzk @[email protected]