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Elm, the functional frontend Seiya Izumi (@sy_izumi)

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Seiya Izumi (@sy_izumi) Software Engineer at Unipos

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Recent work ● Talked at elm Europe 2019 ● Organized elm Meetup 2019 in Japan

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What is Elm?

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Key features ● Typed, functional AltJS ● No runtime error ● Nice error message ● Everything is immutable

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No runtime error numbers = [1, 2, 3] first = List.head numbers multiplied = first * 2

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No runtime error numbers = [1, 2, 3] first = List.head numbers multiplied = first * 2 Here raises a compile error

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No runtime error numbers = [1, 2, 3] first = numbers |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault 0 multiplied = first * 2 Now, Maybe was unwrapped into Int with a default value

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Builtin types String, Int, Bool, Seq, Dict, List, … type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing type Result a b = Ok a | Err b type Task x a

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Nice error message

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Nice error message Syntax errors are highly concentrated in the first weeks with a language, and people are particularly vulnerable in this time. When a beginner asks themselves why something is hard, it is easy to think, "Because I am bad at it!" And it is easy to spiral from there. “The Syntax Cliff” by Evan Czaplicki

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Meanwhile in TypeScript...

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Port (JavaScript interoperability) Elm JavaScript Subscribe Send

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Elm on React cultureamp/react-elm-components import Elm from 'react-elm-components' import { Todo } from '../dist/elm/todomvc.js' function render() { return }

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Why functional programming on frontend?

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Frontend is full of side-effect ● DOM rendering ● Web API ● Browser API ● Timer and more...

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Frontend is full of side-effect ● DOM rendering ● Web API ● Browser API ● Timer and more... Predictability is a key

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Typical “Event Emitter” Hell Component Component Component Component Component Event Emitter Subscribe Emit Event Emitter Event Emitter Subscribe Emit Subscribe Subscribe Emit Subscribe Subscribe

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Predictability: Flux architecture “MVC Does Not Scale, Use Flux Instead” by Jing Chen, Facebook

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Referential Transparency and Predictability Function Function Function

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The Elm Architecture Model View Update Msg

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Gotcha: Frontend is a function! Application User Interaction Web API Timer DOM

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Real world usage

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50k LOC 2+ years 7+ frontend engineeers

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No hustling in tools

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TEA as a railway

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States are predictable “How to fix a bad interface” by Scott Hurf

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States are predictable type State = Blank | Loading Progress | Partial Partial.Model | Error Error.Model | Ideal Ideal.Model view : State -> Html msg view state = case state of Blank -> … Loading _ -> … Partial _ -> … Error _ -> … Ideal _ -> …

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Maintainability keeping productivity Making a massive, aggressive changes everyday!

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Benefits we got ● Predictable, maintainable codebase ● Lower communication cost ● Aggressive, fearless change

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Further resources

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Elm-jp Discord

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Elmlang Slack

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JSConf 2019

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No content

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